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displaying configurable products that are marked down

displaying configurable products that are marked down

I've inherited a Magento 2.3.1 site that includes a page displaying all products that have a special price. It works for simple products, but no configurable products show up there.


I checked the page content in the admin., it consists only of a Catalog Products List widget with the condition "Special Price is not 0."


When I examine a configurable product, I see that the Price field is grayed out. 


If I look at a specific configuration of the product (like a particular size), I notice "Visibility" is set to "Not Visible Individually"


How do I configure things so that the product shows up in the special price page? 


The page in question is here:


And here's an example of a configurable product that's marked down that should be appearing on that page:


Thank you.