Happy #MagentoMonday!
Our Top Solutions Authors the past week were:
- @Manthan Dave
- @Meetanshi
- @Vimal Kumar
- @Robert Rand
- @DK_dev
Thanks so much for your help in providing useful solutions!
Magento Community Diverse Speaker Training
Earlier this year we announced that we are working with Jill Binder of DiverseIn.tech to offer an online Magento Community Speaker Workshop. Having more kinds of folks present from the stage benefits the community and our products. In offering an online speaker workshop, we are aiming to eliminate a barrier to public speaking by creating an opportunity for professional training. The first workshop took place in July and those who took part in this launch had a 47 percent increase in public speaking confidence! Find out how to register for January.
Live Translation on the Magento Forums
Last week we added the capability for live translation in 8 additional languages here on the Magento Forums. We've launched this capability with Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. You can now read and reply to any of the main discussion areas in any of those 8 languages, in addition to the pre-existing English. Our hope is that this live translation will allow the broader Magento community to share knowledge and solve problems together across language barriers.

(If you have a language request, please send it my way for future consideration.)
Squashtoberfest 2019
For the past two years, contributors to Magento projects during October have had a chance to win some cool swag from us based on their contributions. This will be the third year the event runs and we’re expanding its scope to also include Adobe open source projects! If you submit 5 pull requests to either github.com/magento or github.com/adobe repositories during October, we’ll send you some swag! Check out our DevBlog for more details.
GitHub Contributor Badge
It's been awhile since we added the GitHub Contributor Badge to the forums, so I wanted to remind you that if you contribute to Magento on GitHub and you would like your profile here to show that you do, you can request a Core Contributor badge.
If you're new to our forums, welcome! Take a look around, introduce yourself, check out our guidelines, and be sure to reach out to me or any of our awesome moderators if you have any questions.
Recent Podcasts & Videos
- Commerce Party Episode 12: From the Beginning with Genevieve Eddison, by Karen Baker & Genevieve Eddison (October 16)
- When are Frontend Developers going to become certified?, by Joseph Maxwell (October 17)
- Why tests should be written with Action Groups only, by Alex Kolesnyk (October 17)
- How Magento stores are running pay for performance advertising, by Robert Rand (October 18)
- Future Commerce Episode 130: RXBAR CMO: "No Bullsh*t" is Never Going Away, by Phillip Jackson (October 18)
- PWA Community Meeting, by Andrew Wilcox (October 18)
- Actionable Insights Episode #3: "Help Me Decide!", by Joseph Maxwell (October 18)
- Dutchento Livestream #PreMagentoLive, by Sander de Graaf, Guido Jansen, and Sander Mangel (October 21)
- How to add a Bootstrap CSS for Your Magento 2 Theme, by Max Pronko (October 21)
- MFTF Quick Guides - Before & After, by Tom Erskine (October 21)
- Adobe Stock Integration public meeting, by Fil Maj (October 22)
- Magento Architectural Discussion, by Olga Kopylova (October 23)
- Commerce Party Podcast: What’s Cooking? with Miguel Balparda, by Quentin Montalto (October 23)
- MFTF Quick Guides - Suites, by Tom Erskine (October 25)
Recent Articles
- Magento 2.3.3, 2.2.10,,, SUPEE-11219 and 2.3.2-P2, by Robert Rand (October 10)
- Backward-incompatible Changes in the Mail Library for Magento 2.3.3, by Igor Melnykov (October 14)
- Is Magento 1 your Final Destination?, by Phillip Jackson (October 14)
- [Portuguese] Como sobrescrever um arquivo de Layout XML no Magento 2, by Ricardo Martins (October 15)
- Getting Started with Magento Page Builder, by Nathan Toombs (October 15)
- Magento 2.3.3 Details, Holiday Code Freeze and a Much Improved Security Patching Process, by Christopher Brabender (October 15)
- How to Get Customer Addresses by Customer ID in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 15)
- Magento Imagine at Adobe Summit: Bigger and Better Than Ever, by Brittany Mosquera (October 16)
- Partners Contribution Rewards Q3 2019 Rankings Announced, by Fil Maj (October 16)
- New Open Source Tool for Magento, by Max Chadwick (October 16)
