Dear team, At the moment without a required configuration, a single use coupon can be applied many times. Simple check to see if there is missing config: There's no "" consumer listed in the app/etc/env.php file. $ grep -i usage app/etc/env.php $ To fix this issue, the steps from this doc has to be implemented: Instead of having this issue which affects many users, can this bug be fixed by adding the setup (fix) as default as a patch or added to future releases of Adobe Commerce?
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If Swagger definitions for all the Magento endpoints such as Orders and Sales available it would be easy for making integrations and could be very useful for developers
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Using the Magento Commerce B2B module the Company name field is currently limited to only 40 characters in the database table company_entity which can be problematic for some companies. While the Legal Company Name allows for 80 characters we still have customers complaining that they can't fit their full company name in the Company Name field as they would like. By contrast, the company field in customer_address_entity table allows for 255 characters. It would be very helpful to increase the character limit on company.company_name to allow companies with longer names to enter their name without abbreviations etc.
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It would be very helpful to have a search/filter AND sorting option (by position number) available in the area "Products in Category / Visual Merchandiser". Right now there is sorting in the main view (but no filtering) and searching/filtering in the window that opens with „add product“ (but no sorting). If you have to re-sort products in a large category, say 400+, the options available are not very efficient. For example: If you want to sort a product from the back of a large category to the middle, you have to: Go to catalog > categories Click on a certain category (i.e. one with 400 or more products where you can see it best) Go to products in this category Try to move a product from a position rather in the back to a position in the middle. Here comes the difficulty. There are two options, neither of them very convenient for a big category. Option 1: Search for the new position number, then search for the product by browsing through all the 400+ products to find it. Then type in the position (the drag & drop can of course also be used, but if you want to place the 686th product to position 30 it is not very handy). Then save. Option 2: Go to "add product", search/filter by product name, remember the position number of the product (say, 686). Close the window. Go to the page with the position number the product has. Then use the position field or drag & drop to place the product. If you have to do this for more than one product it takes a lot of time. What could help tremendously is an option to filter AND sort in one step. In Magento 1 there used to be the option to add products, search/filter AND sort at the same time / in the same window. It would be very helpful if there was a sorting option within the "add product" window. Or if there was a add and search-/filter-option in the "products in this category"-section. The latter could be used (very efficiently) in Magento 1.
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When you need to sell your products to multiple countries (especially in Europe), you want to have dedicated Storeviews which are fixing the complex parameters of Locales, Currency, Allowed Shipping Destination, TAX, etc. But Magento doesn't allow to funnel the Registered customers to some dedicated storeview, specially designed for matching their core parameters. And there is not extension existing currently in order to force a customer into its own dedicated storeview, at moment of login. The idea here is about bringing into Magento 2 roadmap, the ability to force a registered customer to a specific Storeview at the moment of Login, and allow Admin to manage this functionality. This is also to allow Admin to fix the Allowed countries at StoreView level (vs.only at Storelevel today), in order to force the customer to select the StoreView of its country of Residence/Registration. Such feature would be very useful for all merchants who has a market perimeter beyond one country (it would mean a lot of merchants). It would also be customer friendly and avoid Account creation errors made by the customer. If you need more details, please comment.
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The new Media gallery introduced in the 2.4.2x series doesn't allow you to enter a hyphen or underscore when naming a newly created folder. It displays this error when you try: "Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed." Steps to Reproduce: Go to Content Menu -> Media Manager Click on a folder WYSIWYG folder to expand sub folders Select a folder to create a sub folder in. e.g. "WYSIYWG" Click Create Folder button Enter in "test-folder" or "test_folder" Click Confirm Error message appears. I'm proposing Magento make a configuration file or something similar that would allow the user to whitelist characters to be allowed in a folder name. Previous versions of the gallery allowed users to put hyphens and underscores in folder names. Hyphens and underscores are commonly used in folder naming conventions. I see no security risk in allowing these specific characters. Would love to see this implemented as it doesn't seem very difficult.
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There is currently no clear identifier for disabled products within the Visual Merchandiser view for categories. Greying them out would be a good way to indicate that a product is currently disabled within the Visual Merchandiser/Tile view. Example from Magento 1:
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Hi Guys, It would be nice to allow bundle products to be added to cart as quick order. Currently if we try to do this, it is not working because it displays a message saying "You need to select options". Thanks a lot
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Coupon coupons work normally, but not to update coupon usage
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Version: Magento 2.4.2 Payments: Opayo PI integration Issue: Orders with a failed payment create "Pending Payment" state order and subsequently empty customer cart and don't allow for a payment re-attempt. This occurs for any payment/card failure (wrong digit, failed 3d secure, wrong CVC) These are very common user errors for ecommerce. This creates negative user experience as the customer then has to re-shop for their cart content and re-checkout. This is because: 1. Magento default is for orders to be placed into order state "Pending Payment" as the checkout page is redirected for payment validation from bank/provider (3d Secure). This 'creates' the order whilst payment is sent for approved/refused. As 3d secure is worldwide mandatory in 2022 this will impact all store checkouts. 2. If this fails due to incorrect card details or fail of 3d secure, the order remains Pending Payment and the customer has their basket subsequently cleared Suggestion: Orders should not be created until payment is authorised from provider. If refused, return to checkout page. If authorised, proceed to order creation upon success. Allow for cart data to be retained and re-provided if payment is failed, not to create Pending Payment order. This causes many issues for sellers and is a huge cause of abandoned carts and negative feedback. This should be native behaviour for Magento to provide customers another attempt to pay rather than removing the cart and placing useless Payment Pending order.
