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Payment Gateway help

Payment Gateway help

Hi alan,


I am working on a custom payment gatway and i would like to save some additional data on the database.To capture transaction state , this is my code and this works fine, Just need help saving some additional fields like ResResult , ResPaymentId .


How to i  do this please advice. This is part of my code



/* Hashing Response Successful	*/
	if($ResResult == 'CAPTURED' || $ResResult == 'APPROVED'){

			$orderId = $Resudf1;
			$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order');
			$order->setState(Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING, true, 'Gateway has authorized the payment.');
			//Save the other details from the gatway to the database
			//This is the field's that i need to save in the database
			//ResResult , ResPaymentId ,orderID

