checkout page is not work completely after payment information not continue but not continue please solve this issue why don’t continue checkout process complete .
As said, in my case the module "heared4us" was not compatible with this new version, after removing this module everything is ok.
All the best
Christophe B.
Hi Yoakim
did you solve this yet.
After up-grade to my magento into, i also gone through woth this issue.
After a lot of experiment, I found the below solution:
Go to /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage/payment.phtml
look for the code
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('methods') ?>
change it to this
<fieldset id="checkout-payment-method-load">
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('methods') ?>
I hope this would resolve your issue….
Thanks this fixed it for me! Version Magento ver.
Thank you. Solved the problem with shipping continue button for me as well. Own you a beer!
Fixed it for us, too -
Even after an update Magento 1.9.4 this problem excist and the solution Manish Ebiz solved it.
Thanks for this.