Google has officially announced the Video upload feature on Google My Business (GMB) Dashboard. The businesses can now view and upload the videos on the GMB page for the customer views. It is currently available for the video length of 30secs.
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One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, he could not find any. He felt very weak, almost lost all hope. Suddenly, he saw a water jug below the tree. He flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, he could see some water inside the jug! The crow ...
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New Idea
Submitted on
11:04 PM
Submitted by
11:04 PM Magento Shipping (powered by Temando). This new feature provides integrated advanced multi-carrier shipping and fulfillment. This is the new feature for the MCE 2.2.2 But after we upgrade this version, the checkout page can not be visited. We totally understand the Magento requires more feature for the development. But for the NEW feature, could you make it disable by default? and let us decide to use or not use it. ok?
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We're checking to see if we can get distribution going for Italian fashion brands. We'll be adding six fashion companies in the next month. Take a look: Affiliates will receive 10% for every order. December 25th, new affiliates will only receive 5%. Payouts will be provided with Certified Checks. This offer is only available to residents of 48 US Main States.
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Under Review
Submitted on
08:44 AM
Submitted by
08:44 AM
please see screen shot
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Hello, why in a big community like Magento missing a category like Job Offer? I think it's very important to offer and a little guarantee of client to found a good company or freelancer. What do you think?
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I noticed that many interesting tech questions receive 0 replies, or fewer replies than they should be receiving. I used to administer some large discussion forums in the past, and it's clear to me that the problem is that the Magento forums are split into way too many sub topics. People who would like to contribute and respond don't have time to crawl through all the sub topics, and instead stay within their favorite sub topic. That means important questions in other sub topics go unnoticed. There should be no more than around 3 sub topics per main topic. This would help make sure that posts actually receive replies given the size of the Magento community. The Magento community is simply not big enough to break out into so many sub topics like the Microsoft support forum!
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Gravatar was suggested here It would help save people some time as they wouldn't need to manually upload Avatar photos and would lead to less people missing Avatar photos.
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Submitted on
06:53 AM
Submitted by
06:53 AM

I've noticed that there are many posts with an image attached, but it displays only "triangle". When I've inspected element, I saw that it's about "Unmoderated image". I'm just wondering about the idea to allow "unmoderated images" by default; otherwise, it slows down other who are trying to answer the question until one of the moderators notice and approve image (and that can take a loooot of time).
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Under Review
Submitted on
05:21 AM
Submitted by
Sourabh Modi
05:21 AM

Need a place where we can discuss queries that relate to API's only. The use of API's will increase day by day and this will help us to keep everything collected in a place.
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New Idea
Submitted on
08:19 AM
Submitted by
Gabriel Guarino
08:19 AM

Could you please create a group for the MageTitans USA 2016 event? It would be great if a group is created so we can connect and discuss with people from that event.
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It would be nice if we can have inline code formatting that would change the font to something monospaced without having it roll onto a new line. I tried using <PRE> but the input form didn't like that. If I am somehow the village idiot and haven't figured out how to do this, be gentle :D -T
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Submitted on
06:52 AM
Submitted by
06:52 AM
I think can add a video guide client how to use every panel in website
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Submitted on
01:40 AM
Submitted by
iWeb GazJoy
01:40 AM

After being a member of the forums for a good few weeks now I think there are a few improvements that could be made. The main one that bugs me somewhat is the syntax highlighter. Please take this recent post as an example of what I mean. See how my php isnt highlighted at all and also the CSS seems patchy. Maybe its me not usint the code editor properly but I cant see a way of telling it which language to use. Thanks, Gareth.
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Submitted on
02:39 PM
Submitted by
02:39 PM

Chances are there is going to be a fair amount of code posted on this forum. Attempting to read code like: can be hard at the best of times. Since the sidebar doesn't really add much content relavant to the post page I would suggest if possible changing the post page layout to be 1 column It much easier to read without any drawbacks as far as I can tell.
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Hi, on my 21" 2006 imac, the width of the forum is very unbalanced. The subject links are very squashed... anyone think the sizing could be improved?
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Submitted on
05:40 AM
Submitted by
Dan Aistrop
05:40 AM
I think there should be forum descriptions added to the forum list on at least the homepage. The names are helpful but a description would be much better because some sections are vague, and with a brand new forum, it makes it difficult for authors to start new discussions in fear of posting in the wrong section. This forum; 'Meta' is a prime example. Can be very confusing as to what should be posted here to begin with. Perhaps this should be added to make things easier, no?
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Submitted on
11:20 PM
Submitted by
11:20 PM

As any other forum addict I would love if there was some quick lists you could check a couple times a day. New topics New posts Unanswered posts I know at least the last one can be found through advanced search but for me I would like them as buttons on the overview page. I love checking through threads to see what other people are struggling with of get some good ideas etc. But other than that great to see the new forum in action Ps. Why isn't there a mobile version yet ? :)
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