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lot of main.INFO: Broken reference: errors

lot of main.INFO: Broken reference: errors



I'm getting lot of main.INFO: Broken reference: error but everything is working. Can this be fixed?


[2022-09-07T10:43:17.440005+00:00] main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' tries to reorder itself towards 'catalog.product.related.sidebar', but their parents are different: 'sidebar.main' and '' respectively. [] []
[2022-09-07T10:43:17.440136+00:00] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'product.brand.img.sidebar' tries to reorder itself towards '', but their parents are different: 'sidebar.main' and '' respectively. [] []
[2022-09-07T10:43:17.440290+00:00] main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' tries to reorder itself towards 'view.addto.wishlist', but their parents are different: '' and '' respectively. [] []
[2022-09-07T10:43:17.440438+00:00] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'page.main.title' tries to reorder itself towards 'breadcrumbs', but their parents are different: '' and 'page.main.title' respectively. [] []
[2022-09-07T10:43:18.963729+00:00] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'category.image.bottom.content' tries to reorder itself towards 'category.products.list', but their parents are different: 'content' and 'category.products' respectively. [] []
[2022-09-07T10:43:42.702168+00:00] main.INFO: Reference to undeclared plugin with name 'mp-currency-formatter-sale-order-search-grid'. [] []
[2022-09-07T10:43:56.928826+00:00] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'category.image.bottom.content' tries to reorder itself towards 'category.products.list', but their parents are different: 'content' and 'category.products' respectively. [] []


Re: lot of main.INFO: Broken reference: errors

Hello @caos989 


For quick fix, you can just add the following file.


with following code:

<layout xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_layout.xsd">
<container name="sidebar.additional" label="Sidebar Additional" htmlTag="div"/>
<referenceContainer name="sidebar.additional" remove="true"/>
 <container name="sidebar.main" label="Sidebar Main" htmlTag="div"/>
<referenceContainer name="sidebar.main" remove="true"/> 

it will remove following two error from system.log

  • Broken reference: sidebar_additional
  • Broken reference: sidebar_main
Problem solved? Click Accept as Solution!

Re: lot of main.INFO: Broken reference: errors

I don't have a 1column.xml file in this folder.

Just: column-vertical.xml, product-with-sticky-info-2.xml and product-with-sticky-info.xml


So what can I do now?

Re: lot of main.INFO: Broken reference: errors

sorry wrong post

Re: lot of main.INFO: Broken reference: errors

I uploaded 1column.xml in app/design/frontend/Mgs/claue/Magento_Theme/page_layout with  this content:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <container name="sidebar.additional" label="Sidebar Additional" htmlTag="div">
        <referenceBlock name="" remove="true"/>
        <referenceBlock name="sale.reorder.sidebar" remove="true"/>
        <referenceBlock name="wishlist_sidebar" remove="true" />
        <referenceBlock name="custom.sidebar.content" remove="true" />

but this is not the solution because after that update you can't see the very important blocks like: compare etc

the error LOG says:
main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'sale.reorder.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'wishlist_sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'custom.sidebar.content' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []



main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'catalog.product.related.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.main', because the latter doesn't exist [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.main', because the latter doesn't exist [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'product.brand.img.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.main', because the latter doesn't exist [] []

So I tried to change my 1column.xml to:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <container name="sidebar.additional" label="Sidebar Additional" htmlTag="div">
    <container name="sidebar.main" label="Sidebar Main" htmlTag="div">

This looks like all blocks stays where the should and the errors are also gone. Do you think this is the correct solution?



Now I have also this errors:


main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'skip_gallery_before' tries to reorder itself towards '', but their parents are different: 'skip_gallery_before.wrapper' and '' respectively. [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'skip_gallery_after' tries to reorder itself towards '', but their parents are different: 'skip_gallery_after.wrapper' and '' respectively. [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' tries to reorder itself towards 'view.addto.wishlist', but their parents are different: '' and '' respectively. [] []

main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'page.main.title' tries to reorder itself towards 'breadcrumbs', but their parents are different: '' and 'page.main.title' respectively. [] []


So what should I do here?