Hopefully I'm not wrong by agree-ing, that this idea hasn't being postet yet. Well, even I'm pretty new here on magento, I miss a very important option to link pages external via the main menu. Let me explain what I mean; Since approx. 10 years I'm working with joomla! Because I now can clearly see, that magento is way better, faster and much more reliable than virtuemart (common joomla! online shop extension), I would love to integrate magento into my joomlasite, by linking back and forward via the main menu bar. I'm already working at a dublicate template for magento. If such a new Option would exist, than other cms user could use magento as they'r online store. Couldn't it be useful to add or to edit a category widget, which can point to a custom external link? Have a good day and best regards!
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I tried to create a new model, different from what Magento has and I was unable to create a fixture for that entity when I wanted to create an integration test for a method. I also tried to create a fixture for an out-of-the-box model (Catalog Product) and I was able to access that entity in the test method, so I was able to assert properties. I am using: $objectManager = \Magento\TestFramework\Helper\Bootstrap::getObjectManager(); to create new objects. This works fine for core classes like: ->create(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::class) But when I try to use it on a custom made module the data is not saved and I cannot load it inside my test. Is there an extra step or something we have to take in order to achieve the desired outcome?
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Activate Bluefoot on Scheduled Events CMS We have bluefoot installed on Magento EE 2.2.1 and it functions as designed, however we are trying to do scheduled events on CMS pages and the "Activate Bluefoot" button is not available in this section. If you go to CMS page the wysiwyg will have the activate bluefoot, but from there if you want to schedule a change to the page and open the slider "Scheduled Events" the wysiwyg editor does not show the activate bluefoot. If there something we can do to get this to show? Is this going to be fixed? Do we need to just extend the bluefoot ourselves to fix this? Thanks
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We are using "Match products by rule" in Categories and whenever we add any new products it is not assigned to categories in which we are using "Match products by rule". When we manually go and save categories then it assigns products. But in M1 EE products are assigned to category by smart merchandising cron, but in M2 we haven't find any cron timing tab to schedule such cron. So please help to include this feature, as we have many categories and to save category one by one is very time consuming. Thanks.
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When creating tables in Module/Setup/InstallSchema.php I would like "Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table.php" to support the JSON data type as it has its advantages. For DBs that do not have a JSON data type, they can default to text. At the moment I need to add my column manually to enable the usage of the JSON data type. $sql = <<<EOT
AFTER a_table_column;
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Hi, Currently it is only possible to choose either GTM Or Universal Analytics in Magento backend and it will only render one or another on store fronts. One of our customers wanted both of these together on frontend and we commented the condition check at ga.phtml file to accomplish this. If possible and is conceptually correct, please make this feature avaialble in future magento versions. Thanks and regards, Manaf
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Hello Magento 2 allows the website administrator to specify the number of times a purchased downloadable product can be downloaded at the product configuration stage. I would be glad if Magento team takes this to the next level and allow backend admin to specify the expiration date for a downloadable product from the backend during the same configuration. For example: Set expiration date: Day/Month/Year or Unlimited... Thanks
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There is no REST API exposed for adding a Catalog Price Rule. I verified this with the EE support team. There are APIs available for adding special pricing and Cart Price rules, so why not for the Catalog one? Thanks
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Hi, My idea is within the checkout allow for a place for tax exempt customers to enter their tax exempt number. This could be tied to a customer group that doesn’t charge tax so either the customer wouldn’t get charged tax instantaneously or after verification (this would be up to the admin). This would be a great feature for the B2B area of Magento.
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We use the salesShipOrder method to post shipping information to Magento2 from our fulfillment software. We're able to successfully create the shipment (along with carrier information, tracking numbers, customer notification), however there is not a way to indicate a shipment date (createdAt) for the package. When the post is made, it uses the current date/time as the shipment date, not the actual date/time that the package was shipped. We began using the salesShipOrder method over the salesShipmentRepository method to combat the Magento2 bug where order status is not properly updated. However this new method does not include the essential element for shipment date.
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We need an alternative to the customer email login which is phone number login. It may not sound useful in Western countries but in China, it's necessary. Chinese people only use this login method with Taobao (taobao.com), Tmall (tmall.com) or JD (jd.com), they are used to it. Without this basic option, Magento 2 will never make it in China.
