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Redirected URLs are not preserving query strings in Magento Commerce 2.3.4. This is a problem for older inbound links such as paid links that may be identified with query parameters (ex: ?utm_source=google), which would get lost in a redirect. If redirected URLs are supported, it only makes sense to preserve certain query parameters as well. This is already supported in Magento Commerce Cloud within the Fastly Configuration, so it should also be supported in Magento Commerce.
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As an end user i have multiple items in my cart, but i would like to proceed with a single item or selected items to checkout and place / create the order. Once order is placed, coming back to cart rest all item should be available in cart.
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In Magento 2.2, we used to use addAttachment($pdfString,$filename) to add CSV attachment in email. File Path: \Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder But, In Magento 2.3.1 this method is deprecated. There is no documented way to replace this functionality. Below are the links which have been suggested. We tried but it did not work. 1) Comments:We tried addAttachment($pdfString,$filename) function but addAttachment() is deprecated in Magento 2.3.1 2) Comments:We have used Zend\Mail\Transport\Smtp as SmtpTransport to send email from our portal. Email was triggered with CSV Attachment but first email was triggered 3 hours after executing cron and then every email has 1 hour delay in between 3) Comments:We tried with this solution but in transportbuilder file below mentioned files are not available in magento 2.3 framework Mail folder use Magento\Framework\Mail\MimeInterface; use Magento\Framework\Mail\MimeMessageInterfaceFactory; use Magento\Framework\Mail\MimePartInterfaceFactory; 4) Comments: we implemented this solution but emails are not getting triggered.
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Issue: When we tried to update the expiry date of a gift card; after extending the validity of any expired gift card, customers are able to apply them on frontend. However, as the status remains as 'Expired', it causes an issue when customers checkout with PayPal. The gift card is automatically removed on PayPal and the subtotal returns the amount without discount (which differs from what the customers see on the frontend which is with the discount). Feedback from Magento Support: We contacted Magento Support and was asked to submit it as a new feature as this "looks like the expected behaviour for expired Giftcards. There could be other dependencies as to why it does not change the status of already expired codes."
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A big restriction in Magento is that it is not possible to use store view codes multiple times for different stores / websites. For example this should be possible: But this is not possible, because the store view code must be unique. Now we have to do something like this: And this just doesn't make sense. It would be nice to have the possibility to use store view codes across different websites / stores. Or to rewrite the storeview codes on the frontend, something like this: code - rewrite to eng - en fra - fr deu - fr english - en french - fr german - de
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Requesting Feature for Product Inquiry Button with Popup form. Description: On Product page, generally besides Add to cart button, an Inquiry button. On clicking the Inquiry button, a popup form opens. On submitting the form, information sent to Dashboard as well as Email include the form fields plus the Product details(embedded 1st image, title, link) of the product from which the form was submitted. Product Inquiry button is seen in almost all E-commerce sites. So, it would be great if it is a part of Magento 2.
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Full details can found in Initial GitHub Issues #19858 was reopened on Jul 30, 2019 with argumentation: I'm reopening this issue for two reasons: First this behaviour was working in M1. When a catalog price rule changed the product price in M1 this was reflected in the discount fields of the sales_order_item database table. This way you could always determine if a discount was used when the product was ordered. Secondly, either way, a special price or a price different then the original price is a discount, and it shouldn't matter where this discount is applied. It could be applied in the catalog or it could be applied in the cart, you're giving a discount on the price of the product. This should be registered as a discount. Please reopen the internal tickets within Magento Jira as well. Based on multiple feedbacks in slack and comments on the issue, it seems still a pain point for the community The issue was re-verified on the latest 2.3-develop branch and Confirmed again 1. Magento 2.3.*. 2. Catalog price rule which is enabled. 3. A visible and enabled product. Steps to reproduce 1. Create a product with the sku 'A'. 2. Create a catalog price rule for the product with the sku 'A' with a percentage discount or a fixed discount. 3. Apply and save the catalog price rule. 4. Run the command `bin/magento index:reindex`. 5. Place the product with the sku 'A' in your cart. 6. Complete the checkout process. Expected result 1. Product 'A' is shown with the discounted price on the product detail page and in the checkout [frontend]. 2. In the backoffice the discounted amount/percentage is shown in the order per order item [backend]. 3. In the table `sales_order_item` the `discount_amount` or `discount_percent` value is saved [database]. Actual result 1. Product 'A' is shown with the discounted price on the product detail page and in the checkout [frontend]. 2. In the backoffice the discounted amount/percentage is *NOT* shown in the order at all [backend]. 3. In the table `sales_order_item` the `discount_amount` or `discount_percent` value is *NOT* saved [database]. At the moment there is no proper way to ascertain whether an order item actually has a discount or not. The `applied_rule_ids` does not necessarily mean it is a discount for the product, it could also be free shipping for example.
