New Idea
Submitted on
03:12 AM
Submitted by
03:12 AM
How to know if the ideas are taken into account and if they are onboarded to the community version roadmap ? It seems that there is no tracking of those facts, and it could be good to activate it, if it not too complex.
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New Idea
Submitted on
03:34 AM
Submitted by
03:34 AM
Yes Magento give me sales I tell you how? I started my travel business and my website was on HTML but I did not have any sales on that time because my website was not ranked on Google and website loading time is too much high so very bad user interface of my website that time. Then I create my new website on Magento Its amazing experience of mine website speed is awesome also SEO plugin going good now my website rank on Morning Desert Safari Dubai.
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Submitted on
02:39 PM
Submitted by
02:39 PM

Chances are there is going to be a fair amount of code posted on this forum. Attempting to read code like: can be hard at the best of times. Since the sidebar doesn't really add much content relavant to the post page I would suggest if possible changing the post page layout to be 1 column It much easier to read without any drawbacks as far as I can tell.
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New Idea
Submitted on
04:22 AM
Submitted by
04:22 AM
Hi, I often use Google to search solutions to some of the issues i'm facing. And often at the top results is this forum. And when i visit the forum (mostly on guest) i get the forum translated in my native language by Lingo. I click and choose English, but the next time is again translated. Why not keep in cookie any option to never translate? I often prefere to check other places before this forum due to this issue. Best regards
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New Idea
Submitted on
11:12 AM
Submitted by
11:12 AM
Been seeing lines like below by community members for answers posted by them.. "If problem solved click Kudos and Accept as answer" Does not look good/professional. How can community moderators manage this?
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New Idea
Submitted on
08:19 AM
Submitted by
Gabriel Guarino
08:19 AM

Could you please create a group for the MageTitans USA 2016 event? It would be great if a group is created so we can connect and discuss with people from that event.
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It would be nice if we can have inline code formatting that would change the font to something monospaced without having it roll onto a new line. I tried using <PRE> but the input form didn't like that. If I am somehow the village idiot and haven't figured out how to do this, be gentle :D -T
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New Idea
Submitted on
12:18 PM
Submitted by
syed abu _hamza
12:18 PM
Hello everyone, I have installed Magento 2.2.10 with XAMPP in Windows 10. After finishing the installation, the homepage didn't show a sample data of a default theme. Next to that every single page shows : 404 Not Found Not Found The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why. If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct. If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated. What can you do? Have no fear, help is near! There are many ways you can get back on track with Magento Store. Go Back to the previous page. Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your products. Follow these links to get you back on track! Store Home | My Account I have been looking for a solution for 2 days now, after trying many different things none of them worked for me. I hope someone can help me fix this error, via message we can also exchange Skype credentials to make it easier. If you need any more information PM me. Thank You.
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Hi, on my 21" 2006 imac, the width of the forum is very unbalanced. The subject links are very squashed... anyone think the sizing could be improved?
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Submitted on
06:52 AM
Submitted by
06:52 AM
I think can add a video guide client how to use every panel in website
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Submitted on
01:40 AM
Submitted by
iWeb GazJoy
01:40 AM

After being a member of the forums for a good few weeks now I think there are a few improvements that could be made. The main one that bugs me somewhat is the syntax highlighter. Please take this recent post as an example of what I mean. See how my php isnt highlighted at all and also the CSS seems patchy. Maybe its me not usint the code editor properly but I cant see a way of telling it which language to use. Thanks, Gareth.
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Submitted on
05:40 AM
Submitted by
Dan Aistrop
05:40 AM
I think there should be forum descriptions added to the forum list on at least the homepage. The names are helpful but a description would be much better because some sections are vague, and with a brand new forum, it makes it difficult for authors to start new discussions in fear of posting in the wrong section. This forum; 'Meta' is a prime example. Can be very confusing as to what should be posted here to begin with. Perhaps this should be added to make things easier, no?
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This module is best known for synchronizing an eCommerce platform to a CRM platform. Salesforce Connector For Magento provides real-time synchronization of Magento store to a CRM platform. With the help of this module, admin can easily synchronize their customers, products and their orders to their CRM which will help them to increase their sales and improve customer service. Features: Real-time synchronization of orders from Magento to Salesforce. Admin can manually synchronize of products, categories, and customers. Keep up your eCommerce data at Salesforce end to avail CRM benefits. Multi-lingual support at eCommerce end. Also support salesforce 1 mobile application. Interactive design with brilliant user experience For details visit:
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Hey Magento Folks We have been feeling awkward to share this but honestly this is happening now a days. There are lot of companies coming into the Magento world, they see the extensions, purchase, copy the code, make some changes, rebrand it and start selling on website at lower price. Customers are getting confused from where to purchase extensions. There should be one Authentic Service Provider list and one Blacklisted Company Service provider list who are copying code and concepts. There should be one responsible committee members to decide the blacklist companies. Share your ideas.
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New Idea
Submitted on
05:27 AM
Submitted by
05:27 AM
Dr. Sahelian and his research staff have tested various doses and extracts of dozens of herbs from a number or raw Serexin material to determine the ideal dosage and combination for an optimal female and male enhancement with the fewest . After years of research, a unique proprietary blend with more than a dozen herbal extracts from the best raw material has been created. The exact dosages and potencies of this effective aphrodisiac blend is a close kept secret only known to the doctor and his research staff. You will only find this exact combination in Passion Rx.
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Submitted on
11:20 PM
Submitted by
11:20 PM

As any other forum addict I would love if there was some quick lists you could check a couple times a day. New topics New posts Unanswered posts I know at least the last one can be found through advanced search but for me I would like them as buttons on the overview page. I love checking through threads to see what other people are struggling with of get some good ideas etc. But other than that great to see the new forum in action Ps. Why isn't there a mobile version yet ? :)
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It really becomes difficult to keep track of the recent updates. So, we can have a section where any update about Magento, big or small can be shared. The participants can have the discussion over the updates and share their viewpoints
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Almost all the Bullguard products that are bought with a subscription also have the auto-renewal feature attached to them more precisely this auto renewal feature is included with Bullguard premium protection, BullGuard antivirus, Bullguard internet security, Bullguard mobile security, Bullguard identity protection, the premium services of the antivirus are not added with the auto-renewal feature. The perks of auto-renewal include automatic updates and upgrades this feature helps you to get access to nonstop protection without any effort. If there are any further details required then connect with the technical team.
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