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I have an configurable product for example T-Shirts in size small, medium and large. And all have same price and we have tier price like: Buy 10 for 5.50 and save 10% Buy 20 for 5.00 and save 20% Now a customer buys 5 medium T-Shirts and 10 large. So he has total 15 articles of this T-Shirt. Default Magento is now only take tier price of 10 large T-Shirts, but not for 5 medium T-Shirts. It would be really nice to have option for product to set "use total amount of child products for tier price". martin
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With all the data-breaches and insecurity on the internet, it would be helpful if Magento enabled FIDO strong-authentication as a standard feature to protect user accounts from getting hacked. Savvy users can then choose to protect themselves with a FIDO Authenticator instead of just userid/passwords. FIDO is an industry-standard security protocol for web-applications, currently enabled on sites like Google, Facebook, SFDC and many other sites. It will soon be standardized by the W3C for WebAuthentication. But, by having Magento include it as a standard feature, it will enable one of the strongest authentication protocols on the market for Magento sites and their customers. We will be happy to provide some source-code to enable this - we've already implemented the core protocol into Magento 2, but since we're not Magento experts, we'd ideally like to see Magento include/adapt it into their core product. Let me know how we can help further. Thanks.
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This is more of a demand than a suggestion, because it's total madness that this is not standard. How has this simple thing, that is so important, been overlooked by Magento? I'm creating a multivendor marketplace using Magento2 for fashion retailers. In the world of fashion (and many other retail avenues) have all kinds of odd names for their colours, to make them sound more exciting for buyers. However in Magento2, when creating a configurable product using attributes, when choosing colours you can only see the colour name, not the swatch of the colour. Why the hell would Magento leave such a simple thing out?! How on earth are vendors supposed to know the variant shades between the colour names, if they cannot see the colours?! Just look at that! ...It's pathetic. I'm not sure this should even be a suggestion, if the Magento team see this post, you should just get this sorted because it's total madness. I've sunk a lot of money into building this with Magento2 so far, but to have this simple thing have such a detrimental effect at this stage ...Just shame on Magento for having overlooked this. I've seen posts for this dating back to 2016, it's now November 2017. GET IT DONE.
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One big issue I find when working with UI Components is that you end up writing deeply nested xml trees. These quickly become hard to read, and are really unmanageable. I'd like to propose two new XML nodes to be introduced: alias and referenceAlias. These would provide a mechanism for reducing the amount of XML I need to write and manage when working with nested components. Consider the following: <?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<referenceBlock name="checkout.root">
<argument name="jsLayout" xsi:type="array">
<item name="components" xsi:type="array">
<item name="checkout" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="steps" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="shipping-step" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="shippingAddress" xsi:type="array">
<item name="component" xsi:type="string">Ashsmith_Checkout/js/view/shipping</item>
</page> It's deeply nested, and all to common when all you want to do is replace a component or alter it's configuration in some way. The alias and referenceAlias solution would result in XML that looks like this: <?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<alias name=checkout_step_shipping_address path=“checkout.root/arguments/jsLayout/components/checkout/children/steps/children/shipping-step/children/shippingAddress” />
<referenceAlias name="checkout_step_shipping_address">
<item name="component" xsi:type="string">Ashsmith_Checkout/js/view/shipping</item>
</page> Immediately we have less depth, and can still get the job done. Our XML is easier to read and can be quickly understood by anyone jumping in. Furthermore, these aliases could be defined by the Magento core. They would serve as invaluable extension points for developers. Even better this feature request would not introduce any breaking changes. I go over this in a little more detail (and my reasoning behind it) over on my blog: www.ashsmith.io/magento2/suggestions-to-improve-ui-components/
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How about creating a dark theme for the Administration page?
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When working with products regarding store context, there is inconsistency among Quote, Order and Invoice and Shipment items regarding the getProduct() method. The best implementation as of 2.1.7 is Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Item\AbstractItem.php, where it supplies store id in the context of the quotation. I suggest that the model of Order and Invoice should follow such practise when getting product from underlying items, since developer expects a certain level of API consistency. I can make PRs if everyone agrees.
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It would be great to be able to manually control the order of static assets added via XML, for example if you are loading 5 CSS files you can set the order they load in. At the moment this is out of a developers control, there are workarounds such as a adding an attribute but this still isn't very useful.There are extensions that add the ability to use so this is possible. Some useful links/discussions: - https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/1821 - https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/8406 - https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/94769/what-is-the-proper-way-of-positioning-ordering-css-files-in-magento-2 - https://github.com/quickshiftin/mage2-ordered-assets I have heard this mentioned several times, in this instance a third party module is adding some CSS which is loading before the custom CSS therefore overwriting it.
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