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For a configurable product that has tier prices can the unit price on the product page update to the correct tier price based on the quantity that the user enters. e.g. Buy 100 for £1.55 Buy 200 for £1.04 each and save 33% Buy 300 for £0.78 each and save 50% Buy 400 for £0.70 each and save 56% Buy 500 for £0.62 each and save 60% If the user enters 100, the unit price displays as £1.55 correctly. However if the user enters 200, the unit price remains £1.55 whereas it should display £1.04. It does not display the correct tier price until you add the item to the cart.
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Per Google's documentation: "reCAPTCHA v3 introduces a new concept: actions. When you specify an action name in each place you execute reCAPTCHA, you enable the following new features: A detailed break-down of data for your top ten actions in the admin console Adaptive risk analysis based on the context of the action, because abusive behavior can vary. Importantly, when you verify the reCAPTCHA response, you should verify that the action name is the name you expect." From: Associating an action name with each reCAPTCHA implementation location will allow us to have a more granular view of where bots are interacting with our forms/actions and react based on what we see in the reporting. Additionally, Google indicates that reCAPTCHA v3 will perform better with actions specified.
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Hi, We have found that the only way to changes image dimensions for resize is in code and would love it if this was something configurable from the admin panel. Is this something that is already in the process of being implemented or could it be implemented soon? We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks!
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admin panel
Magento 2 stores files on disk in the /media dir, but this makes multi-server setups more complex as this dir needs to be shared by all machines. At the same time, cloud storage is very flexible and scalable (no more running out of disk space for example). By implementing Gaufrette, a well-known file system abstraction layer from the Symfony world, we can put our media files anywhere we like, including S3, Google Cloud, FTP and countless more places. And should a developer ever need more than this, a custom file system can be developed easily too.
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Sometimes it's useful to get detect type of device on backend to be able use appropriate logic in code (blocks, templates) for different views (desktop, mobile). There is Mobile_Detect ( a lightweight PHP class for detecting devices. Would it be possible include this library in some next releases providing relevant methods of calling it?
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Hi, For all developers In magento when setting a new store up, there is too many configuration that we do according to each developer requirement. For example, i always enable imagick compressen, set flat category to yes, set asynchronous to sales, set product to decrease from stock in pending state, set to show how many items left when reaches 5, set admin lifetime session ......etc There is too many configuration that you cant count we always tune our magento system accordingly. So why every time i need to setup a fresh copy i need to reconfigure the system again and again this takes time and time is money :). My Feature request is that to make an option where we can export magento configuration categories from Sales, General, Catalog, system .... and all there sub categories, and export them to a single file. While in import, i select the file i exported earlier and import the whole configuration or selective configuration, for example i only want to import the Sales category configuration. But you must take into consideration that a configuration file must be compatible with all versions of magento old and future. This is basicly my idea, Also if this idea can be applied to export third party extensions configuration. Because Advanced extensions requires many configuration especially seo tool kits. Using the import with a single click i can configure the whole extension. Also the extension developers can create a configuration settings files to give for extension buyers to configure there extension easily.
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admin panel
Is there a way to change the customer name order (as in Lastname Firstname) globally in forms and display as well? It's ok, that the user registration form can be changed easily, but I could not yet find out how to do it on the checkout page, for example. If you don't get the reason: I'm in Hungary, where we use this "reversed name order", like the Japanese.
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There is no easy way to automatically add a widget to every product within a specific category. Every time a new product is added, you have to go and edit the widget and add this new product to the list. Which becomes a problem when we are talking about 1000 of products. The use case for this is a product type where we want a global instruction text for all these products within a specific category. We do not want to include this text in every single product description, because we want to update it centrally on one location if needed.
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admin panel
platform So Magento will migrate lib components to other zf2 or doctrine etc? for example still magento using Zend_Db from zf1.
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For Example, we have below SKU's. DZ5321, DZ5321-EC, DZ5321-60, DZ5321-SC When I search keyword 5321 in the search box I need above all SKUs in the result. If we search the DZ then also I need above all SKUs in the result. For another example, "simpleproduct" if we search with simple or product for every situation, we need simpleproduct as search result. In the below search graphQl. {
search : "5321"
sort : { position : ASC } pageSize : 100,
currentPage : 1
{ total_count items
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Adobe Commerce DateTime attribute type is not implemented for customer attributes. They are date only. This causes an issue with being able to provide a customer with a full omnichannel experience of accurately viewing activity on how they interact with an organization outside of just their ecommerce purchases. With Date only and not DateTime for customer attributes, the activity of the customers interaction last interaction/transaction outside of Adobe Commerce - for example presentation of the last purchase in a brick and mortar location will be presented twice to the customer when other updates have occurred to the customer profile in Adobe Commerce.
