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It would be a great help if there was an option to add a blank (non-existing) product to an admin created order. Problem It takes some work to create an order for a new customer when the product is non existant in the catalog. Especially when you have that customer on the phone and want to get the order in quickly. After entering customer details you come to the conlusion you have to create a product first, losing all the customer details. Create the order again with the new product added, asking the customer for their details again. Solution: Creating an order would work exactly as it does now but with an additional, single line form where you can add a (simple) product name, price and quantity. If that blank product gets entered you can give the user the option to enter more product details in a pop-up (or slide-in) screen, or just leave it the product name and price only. This blank product gets added to the catalog with Visibility: "Not visible individually" so you can edit it later. Most CRM/ERP products have this option when working on orders.
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Hello, We use to duplicate products to create new ones as we save time registering many data. But this process has also duplicated the images associated to the product. We need to hide the previous image and associate the new images. Is there any way to remove the association of a image that it is hidden to the product? We have products with many images and it is not good for the maintenance. Thanks, Javier
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Currently, we can only see top-line data on the revenue generated from each product recommendation block. Could I put in a feature request so we can see which SKUs were sold please? In other words, what actually makes up the top-line number reported in the admin.
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For Example, we have below SKU's. DZ5321, DZ5321-EC, DZ5321-60, DZ5321-SC When I search keyword 5321 in the search box I need above all SKUs in the result. If we search the DZ then also I need above all SKUs in the result. For another example, "simpleproduct" if we search with simple or product for every situation, we need simpleproduct as search result. In the below search graphQl. {
search : "5321"
sort : { position : ASC } pageSize : 100,
currentPage : 1
{ total_count items
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Adobe Commerce DateTime attribute type is not implemented for customer attributes. They are date only. This causes an issue with being able to provide a customer with a full omnichannel experience of accurately viewing activity on how they interact with an organization outside of just their ecommerce purchases. With Date only and not DateTime for customer attributes, the activity of the customers interaction last interaction/transaction outside of Adobe Commerce - for example presentation of the last purchase in a brick and mortar location will be presented twice to the customer when other updates have occurred to the customer profile in Adobe Commerce.
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For example, if we search for "fiter" it shows us results for "filter" in the response as expected but there's no messaging for "Did you mean?" or "showing results for filter" Currently, there is nothing in the live search response indicating what it's showing results for when the customer mis-types or it is showing results due to a fuzzy match. Because of this, we can't show that it Didn't find results for "fiter" but it's showing you results for "filter" instead.
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In the BO we are able to create a fixed_tax attribute, and apply it for some products. But we are not able to import it with our products via a csv file. It would be nice to have a column fixed_tax, to import the tax.
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It would be very useful to mass import synonyms against a SKU.
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<action name="*">
<section name="messages"/>
</action> We have some actions and don't want to reload messages section when them are called. For current, there is no way so we must customize from js function: Magento_Customer/js/section-config::getAffectedSections
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Not all countries require a phone number on the shipping label, so it would be great to have the option to select per store view if you want to ask the customer for a phone number in the checkout or not. Per country is maybe even better, but that might be a bit much. Statistics show that conversion drops when you ask potential customers for their phone number.
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There is no limit on the number of unsuccessful guesses made when submitting a 2FA code, this increases the chance for a user to correctly guess a voucher code using scripting or automation. It is possible that users of the site may successfully discover valid code through brute force guessing. The application offers no mechanism to restrict the number of code attempts to mitigate this attack. We should add a limit for the unsuccessful guesses in the 2FA module.
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Category surrogate keys are added on product pages. Due to this all cached product pages are flushed when a category needs to be flushed. By removing the surrogate key from the product page, we can avoid this making overall cache more effective. Here is that it looks like on a typical product page. Surrogate-Key: cat_c c9 c18 c4 c201 c6 c206 c208 store cb cb_weltpixel_pre-footer cb_weltpixel_footer_v3 p103697 cat_p cb_weltpixel_global_promo_message_2 text All the c9 c18 surrogate keys are coming from the categories populated in Top Navigation. So when C18 is invalidated the all pages of magento are technically flushed.
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Shared Catalog entity is among few entities that do not have extension attributes support. B2B clients frequently request creating assign additional attributes for Shared Catalogs, and extension attributes feature would be really helpful to achieve that.
