Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from ihor-sviziev, posted on GitHub Dec 07, 2013
For now we using ExtJS version 1.1 Beta 1 (
Why we use really old lib? For now latest ExtJS version - 4.2.1!
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from 12th, posted on GitHub Feb 22, 2014
Hello. I apologize in advance if this functionality is. I would like to make a suggestion on the routes. It is very lacking in the short address with address bar of your browser. Now addressing Magenta works of principle:
http:// / module / controller / action
http:// / checkout / cart / updatePost
It would be great if had the opportunity to register routes for specific modules, as is done, for example, in the framework Kohana:
Route::set('default', '(controller(/action(/id)))')
'controller' => 'welcome',
'action' => 'index',
Route::set('cart', 'cart(/param1)')
'directory' => 'checkoutDirectory',
'controller' => 'cartController',
'action' => 'indexAction',
PS: example is slightly modified in order to convey the essence
And then when you click on the address:
http:// / cart
working out the controller
http:// / checkout / cart / index
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from ihor-sviziev, posted on GitHub Apr 08, 2014
Will be great remove index.php from admin url.
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Magento's current behavior when creating partial invoices, is to bill the entire shipping amount of the order on the first invoice, regardless of how many items have been invoiced. This is problematic when products ship at different times, which can happen frequently if a store drop ships often. Here is an egregious example: A customer purchases two products, a Widget that has Free Shipping, and a Gadget that costs $100 to ship. 2. The Widget ships first, so we must invoice the Widget. 3. When we go to invoice the Widget, we do not want to invoice any shipping, because it was eligible for Free Shipping. However, Magento does not allow us to specify how much of the shipping should be included on the invoice, so the invoice includes the shipping amount for the entire order. 4. When the Gadget ships, we go to invoice it. There is no shipping charged on that invoice, because it was all charged on the first invoice for the Widget. 5. Customer and Accounting frustration ensues. The ability to specify a partial shipping amount on an invoice, up to the total amount charged at the time of order, would solve this issue.
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Submitted on
12:36 PM
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12:36 PM
Feature request from seansan, posted on GitHub May 22, 2014
Is it possible to add a new PDF generation mechanism in Magento 2 in CORE?
Maybe based on HTML -> PDF or using advanced PDF editors?
Something like:
Now it is almost impossible to change anything about the PDF documents without very advanced programming and changing complex files
Many thanks
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Since the Layout Update XML field was changed to a selector in version 2.3.4, it is now required to create a layout file, named specifically for use on a particular Category, CMS, or Product record, and stored on the hosting server. This is a clunky and un-intuitive solution for a few reasons: 1. It requires granting file system access to users who previously only needed admin panel access. 2. It requires creating a file with layout instructions for each individual record. If a common layout instruction is shared between records, this means potentially hundreds of redundant files. Please consider adding the ability to share Layout Update files between multiple records. That way, only one file is needed if the same layout instructions are applied to multiple categories, and admin panel users could apply those updates to new categories without needing file system access.
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The ability to specify a Product Attribute Value position by integer was present in Magento 1.x but removed from Magento 2. Currently, if you want to re-order product attribute values, you need to drag and drop the value. If you're creating a new attribute value on an attribute that already contains dozens or hundreds of values, this means creating the new value at the very bottom of the list, and having to drag and drop it through all of the records above.
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Currently, any time you add a Customer Group to Magento, you have to manually go through any record that uses the 'Customer Groups' selector and select the newly created Customer Group. This includes Catalog Price Rules, Cart Price Rules, and many 3rd party extensions. On large stores with many Customer Groups and Price Rules, this is very time consuming. Please add an 'All Customer Groups' selector, so users do not have to manually go through records to tag new Customer Groups.
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Submitted on
12:36 PM
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12:36 PM
Feature request from airbone42, posted on GitHub Dec 22, 2014
I'm currently playing around with the plugin interceptors. Currently the only way to handle the order of plugins is by the sortOrder attribute. Unfortunately that's very lmiited as it only accepts a hardcoded integer value. Especially if you have dependencies between different modules it's very risky to use these, as if some other module changes it's sort order your extension might break.
Would Magento be interested in a solution where you could define a before or after attribute (similar to the layout blocks) to define if a plugin should be run before or after any other specific plugin? For me that would be a great solution to also handle bigger dependency chains and it's less likely to break if when the amount of plugins is growing. What drawbacks can you see in this solution?
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from ldusan84, posted on GitHub Dec 25, 2014
I think that Magento2 should import namespaces and use aliases instead of using fully qualified namespaces all over the place.
Here is an example.
What I suggest is that instead of:
throw new \Magento\Framework\Model\Exception(
__('Invalid login or password.'),
We could have:
use \Magento\Framework\Model\Exception as MagentoException
/* ... */
throw new MagentoException(
__('Invalid login or password.'),
Here are the benefits from this:
With importing namespaces keyword at the first few lines of a class you actually get a nice documentation of your class dependencies. Everything that class uses is in those first few lines. It makes dependencies explicit.
