When creating attribute sets my attributes used to appear in alphabetical order. Tried creating some new attribute sets today and they are no longer in alphabetical order. Anyone seen this?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Unassigned attr. used to be alphabetical Order.
Product page.
From Color down Position set to 4
@Damian Culotta wrote:Hi @MacArthur,
Can you share an screenshot of the issue?
Here are some pics with a short description under each.
Thank you.
Hi @MacArthur,
For layered navigation can you try using the position property of the attribute?
Attribute position
Thank you for the response. I have Brand set at 0. Global set at 1. All of the rest are all set at 4. All of the attribute positions set at 4 used to then position themselves in alphabetical order on the filter tabs for layered navigation on the web page. Just noticed this by mistake and liked that it arranged them that way. Sorry, I should have included a screen shot of that as well. I'm going to be upgrading from 2.1.7 in the next couple of weeks and will see if that makes a difference. I'll post the result. Thank you.