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The current behaviour of "Out-of-Stock Threshold" is "With Backorders enabled, entering 0 allows for infinite backorders." A positive numeric value keeps a portion of the qty reserved A negative numeric value allows only for a limited amount of backorders Using 0 to define 'infinite' backorders is not the most logic behaviour. When the ERP transmits 0, it means that nu backorders are allowed. I propose to switch the behaviour where the numerical value of 0 would allow for 0 (no) backorders to take place. For infinite backorders, leave the field empty or use NULL. This would improve ERP integration where the ERP transmits a numerical value of the allowed backorders. without the need for a custom logic to toggle the allow backorders setting.
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We want to be able to review which admins gave store credit at the end of the day in an easy, organized manner. Can we put in a feature request, so that under: system -> action logs -> reports [-> store credit] we would like to be able to produce a report that shows who added, subtracted, or spent store credit from the admin panel. it should be an option in these logs to see what admin takes the action of adding, removing, or changing store credit amount.
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Hello! I'm deploying Magento for the first time. Version CE 2.3.7 from package. Added a bunch of plugins, most of which has been OK. Just doing final integration testing now. We use Gluu for Customer Identity Management. Integrating Gluu with Magento has been a drama. The Gluu code provided is all for Magento1. We have it working now with help from a magento marketplace plugin. But this doesn't really seem the sort of job a plugin is designed for (compared to other plugins I've installed). I can't help think this feature would be better embedded in the core code. Any chance customer identity outsourcing via OAuth 2 / OpenID Connect is a feature planned for a future release? Either with or without SCIM support for replicating/editing customer profile data. I've written my own integrations for our in-house applications, so I have: 1) test environments 2) a good knowledge of the transactions/protocols involved 3) lots of customer data 4) experience with working with open source development What I don't have is: 1) php experience (I have some) 2) experience with Magento 2 source code If someone is working on OAuth / OpenID authentication for customer identity management in Magento 2 - please reach out. If you know that adding this to the core Magento2 code is a bad idea, please let me know why. If you think adding this to the core Magento2 code is a good idea, please encourage me. If there is a good place to start (adding this to the core code). If I wanted to work on this, should I fork the 2.4-develop or 2.5-develop branch as the starting point? (I know the contributions guide says 2.4, but I'm wondering why there is a 2.5, and since this is probably not a minor change, or quick change, if targeting 2.5 is more sensible). I can't find any mention of a planned release timeline for 2.5... TIA!
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Hi, When viewing a Company via the admin: Company > Advanced Settings > Payment Methods - the status of the payment method is shown next to the same. Example: "Amazon Pay amazonlogin (disabled)". The status shown is from the setting applied to the "Default Config". Would it make more sense to show the status of the payment method in the site that the company is associated to?
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Allow for the User role settings in "attribute set" : "allow edit" "allow deletion" Make it so that admins need permission to delete the attribute set. Similar to settings in the permissions under user roles: "Sales -> Orders" "create" "view" "edit" "cancel" (delete in the case of attribute set)
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Preamble: Magento reporting module shows only orders which are not in the state Pending (New) Reason for change request: In majority of enterprise level ecoms, the period from changing the status from New to Processing is usually not instant. For example, in our system the order come to our ERP and Inventory management system, it gets consolidated, shipped to our pick by light system, processed, then packed, and finally sent out to our courier services. That moment sometimes happen after a 2 days (weekends/holidays etc), meaning that while order is created, and is finalized, will never be shown as Processing upto that moment rendering our internal reporting quite useless (it will show 0 sales basically) Proposal for a change/feature Allow the Magento reporting module (Reports->Sales->Orders) to include those orders as well (Pending/New) in the reports if the Status drop down is set to Any (which is a logical choice since Any usually means Any status anyway) or include Pending status in selection as well.
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Add CLI command to create new module folder under app/code directory with registration.php and etc/module.xml files. Something like bin/magento module:create Vendor_ModuleName
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Hi, We need a way to manage users who have access to export data. For operational reason we may need to give users access to «Customers» and «Sales» sections but we also need a way to stop them from exporting this data for obvious security reason. I understand user will still have access to the information in the section but exporting is a whole other level of data protection sensibility. I think it is relly weird that a solution like Magento with a PCI ompliant status does not offer that. Customer data is a very important thing and we need to be able to protect it. Thank you to consider this request. Alexis Charlebois
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Hello, i want to know a method if can be posible free to sell rolls of material by m2, customers put width and height and get price Estaría bien algún método para vender rollos de x material por m2, los clientes ponen una altura y una anchura y les da un precio, sin ningún plugin premium
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We are integrated the Third-party Shipstation and SKU vault, to integrate this it's a very simple step like we need to create a backend user with administrator roles and use those credentials into the Shipstaion and SKU vault dashboard for configuration. We did the same steps but due to 2FA it's not working for us, then at-last we disable the 2FA, and it's working fine now. Now the problem is as per Commerce cloud standard 2FA should be enabled for security reasons but due to this issue we are stuck, could you please help us with the solution to how could be connected Shipstation and SKU vault along with 2FA.
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