I have a B2B Magento 2 site within the EU Currently Magento only has the options to show the prices: Including Tax Excluding Tax Including Excluding Tax If you have a B2B shop the cusomers have to pay the VAT if they are located in the same country as the shop, and pay 0% VAT if the customer is located outside the country of the shop. So the price excluding VAT is much more important than the price including VAT. Google Shopping requires to show the prices prices including VAT. Please add the Excluding Including Tax option to the price options. The prices Excluding TAX should be shown more prominent than the prices Including tax.
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Where can we get a complete list of Magento 2.1 Community reported bugs? Having just installed M2 Community, every time we run into an issue we are told by our developers "that is a Magento bug". We would like to know what is a legitimate bug, if Magento is working on it, when it might be fixed or if we need to fix it ourselves. We love the product but are often frustrated when we cannot get straight answers. Please advise.
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Please remove the title of the Related Products ,Up-Sell Products ,Cross-Sell Products The appearance looks bad when they are displayed on the mobile.
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There is no reason as far as I can see to use the _construct method instead of just using __construct as the language intended. In other areas such as AbstractModel, it's not abstract therefore it's optional, meaning I can put my code in the logical place, __construct. In AbstractResource, however, it's an abstract method, which requires me to implement it. From my understanding, _construct is an artifact from M1 that no longer applies.
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Hello, I'm working on Seo on Magento 2.2 project and i find SEO integration difficult to modify. For example, to add microdata in offer microdata entity , i must overwritte Magento_Catalog::product/price/amount/default. For me it's not clean to work like that. I think the best would be creating a block in which we include json-ld. However, magento uses microdata which is not recommended by google. Google recommends using JSON-LD for structured data whenever possible. https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/intro-structured-data. Do you think improve this seo integration ? Thanks.
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Attribute sets should be an available condition in category rules for adding products to a category (as they are in marketing rules).
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In several cases when we are developing a B2B store for customer, they have a need for a role that could make purchases, but would not see the pricing structure. It would make Magento B2B module much more desirable, if this would be a basic feature in it.
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Feature request from davidverholen, posted on GitHub Jan 16, 2018
Magento 2.2.2 Commerce Edition (Most likely the same behavior in OS)
API Integration in place
Steps to reproduce
Create a custom required, global product attribute that can be used for configurations (e.g. select)
Create one or more simple products with different values for the attribute
Create a configurable product over the rest api for the created simple(s) and leave the required attribute empty
(I think the API point is only important for reproducing since creating the product in the backend would most likely lead to have the default value / first value in select for the attribute submitted)
Expected result
The created attribute should not be required for the configurable product when it is used for configurations
Actual result
The attribute is required for the configurable product
"message":"Product with id \"%1\" does not contain required attribute \"%2\"
Current Workaround is to set the attribute to not required
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Magento 2.2.1 with 3 store view / languages In product ID 192, the product has a color option with 20 color value, and I have translated it for 3 different store view / languages In default store view: In French store view: In product ID 191, the product has the same custom options like in product 192. I click on import options in Customizable Options in default store view, and import it from product ID 192, then save. And then, I changed to French store view, the value should be in French as I translated in product ID 192, but all be covered by default value. And I tried to import it in French store view, but the value also be covered by default value. So, for multi language site, import custom option should import with different store view, that will be much easier to add products.
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Feature request from m-spyratos, posted on GitHub Dec 21, 2017
I would like to request the ability to add additional charges depending on the payment method that a user has chosen.
For example:
[ ] Bank Deposit: Free
[ ] Cash on Delivery: + $3.00
Paid solutions already exist for this, like Extra Charge of Payment Method from Emipro, but I believe that this should be part of the core functionality of Magento.
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Feature request from hossam-fares, posted on GitHub Jan 10, 2018
It would be great to have an official containers ecosystem support
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Submitted on
11:23 AM
Submitted by
11:23 AM
Feature request from redicer, posted on GitHub Jan 29, 2016
I am installing Magento 2.0.2. No customization. No sampledata. Apache 2.4, PHP 5.6.
Steps to reproduce
Create test category. Is Anchor - Yes.
Create test product.
I look my test category on the storefront. Layered navigation filter with 'Price' is not displayed.
Returns to the Admin page, and add to the my product test attribute 'Color'. (Filterable (with results)).
Attribute 'Color' is also not displayed in the filter.