If something changes in the future, you would only need to change it in one place, in import declaration and the alias remains. With fully qualified namespaces you would need to find them everywhere in class and change.
Less confusion if you have similar namespaces, you can give them different aliases.
All major frameworks use importing/aliases over fully qualified namespaces.
Let me know what you think.
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from sshymko, posted on GitHub Jan 13, 2015
Classes Magento\Catalog\Plugin\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\Execute and Magento\Catalog\Plugin\Model\Resource\Attribute\Save implement flushing the Full Page Cache. They should belong to the Magento_PageCache module, not the Magento_Catalog . Utilization of the constant Magento\PageCache\Model\Cache\Type::TYPE_IDENTIFIER rather than literal full_page would expose that dependency on the code level.
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We don't have a feature to apply coupon code when we proceed checkout with Multi Shipping Address. If customer forgot to apply coupon code on shopping cart page, he/she doesn't have provision to apply coupon code on multi shipping address checkout. So, its better to have this feature on multi shipping checkout.
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from bgalileo, posted on GitHub Jan 14, 2015
In Magento 1, there is no easy way to add a user-friendly product, category or customer selection widget to a custom form. There are ways to add the product, category, cms page and cms block chooser widgets to your form, but the process is neither well-documented nor obvious, and a customer chooser widget simply doesn't exist.
Since you often need to link information with specific customers, products or categories in custom modules, it should be easy to add a form element which allows the user to select one or multiple product/category/user IDs via the corresponding grids, which are then submitted together with the form.
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from Flyingmana, posted on GitHub Jan 21, 2015
You run several static analyzers like for example the phpcs part.
This generates a report file if it fails. It would be helpfull if people can look into this somehow, for example trough the linked travis feature.
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from avoelkl, posted on GitHub Jan 27, 2015
Given that you run a big shop with a lot of payment methods, some of the payment extensions bring a lot of unneeded/unwanted payment methods with them which appear in the payment method list. Of course you can generate a list and hide them via custom xml (at least in M1), but it's not very handy.
Edit: To get an idea what I mean:
Currently we have a shop which has 68 payment methods in this list.
These 68 payment methods are added by 10 payment extensions whereas one of them brings > 20 possible payment methods.
Only 8 of the payment methods are currently activated in the shop frontend.
This makes the list quite confusing.
The list under Configuration > Payment Methods can get quite long so I'd like to suggest to either
1 Highlight activated Payment Methods (having "Enabled" > "Yes")
2 Put the enabled payment methods on top incl. highlighting
This would require to prioritize the status "Enabled" over the defined sort order.
Another addition to this could be to sort them into activated and deactivated payment methods and hide the deactivated by default.
I think version 1 would already bring an improvement.
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Submitted on
12:35 PM
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12:35 PM
Feature request from seansan, posted on GitHub Jan 29, 2015
Request: ability to refresh cache (and FPC) per store
We have many stores. And it becomes a problem when you are building/working on store B when store A is actually live and hence static. Now when we refresh the cache or all other related (like FPC) then it affects ALL stores ... this is a shame.
It would be great if a store swticher or store selector could be added to throw away or relaod cache only for 1 specific store
(dont know if this is possible)
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Submitted on
12:34 PM
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12:34 PM
Feature request from kassner, posted on GitHub Jan 30, 2015
I'm not sure if this is widely used, but I have some clients where the shipping cost is not the same that is charged from their customers. I often see M1 shipping modules with $rate->setCost(x.xx) , but that information is not saved anywhere.
Can this be added to Magento 2 at least? Should I send a pull request?
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Submitted on
12:34 PM
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12:34 PM
Feature request from rvpatel, posted on GitHub Feb 09, 2015
Magento Customer Registration form on how to display Address field without customize like
<?php $this->setShowAddressFields(true); ?>
adding on before Line 56.
<?php if ($block->getShowAddressFields()): ?>
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Submitted on
12:34 PM
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12:34 PM
Feature request from avoelkl, posted on GitHub Feb 13, 2015
When working with various customer groups, it's not very handy to work with fixed ID's which are returned by getCustomerGroupId() .
Working with customer group codes would be more flexible. Currently the name of the customer group is set as 'customer_group_code' in the admin.
I would recommend to distinguish between name and code as the name might be something more user-friendly for backend admins whereas the code can be used for development.
What are your thoughts on this?
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Submitted on
12:34 PM
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12:34 PM
Feature request from fr0x, posted on GitHub Feb 23, 2015
This may be fixed in Magento 2 (I dont have a current 2.x install to check but recently ran into this in a 1.6.2 install).
The Manage Label / Options screen when you are editing an attribute has no limit on the number of options it displays. For one attribute, we have thousands of options. The admin screen tries to load every single one and it tends to cause the browser to crash/hang.
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