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According to the three test results below, if I set up the “Product to Match” rule using the country(Spain or Italy) store view, not all store view, each buy page cannot show corroding the specific related product. Same Product(some-product-001) information : • All store view (default store view) : ABC Backend url : • Spain store view : 111 Buy page : • Italy store view : 222 Buy page : My test result : (Every test scenario has to clear the cache and wait for the reindex) Test scenario 1 : 1. Setup the “Product to Match” rule’s name : Product Name contains 111 (Spain store view) 2. Setup the “Product to Display” rule’s name :Product Product Name contains Constant Value fone15 3. Check the Spain buy page, it didn’t show any related product on the related product section Test scenario 2 : 1. Setup the “Product to Match” rule’s name : Product Name contains 222 (Italy store view) 2. Setup the “Product to Display” rule’s name :Product Product Name contains Constant Value book15 3. Check the Italy buy page, it didn’t show any related product on the related product section Test scenario 3 : 1. Setup the “Product to Match” rule’s name : Product Name contains ABC (All store view) 2. Setup the “Product to Display” rule’s name :Product Product Name contains Constant Value fone15 3. Check the Spain and Italy buy page, it will show each fone15 products on the correct buy page Our expectations are: • Spain buy page show the fone15 related products • Italy buy page show the book15 related products If the Product name is only able to read productName from the All store view only, but when I test in the “Product to Display” rule using all store view product name as productName, the frontend buy page can’t show the related product. If I setup the “Product to Display” rule using the Italy store view product name as productName, the frontend but page will show the related product. All store view 12-22 10-46-56-005 Italy store view 2022-12-22 10-56-25-464 In my observation, “Product to Match” needs to use the All store view product name, and “Product to Display” need to use the country(Italy) store view product name. If the related product is designed as a global function, why productName in the “Product to Display” rule and “Product to Match” is read different values (all store view/country store view)? Due to our test result, the “Product to Display” rule needs to use the country store view product name as productName, so we expect the “Product to Match” rule also use the country store view product name. My test result is that “Product to Match” needs to use the All store view product name, and “Product to Display” need to use the country(Italy) store view product name. If related product functions need to use all store view product name only, why is the logic of “Product to Display” and “Product to Match” different? Not all use all store view product name. I was wondering if there is something wrong with this part or if this is the original design?
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This would provide ability to set certain products to be only purchasable using the allowed payment methods. For example, this would exclude product from global payment methods to be purchasable only by credit card.
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Hi, As technically described here, Bearer and OAuth 1.0 integrations are deprecated in Magento 2. In order to securely authentificate external APIs into Magento, it would be very useful to upgrade the Integrations extension in Magento 2 core. The topic is "Ready for grooming" since Dec. 9, 2021. Is there by any chance an expected timeline for this feature? Thank you!
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Request: Create a Print Order option in Magento Admin when viewing a specific order Use Case: Order admin may require printing an order for their own hard record and/or mailing function Why: Currently, there is no clean print format for orders viewed from Admin backend. Using the browser's print function (ctrl+p//cmd+p) will display the full page content. This makes for an unclean print view, containing the entirety of the page, including navbar.
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Requirement: Appreciate a change which allow the custom role scope can edit the product at all store view scope when they are assigned to restricted stores. For example, a restricted user role that only has access to the 'Poland' store can modify a SKU that is used by the 'Spain' store. Background: Due to business model and legal concern, our custom role is only allowed to eidt the products on certain storeview(Poland). But when the product is a shared product, which is firstly used by other storeview(e.g. Spain) and visible for Poland storeview, then the restricted role should have the premission to modify it without affect the product info on other storeview(Spain). Previous ticket: [ASUS][MCC1][PL] Edit Price Permission Error – Adobe Commerce Help Center (
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Request: When defining Tax Classes, allow Tax Calculation Based On to be configured on a per scope basis. Use Case: Referred to as Nexus, a store with resellers or Shipping Origins located in different states, and shipping to states separate from where the reseller is located, will need to charge state tax for a subset of states that varies between each Shipping Origin. References for Nexus: Why: Some states charge a destination-based Sales Tax, meaning different resellers , will each need to charge state tax for a varying subset of states. As Tax Classes are Global, this requires custom or 3rd party integration.
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