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For example, if we search for "fiter" it shows us results for "filter" in the response as expected but there's no messaging for "Did you mean?" or "showing results for filter" Currently, there is nothing in the live search response indicating what it's showing results for when the customer mis-types or it is showing results due to a fuzzy match. Because of this, we can't show that it Didn't find results for "fiter" but it's showing you results for "filter" instead.
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Shared Catalog entity is among few entities that do not have extension attributes support. B2B clients frequently request creating assign additional attributes for Shared Catalogs, and extension attributes feature would be really helpful to achieve that.
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we made styling of the Magento luma theme, not all Magento frontend functions we used. Could you provide me the all the frontend pages that in fresh Magento luma theme(better the url list), we need to compare with function lists.
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Hi Team We would request to Please update all three-parameter as per your suggestion and set the maximum limit for them. process_control_timeout pm.process_idle_timeout request_terminate_timeout Thank you.
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Version: Magento 2.4.2 Payments: Opayo PI integration Issue: Orders with a failed payment create "Pending Payment" state order and subsequently empty customer cart and don't allow for a payment re-attempt. This occurs for any payment/card failure (wrong digit, failed 3d secure, wrong CVC) These are very common user errors for ecommerce. This creates negative user experience as the customer then has to re-shop for their cart content and re-checkout. This is because: 1. Magento default is for orders to be placed into order state "Pending Payment" as the checkout page is redirected for payment validation from bank/provider (3d Secure). This 'creates' the order whilst payment is sent for approved/refused. As 3d secure is worldwide mandatory in 2022 this will impact all store checkouts. 2. If this fails due to incorrect card details or fail of 3d secure, the order remains Pending Payment and the customer has their basket subsequently cleared Suggestion: Orders should not be created until payment is authorised from provider. If refused, return to checkout page. If authorised, proceed to order creation upon success. Allow for cart data to be retained and re-provided if payment is failed, not to create Pending Payment order. This causes many issues for sellers and is a huge cause of abandoned carts and negative feedback. This should be native behaviour for Magento to provide customers another attempt to pay rather than removing the cart and placing useless Payment Pending order.
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Hello! I'm deploying Magento for the first time. Version CE 2.3.7 from package. Added a bunch of plugins, most of which has been OK. Just doing final integration testing now. We use Gluu for Customer Identity Management. Integrating Gluu with Magento has been a drama. The Gluu code provided is all for Magento1. We have it working now with help from a magento marketplace plugin. But this doesn't really seem the sort of job a plugin is designed for (compared to other plugins I've installed). I can't help think this feature would be better embedded in the core code. Any chance customer identity outsourcing via OAuth 2 / OpenID Connect is a feature planned for a future release? Either with or without SCIM support for replicating/editing customer profile data. I've written my own integrations for our in-house applications, so I have: 1) test environments 2) a good knowledge of the transactions/protocols involved 3) lots of customer data 4) experience with working with open source development What I don't have is: 1) php experience (I have some) 2) experience with Magento 2 source code If someone is working on OAuth / OpenID authentication for customer identity management in Magento 2 - please reach out. If you know that adding this to the core Magento2 code is a bad idea, please let me know why. If you think adding this to the core Magento2 code is a good idea, please encourage me. If there is a good place to start (adding this to the core code). If I wanted to work on this, should I fork the 2.4-develop or 2.5-develop branch as the starting point? (I know the contributions guide says 2.4, but I'm wondering why there is a 2.5, and since this is probably not a minor change, or quick change, if targeting 2.5 is more sensible). I can't find any mention of a planned release timeline for 2.5... TIA!
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Add CLI command to create new module folder under app/code directory with registration.php and etc/module.xml files. Something like bin/magento module:create Vendor_ModuleName
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Hi, We need a way to manage users who have access to export data. For operational reason we may need to give users access to «Customers» and «Sales» sections but we also need a way to stop them from exporting this data for obvious security reason. I understand user will still have access to the information in the section but exporting is a whole other level of data protection sensibility. I think it is relly weird that a solution like Magento with a PCI ompliant status does not offer that. Customer data is a very important thing and we need to be able to protect it. Thank you to consider this request. Alexis Charlebois
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admin panel
A mode of operation of a block cipher is an algorithm that describes how to repeatedly apply a cipher's single-block operation to securely transform amounts of data larger than a block. Some of the modes of operation include Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), and Cipher Feedback (CFB). ECB mode is inherently weak, as it results in the same ciphertext for identical blocks of plaintext. CBC mode is the superior choice as it does not have this weakness.Messaege encrypted with weak cryptography algorithm can be decrypted via brute-force attacks. 1. Use a strong mode of operation like CBC instead of ECB. 2. Use any authenticated encryption mode, such as GCM, EAX or OCB. For more information refer: Ex : $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $initVector = false ) { if (true === $initVector) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart $handle = @mcrypt_module_open($cipher, '', $mode, ''); } traced in vendor\magento\framework\Encryption\Crypt.php Line: 57 and few other vendor files. CWE Code : CWE-327
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