Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Sep 19, 2015
See https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/444e252d40b3a5d5cca3468a9819743af8ed3513/app/code/Magento/Backend/view/adminhtml/templates/widget/grid.phtml#L54-L56
Surely Magento 2 must distinguish the singular and plural cases.
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Feature request from Flyingmana, posted on GitHub Sep 20, 2015
while we already have an Interface for Blocks ( BlockInterface ), there is still a place, which enforces usage of the abstract Block class ( \Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock ).
While its not a problem to extend from there, I think it is not necessary for all Blocks
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Feature request from wojtekn, posted on GitHub Sep 21, 2015
There is a class \Magento\Catalog\Setup\CategorySetup which takes care of setup for catalog_product and catalog_category entities.
This name is confusing and better name would be CatalogSetup .
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Sep 21, 2015
The dropdown «Page Layout» on admin category page is untranslatable due to Magento 2 core bug:
My fix: https://mage2.pro/t/74
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Sep 22, 2015
You can translate order statuses manually in «Stores» → «Order Status» admin section.
But it is inconvenient because:
you must do it manullay for each new Magento installation
it works for a single language but does not work for multistore Magento installation with multiple languages.
My fix for automatical translation: https://mage2.pro/t/76
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Feature request from simbus82, posted on GitHub Nov 19, 2015
Magento 2 stable.
If i'm editing a new product and go to "add video", if i have not entered a YouTube API Key, when i click this link, magento load the configuration page and i lose all data entered in the new product.
This link need to:
open in a news windows/tab
notify that i'm leaving a not saved products
save product that i'm editing and go to configuration page.
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Nov 20, 2015
As I understand, the preference should be avoided, and in 99% cases a usage of preference is an extension's developer fault (a lack of skill with plugins, observers, and other techniques) and in the remain 1% cases it is Magento 2 core fault (for example, if the problem core method is static or protected and there is no other way to change the system behaviour, see https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2265#issuecomment-154351312 and https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2202#issuecomment-151599087).
Anyway, I think, the system should warn the administrator that the installation could break other extensions.
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Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Dec 09, 2015
Current action:
I can click Submit Order without selecting a shipping method.
Desired action:
I should not be able to click Submit Order until a shipping method is selected.
Additional Notes:
If a shipping method is selected, I do receive an error after the form submission that a shipping method wasn't selected. However, this is undesired as it requires a full page refresh and resubmission.
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On our shop we sell clothing. When products are sold out we want to show them as "back soon" on the POP. People can use the "product alert" to subscribe for a back in stock notification. Idea: For our product (clothing) we use the attribute "Size" e.g.: XS, S, M, L. We want customers to be able to filter on these sizes when browsing our catalogue. However, when filtering on a Size, Magento shows all products for which this attribute is applicable. Regardless whether on stock or not. Therefore it can be the case that when using this filter as a customer, you click on the results and on the PDP of this product you see this size is actually not on stock. As a merchant I would like Magento to provide filter results considering the actual stock level and only show results of products who have positive stock for this attribute. I know that a solution can be to hide products from the POP when they are out of stock, but then we cannot use the "re-stock alert" function. Thanks!
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Feature request from vesan-83, posted on GitHub Jan 13, 2016
Actually this problem is actual for Magento 1 but I see it's still not fixed for Magento 2.
Refresh index is based on queue which is filled by triggers which adds entities to the queue even if entity values were not updated.
Lot of projects have custom modules like product import and other modules which do something with product attributes, for example, disable products without images so that SQL query match many rows but change only few of them so that triggers can generate queue faster than refresh index manage it.
It can be fixed easily by adding to the triggers "IF !(NEW.value <=> OLD.value)" condition.
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Feature request from mc388, posted on GitHub Mar 14, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento v2.0.2
Create a new API method
Change method phpdoc from @return \Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface Order interface to @return OrderInterface Order interface and add a use statement for Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface
Call the new API method
Expected result
API should return an OrderInterface object
Actual result
Class OrderInterface does not exists
I think the issue is in Magento\Framework\Reflection\TypeProcessor->getGetterReturnType . You just read the @return flag but ignore the use statement.
