Request: When defining Tax Classes, allow Tax Calculation Based On to be configured on a per scope basis. Use Case: Referred to as Nexus, a store with resellers or Shipping Origins located in different states, and shipping to states separate from where the reseller is located, will need to charge state tax for a subset of states that varies between each Shipping Origin. References for Nexus: Why: Some states charge a destination-based Sales Tax, meaning different resellers , will each need to charge state tax for a varying subset of states. As Tax Classes are Global, this requires custom or 3rd party integration.
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we made styling of the Magento luma theme, not all Magento frontend functions we used. Could you provide me the all the frontend pages that in fresh Magento luma theme(better the url list), we need to compare with function lists.
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Would be great to add "Include in menu" filter option for this interface: If you are creating a menu using GraphQL - you might want to retrieve only categories that should be shown in the menu. This core feature: (point 2) However, it's not supported by the GraphQL interface. Without such a filter you will receive all categories, including those which shouldn't be in the menu.
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Please allow Grouped Products to be added in Bundled products. For instance, I need to to make grouped product, consisting of Earpods, Charging cable and Charger. I also want to add this above Grouped Product in a Bundle where other products are existing like Mobilephone, and its Casing. i.e. Product A [Grouped Product] [Being sold separately]: Earpods + Charging USB Cable + Charger Product B [Bundled Product] : Mobilephone + Casing [Bundled Product] Right now there is no way to add Product A into Product B as a bundle. If resolved, this will solve a big problem in Magento2.
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We have a couple hundred different manufacturers we sell products from and would like to run brand-specific promotions with a coupon code to encourage customers to buy $100+ worth of products from a specific manufacturer. The closest we've been able to get with conditions in cart price rules is to get the rule to work when a customer has line in their cart totaling $100 or more from specified manufacturer, OR we can get it to work if a customer has an item made by a specific manufacturer and the cart subtotal is $100 or more. We've been going with second solution and hoping that customers are going by the wording of the promotion and are putting $100 worth of items from that manufacturer in their cart. Unfortunately, this lets customers who just put a single $5 item from this manufacturer in their cart get the $15 discount, as long as they have at least $100 total worth of products in their cart. Most customers don't realize this, and so the above solution works about 90% of the time. We'd feel much more comfortable with brand specific promotions if there was a condition set that allowed us to look for a whole cart with $X worth of products from a specified manufacturer.
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When working with the catalog in the Admin Panel backend, one frequently wants to check the product page in the shop frontend. There is no elegant way to open it. I wish that either the Action column in the product grid had View next to Edit or the cell entries in the URL Key column Iif enabled) were linked to the frontend. I further wish that on the product page in the Admin Panel, there was a link to the respective frontend page for the currently active scope in the top nav row (among "← Back" and "Save ▼").
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For certain types of product attributes, e.g. dropdowns and swatches, one specifies the valid values in the Admin Panel. These are used in filters etc. in the shop frontend, usually in the order specified in the backend. Alas, admins can only sort the entries manually by drag-and-drop there! I wish product attribute values could be sorted automatically on request in the Admin Panel: alphabetically (case-sensitive and not), numerically (i.e. "1, 5, 10" instead of "1, 10, 5") intelligently by actual size like "1 mm, 5 mm, 1 cm, 2 cm, 1 in" or "XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL" for color swatches, by hue or (preferably OKLab) lightness and possibly other color parameters.
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The command to pull Sendgrid stats is only available internally for the Support team to use. Please allow clients, with sufficient access, to have access to this command/utility to be able to pull these statistics as needed.
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To fetch Customer wishlist data, Magento is providing graphql. But there is no rest API implemented to fetch customer wishlist data via Rest API. We would request Magento team to implement rest API to fetch customer wish list data include the patch in upcoming releases or provide a patch to include it in existing versions.
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On product page (configurable), when we select the color, it show the label "Only 0 left" and the value is not correct when checked from backend for associated simple product. We haven't done any customization for this, so it seems some core application error. We tried applying the patch but it removed the whole message instead of fixing the 0 qty. Please fix this so customer can see the stock in hand. Best Regards, Muhammad Saeed Khan
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We would like an option to have the item visible 'only individually'. Mostly for history purposes. An item is discontinued, no longer for sale. We do not want that item in search or catalog, but we want the product page to be found with a direct link, like from order history or a wish list.
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when creat a credit memo , the checkbox "Email copy of credit memo" can be selected as default
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At the moment you can't use Youtube short videos for product content (Images and Videos). Would be really great to be able using them, short videos are perfect for products in many cases.