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Now when I setup the cart price rule for specific product. If the bundle(child) is applicable that whole bundle product will get discount not just only the product we would like to have discount. Can this be enhance?
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I think forcing users to write reviews is not best practice. You should look up to Google maps for example, and allow merchants to accept review without making mandatory review. I believe this would increase number of reviews significantly and eventually boost sales.
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Sometimes it's useful to get detect type of device on backend to be able use appropriate logic in code (blocks, templates) for different views (desktop, mobile). There is Mobile_Detect ( a lightweight PHP class for detecting devices. Would it be possible include this library in some next releases providing relevant methods of calling it?
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Magento 2 validation is based on jquery.validate plugin. This plugin with default option control the input validation on keyup, like this Why, on magento this function is disabled on mage/validation? options: {
meta: 'validate',
onfocusout: false,
onkeyup: false,
onclick: false,
ignoreTitle: true,
errorClass: 'mage-error',
errorElement: 'div', And why, do you have write you own logic to control the password character on keyup when the plugin has this function. This behaviour with password checked on press, the confirmation checked on "submit" leaves the user confused
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Currently if a company Admin creates a requisition list , he can not share that requisition list with the other users. Also if some sub user creates requisition list then that is not even available to Company admin even if Company has all rights. So, it seems just like requisition list, what is the importance of using requisition list in B2B. how it is important from B2B perspective. I feel requisition list should be shared among the sub users and company admin should have rights to update requisition list of sub users.
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Submitted on
05:16 AM
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05:16 AM
Hello, I am running a server with plesk installed with the latest version 17.8.11 . The magento package for plesk is version 2.1.0, I would like to install the latest version 2.3.1 but the plesk support said that this version is not supported. When the aps package will be upgraded with the latest magento version? Thanks for your answer.
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Hi! We're running Magento Commerce 2.3 in Docker containers and are looking at centralising logging using Docker's logging framework. For this to work, all logging from applications inside the container needs to be sent to stdout/stderr to be collected by Docker's log service, instead of the standard files under `var/log` and `var/reports`. The Monolog logging framework used by Magento can log in the way required using it's `streamhandler` output, configured to send to `php://stderr`. As Magento does not appear to expose Monolog's configuration for the default loggers, we've tried to re-assign all handlers via DI to the streamhandler as described above, but have had very little luck. Could you please advise if there's a way to configure the default loggers, either via config or code, to send output to stdout/stderr, or accept a feature request to provide this level of configuration? Thanks, Todd.
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Automatically disable the Empty and sold out categories.
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Please add support to Google Product Reviews for is_spam YES or NO Defaults to NO Google and other aggregators no longer like to have none consequetive review data, meaning review uploads should look like 1,2,3,4,5 and not 1,2,4,5 (3 missing) where review 3 was a SPAM item. See is_spam fields in the specification This way we can export all reviews 1,2,3,4,5 where 3 is marked as is_spam = true
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We can't get quote data with the session in cron job. Please allow or give alternate solution.
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Situation We have a Magento installation that conatins multiple websites, each with its own URL. For example for website 1 and for website 2. Magento supports all it needs to do so, exept one little thing, a tiny but not unimportent part is missing for this solution to work out of the box. You have to start the correct website in the bootstrapping, mapping to your shop. In Fakt since the first version of magento i had to code this litle last step in the index.php and create multiple copies of the index.php and create multiple settings file for my apache server. Solution Please create a component that scans all the websites url's and build a cached repo where $_SERVER[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_CODE] and $_SERVER[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_TYPE] gets automatically set upon the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $url_configured_in_setting Help? I allready have my own implementation of it, its just a patchwork direct in the index.php file, not a own class, i think you will do it it better, therefore i can send you my code, if its any help to you, just ask ;)
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I want the Magento 2 \Magento\Framework\HTTP\Client\Curl class to handle all http methods. I have added as a feature request in magento/community-feature repo on github. How can I add the feature myself ?
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I know, when Bundle item is created with "Dynamic Price", then I can refund a child item. But when Bundle item is created with Fixed Price then it doesn't allow. It looks, when order is created with Bundle item (Fixed Price), all child item's price is marked 0, which might be the case that it doesn't allow to refund a child item from it. I would love to have this feature. To be able to refund only a child item from Bundle item (Fixed Price).
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