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Transactional e-mails - reply direct to customers

Transactional e-mails - reply direct to customers


normally sends Magento all transactional e-mails from shop addresses. But I would like that when the store administrator receives order confirmation emails, he can respond directly to the customer. In other words, there must be a reply-to address in e-mail with the client’s email taken from the order. Have anyone an idea how to do this?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Transactional e-mails - reply direct to customers


To enable the store administrator to respond directly to customer order confirmation emails with the customer's email as the reply-to address, you can make a customization in the email templates. Locate the email template responsible for order confirmation in your Magento admin panel under Marketing > Communications > Email Templates. Edit the template and include the following code snippet:


<!--@subject {{trans "Your Order Confirmation"}} @-->
{"store url=\"\"":"Store Url",
"var order.getCustomerEmail()":"Customer Email",
"var order.increment_id":"Order Increment Id"}
body,td,th {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
{{trans "%name," name=$order.getCustomerName()}}
{{trans "Please do not respond to this email. If you have any questions, please contact us at %store_email." store_email=store_email}}


Replace {{trans "Your Order Confirmation"}} with the desired subject and modify the footer to include a custom reply-to address using the customer's email from the order. This should allow the administrator to reply directly to customer emails. Don't forget to test this customization thoroughly to ensure it meets your requirements.

Best regards.

Re: Transactional e-mails - reply direct to customers

Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately it doesn't work

Re: Transactional e-mails - reply direct to customers


No, accomplishing this specific requirement using only the Magento admin panel, without any custom coding or extensions, is not feasible. Magento's default email functionality does not provide an option to dynamically set a "Reply-To" header based on the customer's email address from an order within the admin panel.

To implement a feature where the store administrator receives order confirmation emails with a "Reply-To" address set to the customer's email, you would typically need to:

  1. Create a Custom Module: Develop a custom module to modify the email headers, adding a "Reply-To" field that dynamically fetches the customer's email address from the order.

  2. Use a Third-Party Extension: Find and install a Magento extension that provides this functionality. There are extensions available that enhance the email capabilities of Magento, including customizing email headers.

Create a Custom Module

To modify the behavior of Magento's transactional emails so that the store administrator can reply directly to the customer, you'll need to customize the email headers to include a "Reply-To" address. This address should be dynamically set to the customer's email address from the order. Here's a general approach to achieve this in Magento:

  1. Customize Email Templates:

    • Edit the email templates used for order confirmations. These templates are usually found under Marketing > Email Templates in the Magento Admin.
    • However, simply editing the template might not be enough, as Magento does not natively support the addition of a "Reply-To" header through the template system.
  2. Custom Module or Extension:

    • Create a custom module or find a third-party extension that allows you to modify the email headers.
    • Your custom module should listen to the event that triggers the sending of order confirmation emails and modify the email headers to include a "Reply-To" field set to the customer's email address.
  3. Event Observer:

    • In your custom module, create an event observer for the email sending event (e.g., email_order_set_template_vars_before).
    • In the observer, retrieve the customer's email from the order object and set it as the "Reply-To" address in the email header.


it's recommended to consult with a Magento developer or a specialist who can create this functionality for you


Paco Abella



Re: Transactional e-mails - reply direct to customers

There are two main ways to achieve what you want in Magento and allow store administrators to reply directly to customers from order confirmation emails:

1. Using a Custom Module:

This method involves creating a custom Magento module that modifies the email headers of transactional emails. The module would dynamically set the "Reply-To" address to the customer's email address retrieved from the order data.

2. Using a Third-Party Extension:

Several Magento extensions enhance email functionalities, including customizing email headers. You can explore these extensions on the Magento Marketplace or through community forums. These extensions offer a pre-built solution without needing to develop a custom module.

Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of each approach:

Custom Module:

  • Pros:
    • Provides complete control over the functionality.
    • Can be tailored to your specific needs.
  • Cons:
    • Requires development expertise.
    • May need maintenance and updates in the future.

Third-Party Extension:

  • Pros:
    • Easier to implement, often with a user-friendly interface.
    • May offer additional functionalities beyond just customizing reply-to addresses.
  • Cons:
    • May not offer the same level of customization as a custom module.
    • Relies on the extension developer for updates and support.

Choosing the Right Option:

  • If you have the technical resources or prefer a highly customized solution, a custom module might be the way to go.
  • If you prioritize ease of implementation and don't require extensive customization, a law essay writers extension is a good option.