Payment Services 2.10.0 is released - Magento Forums
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Payment Services 2.10.0 is released

Payment Services 2.10.0 is released

This release comes with a number of enhancements and fixes.


- Payment Services now supports GraphQL endpoints for vaulting without purchase, allowing customers to save their payment methods without completing a transaction.

- Payment Services now supports 3D Secure authentication with Google Pay, enhancing security for merchants and customers during payment transactions.

- Payment Services adds the ability for customers to save cards directly in their **My Account**, improving convenience and simplifying future checkouts. Vault without purchase functionality might not be 100% compatible with Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 due to a known issue with GraphQL authorization mechanisms.

- Fixed an issue where coupon codes were not applied on the order review page when the order was initiated from the product detail page (PDP).

- Payment Services now displays descriptions and billing addresses for vaulted cards on the checkout page, giving customers more visibility into their saved payment methods.

- Payment Services enables merchants to store the billing address for vaulted cards directly from the checkout page, ensuring accurate and complete payment information.


Please reach out to for more information or to get started.


Re: Payment Services 2.10.0 is released

I have to remain using v2.8.1, after updating to v2.9.0 customer is not able to submit the payment due to "Internal Server Error". In my logs, I have this error:


main.CRITICAL: Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException: No such entity with cartId = in /srv/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Exception/NoSuchEntityException.php:50


I also tried updating to 2.10.0, but the error remains. The only version that works for me is 2.8.1, and it still rejects some transactions with valid CC information.


I am trying to use the "regular" PayPal payment method, but I can not enable it, it is grayed out.

Re: Payment Services 2.10.0 is released

a patch is being prepared and will be sent through the Adobe support channel.