Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from tanya-soroka, posted on GitHub Jan 17, 2014
Multi-node inventory
Multi-node inventory functionality will introduce support for multiple warehouses, management of product stock per website and warehouse, order processing through drop shippers and vendors. It will allow set up of multiple shipping origins, flexible shipping configurations, and automatic vendor notifications.
Functional Requirements
Ability to enable/disable shipping from multiple addresses (either you’re your business address or from 3rd party warehouses and suppliers)
Ability to specify the addresses of these warehouses/suppliers
Ability to assign products to different warehouses/suppliers
Ability to manage stocks in different warehouses
Ability to specify preferences for picking up products from warehouses
Ability to automatically define nearest warehouse to customer's destination
Ability to notify warehouse/supplier upon order and/or invoice creation
Ability to create/update email templates to be sent to warehouses/suppliers
Ability to see products assigned to selected warehouse
Ability to see shipments from selected warehouse
Inventory per Website
Provides ability to:
Set up a QTY attributes per website
Specify different inventory levels for each website
Track inventory level for each website
Track low stock for each website
Get a total QTY of the product
This feature entails the following changes:
General settings of inventory Scope should be available under Configuration > Catalog > Inventory Section
Additional rows on Product QTY of Product Grid (for products which are using inventory option)
Updates of Low Stock report
Warehouse Settings
It should be possible to enable and set up Multi-node inventory functionality. As a merchant, I want to have the following options:
Enable/Disable service
Show warehouse information on product page, shopping cart, checkout process, order/invoice/shipment/refund
Select any enabled Shipping service/method per warehouse
Manage Warehouses
The Manage Warehouses tab should appear under System > Store set upon a primary menu. It should contain the following action:
Create / Edit / Delete a new Warehouse.
Filter and search data of Warehouse list.
Provide general information about a warehouse: title and address.
Mass action, such as delete and update.
Admin user should have ability to specify the following warehouse data:
Warehouse contact information and Address
List of assigned Products
Shipping methods data
Sales data (Shipment, Orders, etc.)
Managing Inventory per Product
Alternatively, admin user should be able to specify warehouse/supplier data on the Product Information page and manage inventory per each warehouse individually.
The QTY field of the Inventory section (i.e. general quantity of a product) should display the sum of the numbers entered to the QTY fields per warehouses. It be set for read-only purposes.
Shipping / Delivery Configuration
Store owner should be able to select a shipping method from existing list of vendors (USPS, USP, DHL, FedEx, etc.). Additionally, one can set up a custom shipping method (Drop-shipping) per warehouse. Configuration settings, delivery fee, and delivery time are required on global/warehouse level.
Admin user should have ability to specify ship/delivery option for products from warehouse(s):
Shipping from a nearest warehouse (closest to customer's area)
** When a product that is assigned to multiple warehouses is added to the cart, the nearest warehouse is selected for delivery. Otherwise, product should be delivered from next nearest warehouse where it is available
Shipping from a warehouses with the highest priority
** When a product that is assigned to multiple warehouses is added to the cart, the warehouse with highest priority is selected for delivery. Other warehouses are selected according to the specified priority.
Once multi-inventory functionality is enabled, the following delivery scenario should apply:
When ordered product is assigned to a warehouse, the address of a warehouse is considered as a pick-up address for the shipping service provider. Shipping rate to be calculated accordingly.
When ordered product is not assigned to a warehouse, the store address is considered as a pick-up address for the shipping service provider. The shipping rate is to be calculated accordingly.
When ordered products are assigned to multiple warehouses, multiple orders are created. Address of appropriate warehouse is considered as pick-up address for shipping service provider to each of the orders. The shipping rate is to be calculated accordingly for each created order.
Returning Items Assigned to Different Warehouses
Store address to be the return address for products. If Automatically Return Credit Memo Item to Stock feature is enabled, the returned items should affect the general quantity of the product and appropriate Warehouse should be considered as place of their storage.
Displaying the Warehouse/Supplier Information on the Order Review Page in Backend
Order View page should display warehouse/supplier information for every ordered product. The same data should be also displayed on the Invoice, Credit Memo and Shipment pages.
Products should be displayed on separate rows in case these products will be delivered from multiple warehouses.
Notifying Warehouse/Supplier Upon Creation of an Order in Backend
Admin user should be able to manage their notifications. Notifications can be configured to be sent per warehouse when an order/invoice/refund is created.
Creating Email Template for a Warehouse/Supplier
By default, email to a warehouse/supplier should contain all product details (i.e. product name, product parameters, quantity of each item, tracking information, and shipping method details). However, admin user should be able to create their own templates. There it should be ability possible to specify email template that will be used for sending a notification (per warehouse or globally).
Tax Calculation
Depending on tax configuration and local tax laws, tax may be collected for products shipped from a warehouse location and should be included when an order is placed.
Warehouse data should be updated with reports about Sales and Products, like Orders, Shipment, Low Stock and etc.
