Happy #MagentoMonday!
Our Top Solutions Authors the past week were:
- @Manthan Dave
- @Vimal Kumar
- @Robert Rand
- @Meetanshi
- @Mukesh Tiwari
Thanks so much for your help in providing useful solutions!
Magento Community Diverse Speaker Training
Earlier this year we announced that we are working with Jill Binder of DiverseIn.tech to offer an online Magento Community Speaker Workshop. Having more kinds of folks present from the stage benefits the community and our products. In offering an online speaker workshop, we are aiming to eliminate a barrier to public speaking by creating an opportunity for professional training. The first workshop took place in July and those who took part in this launch had a 47 percent increase in public speaking confidence! Find out how to register for January.
Live Translation on the Magento Forums
Last week we added the capability for live translation in 8 additional languages here on the Magento Forums. We've launched this capability with Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. You can now read and reply to any of the main discussion areas in any of those 8 languages, in addition to the pre-existing English. Our hope is that this live translation will allow the broader Magento community to share knowledge and solve problems together across language barriers.

(If you have a language request, please send it my way for future consideration.)
GitHub Contributor Badge
It's been awhile since we added the GitHub Contributor Badge to the forums, so I wanted to remind you that if you contribute to Magento on GitHub and you would like your profile here to show that you do, you can request a Core Contributor badge.
If you're new to our forums, welcome! Take a look around, introduce yourself, check out our guidelines, and be sure to reach out to me or any of our awesome moderators if you have any questions.
Recent Podcasts & Videos
- Adobe Stock Integration public meeting, by Sergii Ivashchenko (October 30)
- Magento Architectural Discussion, by Olga Kopylova (October 30)
- The FIRST Magento Developer Exam You SHOULD Take!, by Joseph Maxwell (October 30)
- Load In The Loop: Episode 1 - FireplaceParts.com, by Ivan Chepurnyi & Eric Hileman (October 30)
- GraphQL: Bi-weekly Community Meeting, by Olena Orobei (October 31)
- Rumor Mill: Will Microsoft acquire Adobe? Plus Magento Live EU annoucements, by TJ Gamble (November 1)
- MageTalk Episode 207 – An Interview with Rick Willet, by Kalen Jordan (November 1)
- MageTalk Episode 208 – “The Pillow of Authority”, by Phillip Jackson & Kalen Jordan (November 1)
- MageTalk Episode 209 – “Just-in-Time-Doc’ing”, by Phillip Jackson & Kalen Jordan (November 1)
- Magento DevChannel Stream #4, by Max Pronko (November 1)
- Need help passing the Magento Solution Specialist Exam?, by Joseph Maxwell (November 3)
- Ready for the big one? How to Pass the Magento Professional Developer Exam!, by Joseph Maxwell (November 4)
- Interview with VP Jason Woosley at MagentoLive 2019, by Nick Weisser (November 4)
Recent Articles
- Magento 2 Mobile Optimization – A 2020-ready Guide, by Nikita Rabykin (October 22)
- 7 Techniques To Improve Your B2B eCommerce Website, by Magento (October 28)
- How To Add Button Next To Add To Cart Button In Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 29)
- What does the PWA movement mean for Magento agencies?, by Dan Cook (October 29)
- Top Magento Mobile App Design and Development Mistakes We Keep Coming Across, by Roberto Garvin (October 29)
- [Portuguese] Testando envio de e-mails no Magento (com MailHog), by Ricardo Martins (October 29)
- SCREAM! Magento 1 End of Life Part 4, by Phillip Jackson (October 29)
- Top 15 Magento 2 SEO Tips to Increase Your Website Traffic, by Yuliana (October 29)
- Magento conundrum: Vue or React?, by Jisse Reitsma (October 29)
- The Progression of Magento 2, by Robert Rand (October 29)
- How To Remove SKU Column From Magento 2 Invoice And PDF, by Sanjay Jethva (October 30)
- How to Show/Hide Order ID in Invoice, Shipment & Credit Memo PDF of Magento 2, by Gaurav Jain (October 30)