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In debugging issues I find that I may want to disable or enable extensions by a certain developer en masse. For instance here's some extensions I have enabled: RocketWeb_ShoppingFeeds RocketWeb_ShoppingFeedsGoogle RocketWeb_ShoppingFeedsGooglePromotions Rss_ApsAddressOverride Rss_B2bAddresses Rss_SamlFix Swissup_Core Swissup_Easytabs Swissup_Marketplace I would like to be able to do the following on the command line to enable or disable them: bin/magento mo:di Swissup_* or bin/magento mo:en Swissup_*
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The current Adobe Live Search implementation doesn't support custom content/layout of Quick Search Autocomplete results. We need more information on autocomplete results like regular price, discount, label etc.
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Create a shipping cart price rule which gives a discount and the discount amount is the same as the TAX amount. For example, if the total tax is $12 for the current customer's cart, then the shopping cart rule should add $12 discount to the cart. The business logic is, for some products, assume tax is 8%, as per government rules we can not do anything with tax and we can not give any discount in the tax. So here what we want to do is we want to provide a discount to the customer and that discount amount is the same as their current cart total.
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Hi Team We would request to Please update all three-parameter as per your suggestion and set the maximum limit for them. process_control_timeout pm.process_idle_timeout request_terminate_timeout Thank you.
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The ability to change the backorder message that is public facing when a visitor is not logging into the site should be a standard out of the box capability. You can change the message for logged in customer's but not for guest visitors per IsProductSalableConditionBackOrderNotifyCustomerCondition.php
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The issue that in Mini-cart item display single (Unit) item price , as native Magento behaviour . Want to display item price row total (Unit Price x Qty ) in mini-cart when change the qty of the product it gets added into cart . Please check below screen-short.
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Hi Team, I tried something as below. So I have enabled the reward points for the order placement process. Right now the reward points are redeemable on the full amount of the order (Grand Total) and I want to allow redeem reward points only on the Subtotal, not on Grand Total. So here my goal is to customers should pay shipping charges on order time and for that, I have modified the below file. File: vendor/magento/module-reward/Model/Total/Quote/Reward.php (File overridden in the custom plugin) public function collect(
\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote $quote,
\Magento\Quote\Api\Data\ShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment,
\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\Total $total
) {
if (!$this->_rewardData->isEnabledOnFront($quote->getStore()->getWebsiteId())) {
return $this;
if ($total->getBaseSubtotal() >= 0 && $quote->getCustomer()->getId() && $quote->getUseRewardPoints()) {
/* @var $reward \Magento\Reward\Model\Reward */
$reward = $quote->getRewardInstance();
if (!$reward || !$reward->getId()) {
$customer = $quote->getCustomer();
$reward = $this->_rewardFactory->create()->setCustomer($customer);
$pointsLeft = $reward->getPointsBalance() - $quote->getRewardPointsBalance();
$rewardCurrencyAmountLeft = $this->priceCurrency->convert(
) - $quote->getRewardCurrencyAmount();
$baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft = $reward->getCurrencyAmount() - $quote->getBaseRewardCurrencyAmount();
if ($baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft >= $total->getBaseSubtotal()) {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $reward->getPointsEquivalent($total->getBaseSubtotal());
$pointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $total->getSubtotal();
$basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $total->getBaseSubtotal();
} else {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $reward->getPointsEquivalent($baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft);
if ($pointsBalanceUsed > $pointsLeft) {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $pointsLeft;
$pointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $rewardCurrencyAmountLeft;
$basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft;
$subtotal = $total->getSubtotal() + $total->getShippingAmount();
$baseSubtotal = $total->getBaseSubtotal() + $total->getBaseShippingAmount();
$total->setGrandTotal($subtotal - $pointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$total->setBaseGrandTotal($baseSubtotal - $basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$quote->setRewardPointsBalance(round($quote->getRewardPointsBalance() + $pointsBalanceUsed));
$quote->setRewardCurrencyAmount($quote->getRewardCurrencyAmount() + $pointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$quote->setBaseRewardCurrencyAmount($quote->getBaseRewardCurrencyAmount() + $basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
return $this;
} In above function I have replaced $total->getBaseGrandTotal() with $total->getBaseSubtotal() and $total->getGrandTotal() with $total->getSubtotal(). So the above code worked for me on the simple checkout but when I have tried the same thing on the multi-checkout process then it's giving me an error The requested Payment Method is not available. Note: File override is pending and Need to add one config option for reward points redeemable or not on shipping. Thanks
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