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One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

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Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

checkout page is not work completely after payment information not continue but not continue please solve this issue why don’t continue checkout process complete .


Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

I am experiencing the same problem, after a manual upgrade from to, except for the Shipping Method step. After selecting Shipping method nothing happens when clicking on 'Continue' button, or to be exact, for a bliss of a second it displays 'Loading Next step...', but then we remain on this step, instead of moving on to the next one (Payment). Can it be related? Anyway, I am trying to debug this without any real luck so far, but I have noticed this strange thing. If I just put a var_dump($result); call in 'app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php ' anywhere after $result been set in 'public function saveShippingMethodAction()' or same thing with '$data' actually, then 'magically' next step loads fine. Not a satisfying solution though as something obviously is wrong somewhere. Now I try to debug with Krexx, which produces a lot of info, but as no exception is thrown anywhere and all code seems to be called, it's really hard to know where to look?

Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

As said, in my case the module "heared4us"  was not compatible with this new version, after removing this module everything is ok.

All the best

Christophe B.

Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

Hi Yoakim

did you solve this yet.



Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

After up-grade to my magento into, i also gone through woth this issue.
After a lot of experiment, I found the below solution:

Go to /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage/payment.phtml

look for the code

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('methods') ?>

change it to this

<fieldset id="checkout-payment-method-load">
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('methods') ?>

I hope this would resolve your issue….

Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

Thanks this fixed it for me! Version Magento ver.

Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

Thank you. Solved the problem with shipping continue button for me as well. Own you a beer!

Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

This solution should work for all, Thanks for sharing.





Magento One Page Checkout Extension

Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

Fixed it for us, too -

Re: One page checkout process does not work anymore (step 4: payment)

Even after an update Magento 1.9.4 this problem excist and the solution Manish Ebiz solved it.

Thanks for this.