- Get Stock Data by stock id Multi Source Inventory(MSI) Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 30)
- Get Sales Channels Data For a Stock in MSI Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 30)
- [Spanish] Magento 1 EOL: ¿y ahora qué?, by Damián Culotta (October 31)
- Master the Art of B2B Mobile Commerce with These 4 Tips, by Michael Klein (October 31)
- The Magento Guidebook: 2019 Edition, by Robert Rand (October 31)
- [German] Redis Teil 5 - Wie wird Redis in Magento integriert?, by Jonas Hünig (October 31)
- How To Remove “Add To Wishlist” button in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (October 31)
- Disable Sources in Multi-source Inventory (MSI) Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 31)
- Delete Stock by Stock Id Multi-source Inventory Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 31)
- Get Assigned Sources of Stock in Multi-source Inventory (MSI) Magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 31)
- Get Source Item info by Sku Using Multi-Source Inventory magento 2, by Rakesh Jesadiya (October 31)
- [German] Konfigurations-Bereich „Catalog“, by Matthias Zeis (November 1)
- [German] Konfigurations-Bereich „Web“, by Matthias Zeis (November 1)
- [German] Konfigurations-Bereich „General“, by Matthias Zeis (November 1)
- [German] System-Konfiguration von Magento 2, by Matthias Zeis (November 1)
- How to Add a New Column in Admin_user Table of Magento 2, by Dhiren Vasoya (November 2)
- How to create a GraphQL Endpoint for Magento 2.3, by Lars Roettig (November 2)
- How to Disable Compare Products in Magento 2, by Sanjay Jethva (November 4)
- Magento Tech Digest #83, by Max Pronko (November 4)
- Best practices for Magento theme design, by Zoran Vorkapic (November 4)
Recent Events
- MagentoLive Europe 2019 Highlights, by Sumesh Soman (October 26)
- Vaimo's MagentoLive Europe 2019 Recap, by Piers McEwan (October 29)
- [Dutch] Recap MagentoLive Europe 2019, by Madia (October 29)
- Magento Innovations Lab showcases new retail solutions, by Roy Edwards (October 29)
- MagentoLive Europe 2019, Amsterdam – As it Happened, by Dan Marsh (October 30)
- Unique Innovations Unveiled at MagentoLive Europe 2019, by Nethues Technologies (October 30)
- [German] Magento Live Europe 2019 Recap, by Marcel Ober (October 30)
- [French] Retour sur MagentoLive Europe 2019!, by Thibault (October 31)
- A round-up from Magento Live Europe 2019, by Redbox Digital (November 1)
- A Meet Magento Poland Recap, by Marsha Naidoo (November 1)
- Meet Magento Romania Recap, by Marsha Naidoo (November 1)
- MLEU 2019: Our Roundup from Amsterdam, by Laura Critchley (November 4)
Upcoming Events
- Meet Magento Japan in Tokyo, JP on November 5th.
- Meet Magento Asia in Bangkok, TH on November 7th.
- Indore Magento Meetup #2 - Special Guest: Joseph Maxwell from SwiftOtter in Indore, IN on November 9th.
- 50. Magento Stammtisch Hamburg in November 13th.
- Proactive Magento Security in Mumbai, IN on November 17th.
- MUG076 Breda: Progressive Web Apps in Breda, NL on November 21st.
- Magento Meetup Kharkiv 007 & Contribution Day in Kharkiv, UA on November 22-23rd.
- Meet Magento Greece in Athens, GR on November 23rd.
- 32. Magento Meetup Austria in Wien, AT on November 25th.
- Meetup #12 (S02E04) in Rosario, AR on November 29th.
- Mage Unconference in Cologne, DE on November 29-December 1st.
- 38. Magento-Stammtisch Aachen - Weihnachtsedition / Christmas Edition in Aachen, DE on December 2nd.
- 27. Magento Stammtisch Kiel in Kiel, DE on December 4th.
- [Beerbash] Magento Meetup Kansai Final[E-Commerce] in Osaka, JP on December 10th.
- Blick hinter die Kulissen eines grossen Schweizer Beauty-Versandhändlers in Uetendorf, CH on December 12th.
Do you organize a Magento Meetup? Join our Meetup Organizers group here on the forums and find out more about how we can support you on our blog!
For a full list of upcoming events, be sure to check out our Event Calendar, as well as browsing our Meetup page for a list of Magento Meetups near you.
Did I miss anything? Request to add your content to the list I read/listen to each week.(Note that I will only include content specifically about Magento.)