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Feature request from zhiyicai, posted on GitHub Jul 21, 2016
The JPG compression on Magento 2.1 is very strong, so that the quality of product images get really bad in Catalog and Product view. How can I change the Image compression for JPG's in Magento 2.1 ?
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Feature request from vesan-83, posted on GitHub Aug 18, 2016
"composer install" command overwrite modifications in mapped files (files from composer.json -> extra.map node of magento/magento2-base module).
Magento 2.1.0
Steps to reproduce
Clone the project where any of mapped file is customized e.g. pub/index.php or dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes.js
Run "composer install"
Expected result
Customized file will stay customized so that "composer install" will not touch existing files.
Actual result
Customized file is replaced by default one
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Feature request from ihor-sviziev, posted on GitHub Aug 23, 2016
I have CORS requests issue with fonts when I using CDN. In order to fix it I'm changing my .htaccess. During deployment I do composer install. After that my changes were reverted.
Magento 2.1.0 installed via composer
Base Static URL is CDN domain (CloudFront in my case)
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2 via composer
Change your file pub/static/.htaccess (as example add Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" )
Remove vendor directory
Do composer install
Expected result
My pub/static/.htaccess file should not be overridden.
Actual result
My pub/static/.htaccess file is overridden and my changes were reverted.
Possible solutions:
Do not add this file to map listing in composer.json of magento2-base package, move it to magento/product-community-edition package
Add ability to override htaccess
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Google recommends to use "www.recaptcha.net" in your code in circumstances when "www.google.com" is not accessible. https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#can-i-use-recaptcha-globally Can I use reCAPTCHA globally? Yes, please use "www.recaptcha.net" in your code in circumstances when "www.google.com" is not accessible. Other platforms and their modules provide a toggle or configuration option to replace the recaptcha URL to www.recaptcha.net in countries where google may not be accessible (such as China) https://www.drupal.org/project/recaptcha/issues/2993365 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-option-to-load-resources-from/
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I'm running Magento 2.3.5. Some of my products have Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart set to greater than one. For example, product A has Minimum Qty Allowed in Cart: 7. Currently, the QTY of A is 10. Now a customer bought 7 of A and now QTY becomes 3. At this moment the status of this item is still In Stock, however, customers can't add it to the cart and the error will pop up saying the qty is greater than the stock. A lot of my customers got confused. This is very annoying and this affects the user experience. So I wanted to make the product 'out of stock' programmatically when qty is less than the 'Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart'. I tried to set the out of stock threshold to 6 to achieve this, but then it only allows people to buy 4 even though I have 10. If I want to write a plugin or override some classes, where should I start with? Thank you!
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Feature request from colinmollenhour, posted on GitHub Sep 08, 2013
It seems that with all of the module components being moved into the app/code directories that the name "code" for this directory is far too specific and "modules" would be more appropriate.
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Feature request from CodeMonkey90, posted on GitHub Aug 04, 2014
Some time ago, I've written a module that generates a "category" page (product list) for each manufacturer. Naturally, our client wanted to be able to add CMS blocks to certain manufacturer pages, so I made my extension generate layout handles and took a look at the Widget Instance editor to figure out how to extend the "Layout Updates" chooser properly to allow users to select certain manufacturers like you can already select products and categories. After looking at the code for some hours (especially the JavaScript code), I eventually gave up and added another grid to the backend which allows users to associate manufacturers with CMS Blocks.
The solution I ended up with is not very flexible and kind of defeats the purpose of the "Widget Instance" admin page. It would be great if that could actually be a centralized point where users could add Widgets to arbitrary pages, like it's supposed to be. But so far, there doesn't seem to be a way to extend it properly for modules which generate layout handles dynamically. It would be great for both module developers and admin users if this possibility could be added.
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