- Wagento and MageTraining Combine Forces, by Nikki Lanzer (October 16)
- Why Adopting EPOS Software can Enable You to Track eCommerce Sales and Inventory More Efficiently, by Magento (October 16)
- Magento 2.3.3 Is Out Now! Here’s What You Need to Know!, by Justin Thomas (October 16)
- What is Vertex Tax and how to Configure in Magento 2, by Gaurav Jain (October 16)
- How to Remove Breadcrumbs From Product Page in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 16)
- Atwix MageNews – October 2019, by Roman Glushko (October 16)
- Inside Redbox: meet Joseph Degaetano, Redbox’s head of delivery, MENA, by Redbox Digital (October 16)
- Introduction to Adobe Commerce Integration Framework (CIF), by Nikki Lanzer (October 17)
- How to Speed Up Magento 2 Admin Panel, by Sanjay Jethva (October 17)
- How to Prepare Your Magento Website for Traffic Spikes?, by Best Media Response (October 17)
- Get Checkout status of user is guest or registerd using javascript Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 17)
- How to Setup Reports Configuration in Magento 2, by Gaurav Jain (October 17)
- Get Tracking details information by Shipment id Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 17)
- 5 Reasons Your B2B Business Needs ECommerce, by Magento (October 17)
- How to Create Sitemap in Magento?, by Dasha M. (October 18)
- How to fix PDF Attachment Not Working Issue in Magento 2.3.3, by Dhiren Vasoya (October 18)
- How to Import Product Images in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 18)
- Magento 2 Override order/tracking/view.phtml tracking file for backend, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 18)
- 7 Ways to Win At eCommerce This Holiday Season, by PayPal (October 18)
- [German] Magento 2.3.3, by Matthias Zeis (October 19)
- [German] Page Builder – das bessere CMS-Modul für Magento 2, by Matthias Zeis (October 19)
- Verify Contact page is enable or not using programmatically Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 19)
- Uninstall module with database table schema using Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 19)
- How to Add Custom Entries To Admin System Configuration in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 21)
- Magento Tech Digest #81, by Max Pronko (October 21)
- How to remove refunds link from the Order page Magento 2?, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 21)
- How to remove Invoices link from the Order View page Front area Magento 2?, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 21)
- How to remove Order Shipments link from the Order View Front end Magento 2?, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 21)
- How to get the Current Date using Custom Format in Magento 2, by Dhiren Vasoya (October 21)
- From Catwalk to Cart: How Zadig & Voltaire Prepares for Growth with Magento Commerce, by Adobe Experience Cloud (October 21)
- Print.com Builds a Powerful B2B Ecommerce Platform for Any Print Job, by Adobe Communications Team (October 21)
- How to pass Magento 2 certification exams, by Kalpesh Mehta (October 21)
- Bergeron Co. completes their 4th Magento site!, by EYStudios (October 21)
- Magento begins to integrate more deeply into the Adobe stack, by Ron Miller (October 21)
- Solved – Display Product Title With Special Characters in Magento 2 Mini Cart, by Sanjay Jethva (October 22)
- “It Follows”: Magento End of Life Horrors Part 3, by Phillip Jackson (October 22)
- Tools and Resources to Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2, by Nikki Lanzer (October 22)
- Magento 1 vs. Magento 2 – Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade Going into 2019, by John Cymerman (October 22)
- Adobe intros new commerce tools for SMB, mid-market merchants, by Natalie Gagliordi (October 22)
- Hussey Coding launches UK Magento project marketplace, by Roy Edwards (October 22)
- Announcing Early Access Program for Magento Commerce Product Recommendations, by Jason Woosley (October 22)
- Amazon Sales Channel in Magento Is Now Available in the U.K., by Jason Woosley (October 22)
- Magento Acquires New B2B Technology, by Jason Woosley (October 22)
- Magento Unveils Hands-Free Shopping, Robot-Assisted Retail and Other Commerce Innovations at Magento..., by Michele Miller (October 22)
- Yotpo Reviews and Visual UGC Now Bundled in Magento, by John Stockton (October 22)
- Adobe’s New Magento Features Include Enhanced Security, Performance, Integrations, by PYMNTS (October 22)
- How to Setup Email ID for Contact us Form in Magento 2, by Gaurav Jain (October 22)
