hello, im trying to upgrade Magento Version 2.3.4 to Magento 2.4.0,
all are done without error,
but at last i have update composer and then run bin/magento cache:clean command i get error like this,
Constant name is expected.
then searched for this, and i found in vendor/magento/framework/Data/Argument/Interpreter/Constant.php
file i add print_r($data);exit; and run command,
i get below output
[name] => code
[value] => Magento\Braintree\Model\Ui\ConfigProvider::CODE
and that is found in vendor/paypal/module-braintree-core/Model/Ui/ConfigProvider.php
in this file has already code of const CODE = 'braintree';
now exactly where is the issue i don't found, please help me on this.
Hi @R K Solanki ,
Can you check the same constant in file
If this file exist because according to error they expect this constant should be in above file. If file exist, try to add the constant code and check if your issue resolves.
Hope this helps you!
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Hello @Nishu Jindal ,
thanks for the answer,
i have already checked in
vendor/magento/module-braintree/Model/Ui/ConfigProvider.php file,
this file exists and also the CONST code also exists,
and i get error,
class ConfigProvider implements ConfigProviderInterface
const CODE = 'braintree';
const CC_VAULT_CODE = 'braintree_cc_vault';
Hi @R K Solanki ,
I found below description related to your error.
Can you check once.
I think some problem in your etc folder. check all xml files. Constant name should be in CAPITAL letters. any of your constant remain in small letters. check it and correct it. Hope this will solve your Problem.
Hope this helps you!
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@Nishu Jindal i have checked in app/etc folder, there are few xml files,
db_schema.xml, di.xml files,
i have checked using grep command, but not found Constant name in Capital or small letters
For upgrade Magento i have run this all commands
php73 -dmemory_limit=8G bin/magento maintenance:enable
/usr/bin/php73 -dmemory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer require magento/composer-root-update-plugin=~1.0 --no-update
/usr/bin/php73 -dmemory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer update
cp composer.json composer.json.bak
/usr/bin/php73 -dmemory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer remove magento/product-community-edition --no-update
/usr/bin/php73 -dmemory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer require magento/product-community-edition=2.4.0 --no-update
/usr/bin/php73 -dmemory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer update
php73 -dmemory_limit=8G bin/magento cache:clean
at last i run this coomand php73 -dmemory_limit=8G bin/magento cache:clean and i get this error,
i checked in app/code but this braintree module not in this folder, checked etc folder all xml file, but not this Constant write in this files,
now where to look in magento directory?
please help me
Hi @R K Solanki ,
Can you run below command and check if you get same error
php73 -dmemory_limit=8G bin/magento setup:upgrade
Also cross check if your any of custom module have any customization done on braintree module.if yes, try to comment the customization and check your error.
Hope this helps you!
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I am also having the exact same issue. I checked all XML files but can't find any issue. Also no Braintree module folder on the app/code folder. The issue actually comes after running the following command and it showing the same error after Magento update to 2.4.0:
composer require magento/composer-root-update-plugin=~1.0 --no-update
composer update
Please help me to solve the issue
The same thing happened to me as well, cinema hd but i woudn't want to type all that here. Just looking for the way to get out of it smoothly.
I also have same issue are you found any solution for that?