main.CRITICAL: Error: Class "CheckoutCom\Magento2\Gateway\Config\Loader" not found in /bitnami/magento/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/AbstractFactory.php:121
I am getting above error when opening the UI on the admin page after installed the plugin.
can someone please help ?
Hello @lalitswainca55
Kindly follow below steps:
1. Open <php.ini> file and find the line ;extension=php_intl.dll or ;extension=intl. 2. Remove (;) from there and save the file. 3. Restart Xampp or Wamp server and refresh the installation page.
It may help you!
Thank you
Hi @lalitswainca55 ,
Please check vendor/checkoutcom/magento2/Gateway/Config/Loader.php exists or not?
I suggest to reinstall modue with composer.
Here is the command: composer require checkoutcom/magento2
After execute above command please run below commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento s:s:d -f;
Problem Solved? Accept as Solution!
Hope it helps!