Returns to the Admin page, and change attribute 'Color'. from 'Filterable (with results)' to 'Filterable (no results)'.
Expected result
Price filter is visible.
Actual result
Attribute 'Сolor' display begins. But the "Price" is still not visible.
In /var/log/system.log
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_28f8f27b8478aea82e0ee080b652907b7: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_2a7ccd8094436548b564a588f6303121c: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'store.settings.currency' tries to reorder itself towards 'store_language', but their parents are different: 'store.settings' and 'header.panel' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_26f1b068ec7ccf4878f9284dd1137afd1: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:54] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_2d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE1_3942059a62c87af8724fe1ef3f757dc31: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'header' tries to reorder itself towards 'global.notices', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'page.breadcrumbs' tries to reorder itself towards 'notifications', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'global.search' tries to reorder itself towards 'notification.messages', but their parents are different: 'header.inner.right' and 'header' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:10] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE1_3d377266e3d6552ca5fe63f5fe36483b7: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:10] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE1_3793edbdc1c00dd1c3aa9e1b3dc856b39: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:11] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'header' tries to reorder itself towards 'global.notices', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:11] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'page.breadcrumbs' tries to reorder itself towards 'notifications', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:11] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'global.search' tries to reorder itself towards 'notification.messages', but their parents are different: 'header.inner.right' and 'header' respectively. [] []
Do you have any ideas about this?
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Submitted on
06:13 AM
Submitted by
06:13 AM
Our products are very heavy 65 lbs in a 24 x 49 in box, normally we would request a call tag option via FedEx for them to go out and pickup the product (they bring the label) instead of us creating an RMA label for the customer and having them deal with it. Fedex would then pickup the package on the date we request. I would love to see this option incorporated as it is best practice for us and the large packages we ship.
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Hopefully I'm not wrong by agree-ing, that this idea hasn't being postet yet. Well, even I'm pretty new here on magento, I miss a very important option to link pages external via the main menu. Let me explain what I mean; Since approx. 10 years I'm working with joomla! Because I now can clearly see, that magento is way better, faster and much more reliable than virtuemart (common joomla! online shop extension), I would love to integrate magento into my joomlasite, by linking back and forward via the main menu bar. I'm already working at a dublicate template for magento. If such a new Option would exist, than other cms user could use magento as they'r online store. Couldn't it be useful to add or to edit a category widget, which can point to a custom external link? Have a good day and best regards!
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Activate Bluefoot on Scheduled Events CMS We have bluefoot installed on Magento EE 2.2.1 and it functions as designed, however we are trying to do scheduled events on CMS pages and the "Activate Bluefoot" button is not available in this section. If you go to CMS page the wysiwyg will have the activate bluefoot, but from there if you want to schedule a change to the page and open the slider "Scheduled Events" the wysiwyg editor does not show the activate bluefoot. If there something we can do to get this to show? Is this going to be fixed? Do we need to just extend the bluefoot ourselves to fix this? Thanks
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We are using "Match products by rule" in Categories and whenever we add any new products it is not assigned to categories in which we are using "Match products by rule". When we manually go and save categories then it assigns products. But in M1 EE products are assigned to category by smart merchandising cron, but in M2 we haven't find any cron timing tab to schedule such cron. So please help to include this feature, as we have many categories and to save category one by one is very time consuming. Thanks.
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Hi, Currently it is only possible to choose either GTM Or Universal Analytics in Magento backend and it will only render one or another on store fronts. One of our customers wanted both of these together on frontend and we commented the condition check at ga.phtml file to accomplish this. If possible and is conceptually correct, please make this feature avaialble in future magento versions. Thanks and regards, Manaf
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Hi, My idea is within the checkout allow for a place for tax exempt customers to enter their tax exempt number. This could be tied to a customer group that doesn’t charge tax so either the customer wouldn’t get charged tax instantaneously or after verification (this would be up to the admin). This would be a great feature for the B2B area of Magento.
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We use the salesShipOrder method to post shipping information to Magento2 from our fulfillment software. We're able to successfully create the shipment (along with carrier information, tracking numbers, customer notification), however there is not a way to indicate a shipment date (createdAt) for the package. When the post is made, it uses the current date/time as the shipment date, not the actual date/time that the package was shipped. We began using the salesShipOrder method over the salesShipmentRepository method to combat the Magento2 bug where order status is not properly updated. However this new method does not include the essential element for shipment date.
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