Actually Here I want to display multiple product as a single product in magento shoping cart display. suppose I add 7 items and go add to cart then 7 items goes in magento shopping cart and now I want to show it as a one group.
Are all of them simple products? Does it make sense to group them into Grouped or Bundle product?
Also to group them you need to know what is criteria for grouping. If it something custom you can do it in the cart themplate where cart items displayed. as i know its app/design/frontend/{theme}/{package}/template/checkout/cart.phtml
and template of each item is: app/design/frontend/{theme}/{package}/template/checkout/cart/item/default.phtml
In Magento you have to consider product display in the catalog separately from product display in the cart, because the Catalog module is the basis for display for things being presented for purchase and the Checkout & Sales modules are responsible for display of items in the cart or being purchased.
You can specify a custom grouped cart item template in a custom layout XML file - note that you will likely want to customize both the cart display and order review display. The following example layout XML allows you to specify alternate files for grouped products:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <layout> <!-- ref checkout.xml layout file --> <checkout_cart_index> <action method="addItemRender" block="checkout.cart"> <type>grouped</type> <block>checkout/cart_item_renderer_grouped</block> <!-- Below you specify a custom template which you can create For > CE 1.9 you should probably base this on default.phtml from rwd/default/template/checkout/cart/item/default.phtml. For < CE 1.9 you should base this on default.phtml template from base/default/template/checkout/cart/item/default.phtml. --> <template>checkout/cart/item/grouped_custom.phtml</template> </action> </checkout_cart_index> <checkout_onepage_review> <action method="addItemRender" block="root"> <type>grouped</type> <block>checkout/cart_item_renderer_grouped</block> <!-- As above; reference template for this should be checkout/onepage/review/grouped_custom.phtml --> <template>checkout/onepage/review/grouped_custom.phtml</template> </action> </checkout_onepage_review> </layout>