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from alexdrupal, posted on GitHub Feb 11, 2014
Hi Folks!
Does magento has plural support for translations?
If no, I think it should be added to the todo list of Magento2 team.
At least, Zend framework having plural support since 1.6
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12:37 PM
Feature request from 12th, posted on GitHub Feb 22, 2014
Hello. I apologize in advance if this functionality is. I would like to make a suggestion on the routes. It is very lacking in the short address with address bar of your browser. Now addressing Magenta works of principle:
http:// / module / controller / action
http:// / checkout / cart / updatePost
It would be great if had the opportunity to register routes for specific modules, as is done, for example, in the framework Kohana:
Route::set('default', '(controller(/action(/id)))')
'controller' => 'welcome',
'action' => 'index',
Route::set('cart', 'cart(/param1)')
'directory' => 'checkoutDirectory',
'controller' => 'cartController',
'action' => 'indexAction',
PS: example is slightly modified in order to convey the essence
And then when you click on the address:
http:// / cart
working out the controller
http:// / checkout / cart / index
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from ihor-sviziev, posted on GitHub Apr 08, 2014
Will be great remove index.php from admin url.
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Submitted on
12:36 PM
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12:36 PM
Feature request from erikhansen, posted on GitHub May 16, 2014
Currently, the "template path hint" feature displays the template name and block class name.
Fabrizio Branca's Aoe_TemplateHints module extends the native Magento 1.x template path hint functionality to add much more information to the hints including:
Block name (very useful)
Parent block names
Caching status
Here is a screenshot from his blog post, visualizing what this could look like:
I propose that this functionality be built into Magento 2. If Magento accepts this proposal, I may be willing to build this functionality and then issue a pull request to have it incorporated into Magento 2.
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Submitted on
12:36 PM
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12:36 PM
Feature request from seansan, posted on GitHub May 22, 2014
Is it possible to add a new PDF generation mechanism in Magento 2 in CORE?
Maybe based on HTML -> PDF or using advanced PDF editors?
Something like:
Now it is almost impossible to change anything about the PDF documents without very advanced programming and changing complex files
Many thanks
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Submitted on
12:36 PM
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12:36 PM
Feature request from airbone42, posted on GitHub Dec 22, 2014
I'm currently playing around with the plugin interceptors. Currently the only way to handle the order of plugins is by the sortOrder attribute. Unfortunately that's very lmiited as it only accepts a hardcoded integer value. Especially if you have dependencies between different modules it's very risky to use these, as if some other module changes it's sort order your extension might break.
Would Magento be interested in a solution where you could define a before or after attribute (similar to the layout blocks) to define if a plugin should be run before or after any other specific plugin? For me that would be a great solution to also handle bigger dependency chains and it's less likely to break if when the amount of plugins is growing. What drawbacks can you see in this solution?
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from ldusan84, posted on GitHub Dec 25, 2014
I think that Magento2 should import namespaces and use aliases instead of using fully qualified namespaces all over the place.
Here is an example.
What I suggest is that instead of:
throw new \Magento\Framework\Model\Exception(
__('Invalid login or password.'),
We could have:
use \Magento\Framework\Model\Exception as MagentoException
/* ... */
throw new MagentoException(
__('Invalid login or password.'),
Here are the benefits from this:
With importing namespaces keyword at the first few lines of a class you actually get a nice documentation of your class dependencies. Everything that class uses is in those first few lines. It makes dependencies explicit.
If something changes in the future, you would only need to change it in one place, in import declaration and the alias remains. With fully qualified namespaces you would need to find them everywhere in class and change.
Less confusion if you have similar namespaces, you can give them different aliases.
All major frameworks use importing/aliases over fully qualified namespaces.
Let me know what you think.
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from sshymko, posted on GitHub Jan 13, 2015
Classes Magento\Catalog\Plugin\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\Execute and Magento\Catalog\Plugin\Model\Resource\Attribute\Save implement flushing the Full Page Cache. They should belong to the Magento_PageCache module, not the Magento_Catalog . Utilization of the constant Magento\PageCache\Model\Cache\Type::TYPE_IDENTIFIER rather than literal full_page would expose that dependency on the code level.
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12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from bgalileo, posted on GitHub Jan 14, 2015
In Magento 1, there is no easy way to add a user-friendly product, category or customer selection widget to a custom form. There are ways to add the product, category, cms page and cms block chooser widgets to your form, but the process is neither well-documented nor obvious, and a customer chooser widget simply doesn't exist.
Since you often need to link information with specific customers, products or categories in custom modules, it should be easy to add a form element which allows the user to select one or multiple product/category/user IDs via the corresponding grids, which are then submitted together with the form.
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12:35 PM
Feature request from Flyingmana, posted on GitHub Jan 21, 2015
You run several static analyzers like for example the phpcs part.
This generates a report file if it fails. It would be helpfull if people can look into this somehow, for example trough the linked travis feature.