- Plugin for Subscribe() method of email subscription Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 22)
- Get list of Inventory Stocks in MSI Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 22)
- Get Inventory Source info by Source Name using Multi-Source (MSI) Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 22)
- Get Source data by source_code using Multi Source Inventory (MSI) Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 22)
- Get All sources list Multi Source Inventory (MSI) Programmatically Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 22)
- Add New Column in admin_user table Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 23)
- Create Unique Key Column in db_schema.xml file Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 23)
- Drop or remove Table from Database using DataPatchInterface Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 23)
- Magento Innovations Lab Teams Up With Amazon Web Services (AWS), by Michele Miller (October 23)
- Meetup #11: S02E03, by MugAr (October 23)
- How To Remove SKU from Product Page in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 23)
- Magento & Google Shopping: All You Need to Know, by Best Response Media (October 23)
- How to Remove Stock Availability From Product Page in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 24)
- Boost your Magento backend performances with REDIS!, by Kévin Weyhaupt (October 24)
- How to Optimize Images in Magento: Your Starter Kit for Faster Web Pages, by Yuriy (October 24)
- Top 9 Astonishing Magento E-commerce Web Design Trends You Must Follow, by Juliette Anderson (October 24)
- Support For Magento 2.2 ends soon | Magento is dropping support for PHP 7.1 & below, by Mohsin (October 25)
- 18 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time For Magento 2 Migration, by Shivbhadrasinh Gohil (October 25)
- Mixins for Checkout estimation.js file Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 25)
- How to Create Sample Extension in Magento 2, by Dhiren Vasoya (October 25)
- [German] Geschäftsbedingungen / Terms and Conditions in Magento 2, by Matthias Zeis (October 25)
- New Security-Only Patches for Magento Users, by Nikki Lanzer (October 25)
- When Magento Innovations Lab met Head-On Shopping, by Umme Hani (October 26)
- [German] Aktuelles aus der Magento-Welt, by Matthias Zeis (October 25)
- [German] Sicherheit von Magento 2: Security-Patches und -Releases, by Matthias Zeis (October 25)
- [Spanish] Magento (SUPEE-11219), by Damián Culotta (October 27)
- How to Switch Php Versions in Magento, by Sanjay Jethva (October 28)
- Magento Tech Digest #82, by Max Pronko (October 28)
- [Spanish] Magento 2.3.3 (mucho más que un parche), by Damián Culotta (October 28)
- How to Display Full Order Summary in Checkout Shipping Step of Magento 2, by Gaurav Jain (October 28)
Recent Events
Upcoming Events
- PNW Magento Meetup 2019 (3 of 4): SHOP OF HORRORS - M1 EOL is upon us!!! in Seattle, WA on October 29th.
- Liverpool Magento Meet Up in Liverpool, UK on October 30th.
- Manchester Magento Meetup in Manchester, UK on October 30th.
- Dublin Magento Meetup in Dublin, IE on October 31st.
- Meetup #11 (S02E03), in Caba, AR on November 1st.
- Meet Magento Japan in Tokyo, JP on November 5th.
- Meet Magento Asia in Bangkok, TH on November 7th.
- Indore Magento Meetup #2 - Special Guest: Joseph Maxwell from SwiftOtter in Indore, IN on November 9th.
- 50. Magento Stammtisch Hamburg in November 13th.
- Proactive Magento Security in Mumbai, IN on November 17th.
- MUG076 Breda: Progressive Web Apps in Breda, NL on November 21st.
- Meet Magento Greece in Athens, GR on November 23rd.
- Meetup #12 (S02E04) in Rosario, AR on November 29th.
- Mage Unconference in Cologne, DE on November 29-December 1st.
- 38. Magento-Stammtisch Aachen - Weihnachtsedition / Christmas Edition in Aachen, DE on December 2nd.
- 27. Magento Stammtisch Kiel in Kiel, DE on December 4th.
- [Beerbash] Magento Meetup Kansai Final[E-Commerce] in Osaka, JP on December 10th.
Do you organize a Magento Meetup? Join our Meetup Organizers group here on the forums and find out more about how we can support you on our blog!
For a full list of upcoming events, be sure to check out our Event Calendar, as well as browsing our Meetup page for a list of Magento Meetups near you.
Did I miss anything? Request to add your content to the list I read/listen to each week. Note that I will only include content specifically about Magento.