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I'm looking for the best reward point system that allow the customer to sign up for it

I'm looking for the best reward point system that allow the customer to sign up for it

I'm looking for the best reward point system that allow the customer to sign up for it and start collecting point and spend it with his order. I need it to be compatible with Magento 2.4.5p1


Re: I'm looking for the best reward point system that allow the customer to sign up for it

Hi Ahmed,


There's actually a category on the Magento Marketplace that's devoted to Rewards & Loyalty Extensions. You can access this category at:


There, you'll find reward point extensions from dev teams like Aheadworks, Mageworx, Amasty. When looking at these, you may want to consider what other extensions you're using, and if they'll be compatible.


There are also SaaS companies that can offer loyalty programs based on a monthly subscription. Companies like Zinrelo and Yotpo offer such services, and have Magento integrations available. 


Best of luck!