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12:35 PM
Feature request from airbone42, posted on GitHub Jan 21, 2015
PHP 5.5 introduced a new password API natively to PHP.
As using BCRYPT for the default hashing algorithm it's not only more secure than the current implementaiton of md5 and sha256. But will even be automatically maintained with newer PHP versions and does not depend on any maintenance or upgrades by Magento.
So my suggestion is to replace the current hashing implementation in the Encryptor with using native password_hash and password_verify. Especially for an e-commerce system security should have a very high priority.
So rumors tell that Magento 2 will soon raise min. requirements to PHP 5.5, so that would be the best point to integrate this. Anyway if that min. version update might not come there's also a backward compatibility library available at which could be used for PHP <5.5.
If Magento needs MD5 and SHA256 for b/c to Magento 1 hashes, I would suggest to move that into a separate module, so new Magento 2 shops without old data don't need to bother about this old hasing algorithms and the code coming with it. Even shops with older Magento 1 data could remove that b/c module after all customers have updated their password over time or by enforcing them after the first login. This reduces amount of code and complexity, buy having these Mage1 b/c modules and migrations optional.
Anyway, would Magento be interested in porting the Encryptor into that way? If it will get accepted I would definitely dig into this and try to create a PR to speed up development.
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12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from avoelkl, posted on GitHub Jan 27, 2015
Given that you run a big shop with a lot of payment methods, some of the payment extensions bring a lot of unneeded/unwanted payment methods with them which appear in the payment method list. Of course you can generate a list and hide them via custom xml (at least in M1), but it's not very handy.
Edit: To get an idea what I mean:
Currently we have a shop which has 68 payment methods in this list.
These 68 payment methods are added by 10 payment extensions whereas one of them brings > 20 possible payment methods.
Only 8 of the payment methods are currently activated in the shop frontend.
This makes the list quite confusing.
The list under Configuration > Payment Methods can get quite long so I'd like to suggest to either
1 Highlight activated Payment Methods (having "Enabled" > "Yes")
2 Put the enabled payment methods on top incl. highlighting
This would require to prioritize the status "Enabled" over the defined sort order.
Another addition to this could be to sort them into activated and deactivated payment methods and hide the deactivated by default.
I think version 1 would already bring an improvement.
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from seansan, posted on GitHub Jan 29, 2015
Request: ability to refresh cache (and FPC) per store
We have many stores. And it becomes a problem when you are building/working on store B when store A is actually live and hence static. Now when we refresh the cache or all other related (like FPC) then it affects ALL stores ... this is a shame.
It would be great if a store swticher or store selector could be added to throw away or relaod cache only for 1 specific store
(dont know if this is possible)
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Submitted on
12:34 PM
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12:34 PM
Feature request from kassner, posted on GitHub Jan 30, 2015
I'm not sure if this is widely used, but I have some clients where the shipping cost is not the same that is charged from their customers. I often see M1 shipping modules with $rate->setCost(x.xx) , but that information is not saved anywhere.
Can this be added to Magento 2 at least? Should I send a pull request?
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Submitted on
12:34 PM
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12:34 PM
Feature request from rvpatel, posted on GitHub Feb 09, 2015
Magento Customer Registration form on how to display Address field without customize like
<?php $this->setShowAddressFields(true); ?>
adding on before Line 56.
<?php if ($block->getShowAddressFields()): ?>
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Submitted on
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12:34 PM
Feature request from avoelkl, posted on GitHub Feb 13, 2015
When working with various customer groups, it's not very handy to work with fixed ID's which are returned by getCustomerGroupId() .
Working with customer group codes would be more flexible. Currently the name of the customer group is set as 'customer_group_code' in the admin.
I would recommend to distinguish between name and code as the name might be something more user-friendly for backend admins whereas the code can be used for development.
What are your thoughts on this?
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12:34 PM
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12:34 PM
Feature request from fr0x, posted on GitHub Feb 23, 2015
This may be fixed in Magento 2 (I dont have a current 2.x install to check but recently ran into this in a 1.6.2 install).
The Manage Label / Options screen when you are editing an attribute has no limit on the number of options it displays. For one attribute, we have thousands of options. The admin screen tries to load every single one and it tends to cause the browser to crash/hang.
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Feature request from 5mehulhelp5, posted on GitHub Feb 25, 2015
I think Google Shopping api is going to expire soon but i show in magento 2 we are using still a V1 so it's better if we can Update that to V2.......
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Submitted on
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12:34 PM
Feature request from Flyingmana, posted on GitHub Mar 01, 2015
I currently have to do a plugin which replaces the Magento\Framework\App\Http->catchException() call, as plugins only work on public methods, and the protected handleDeveloperMode() directly sends the output. The current way I do this feels wrong, and I dont see another one which would work more modular, so I assume this should get improved.
priority for me: low
Context: I wrote a module which improves the display during errors
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