Expected Result:
- I update the regular price on my Item in the Default Store View table via a Magento API call.
- I expect the price on my other Storefront be updated to the same price because the "Use Default Value" checkbox next to the Item Price field is checked.
- I expect the "Use Default Value" to remain selected.
Actual Result:
- I update the regular price on my Item in the Default Store View table via a Magento Update Price API call.
- I see that the price on my other Storefront has been updated to the same price because I have checked the "Use Default Value" checkbox before I invoked the Update Price API.
- I notice that the "Use Default Value" checkbox is unchecked.
Hello @ramilhypere699
It sounds like there might be a problem with the Magento API or with how the API call was made. The expected behavior is for the "Use Default Value" checkbox to remain selected after updating the price via the API call. It's possible that the API call is not updating the checkbox correctly, or that there is a bug in the Magento system that is causing the checkbox to become unchecked.
You may want to double-check the API call to make sure it is correctly updating the price and the checkbox. Additionally, you could try updating the price and checkbox manually in the Magento admin panel to see if the issue persists. If it does, it might be worth investigating further to see if there is a known bug or issue with the Magento system.