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12:00 PM
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12:00 PM
Feature request from Vinai, posted on GitHub Apr 07, 2016
Before going through the work to create a PR, I wanted to ask if this feature maybe already is being developed internally.
More details:
Currently there is no service contract API to manage the system configuration in the core_config_data table.
I am aware of the \Magento\Store\Api\StoreConfigManagerInterface and \Magento\Store\Api\Data\StoreConfigInterface , but having a more generic interface to build extensions to help with deployment and provisioning of dev systems would be very useful.
Currently the only way to do that I have found was to use direct SQL inserts into the table, or use \Magento\Config\Model\Config directly. In addition to not being blessed with an @api annotation, the public interface isn't easy to use with the PHP array it uses.
What I would like to have in the to be added service contract API would be a data object with a scope, scope_id, path and value. And a repository to save and get them.
So if this isn't already part of an internal task and you think it is a good idea, please give me a go ahead.
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12:00 PM
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12:00 PM
Feature request from SamTay, posted on GitHub Apr 08, 2016
From what I understand, filters are combined with an OR logic within a particular filter group, and filter groups are combined with AND logic within search criteria. This is unfortunately not listed in documentation, but is what users on stackoverflow have discovered.
This is very limiting. For example, it is impossible to filter the product repository by two date intervals: suppose I want to grab all the products that are either new or on sale. This would involve logic like so:
(filter['special_price_from', 'to', $now] && filter['special_price_to', 'from', $now])
|| (filter['news_from_date', 'to', $now] && filter['news_to_date', 'from', $now])
But this is impossible to build as searchCriteria. The outer OR would dictate that everything needs to be in one filter group, but within each interval we also need AND combinations, which are impossible within one filter group. Because of these limitations, I have been forced to use collections directly instead of using the repository abstraction layer. Please let me know if there is a more flexible way to have and/or combinations.
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Feature request from stasleo, posted on GitHub Apr 14, 2016
There is no way currently to specify sort order for tabs added by module at frontend product page. Magento2 just loads tabs from A to Z by its module name.
For example, our extension adds "Product Questions" tab to a product page:
Its position is 1st and there is no any attribute to place it at some other position. It is obvious that most of our clients would prefer to make "Description" tab appearing first.
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Feature request from sameasterling, posted on GitHub May 04, 2016
We seriously need visual swatches for custom options.
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Feature request from andidhouse, posted on GitHub May 06, 2016
Hi there,
we are facing a huge problem regarding the magento own caching.
We installed version 2.0.5 - all ok so far.
We installed sample data medium - all ok so far.
We crawled the hole site so every page is in the magento own cache.
But if we only place one order with one product ALL pages of the whole shop are uncached again?
Is this a bug or the normal magento cache behavior. In version 1.7 only the pages are uncached which belong to the order (products and category of the products).
Many thanks!
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Submitted on
11:59 AM
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11:59 AM
Feature request from kanduvisla, posted on GitHub May 30, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Create a configurable product
Give it's child-products different FPT values
Add the product to the cart
Expected result
That the product in the cart has the FPT applied of the child product
Actual result
The FPT of the parent product (configurable) is applied instead.
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Submitted on
11:59 AM
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11:59 AM
Feature request from craigcarnell, posted on GitHub Jun 09, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento from develop branch.
Install Varnish
Switch Magento to HTTPs. Varnish is bypassed.
Please consider support for Varnish Cache Plus for HTTPS connections:
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Submitted on
11:59 AM
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11:59 AM
Feature request from Asitis, posted on GitHub Jun 13, 2016
Personally I found it a bit strange that when I click any item in a table in the backend, it opens a 'Quick Edit' in stead of the expected single-view-screen for that item (like how the WordPress admin functions).
But I can get used to it.
What I think would improve the usability tons is adding two little tweaks to the Quick Edit screen;
Add an "Edit" (and maybe "Delete") link on the right side (the same as in the "Actions" dropdown)
Bind the Enter key to the Save button for quicker inline editing
It's quite bothersome that if I want to edit or delete an item, I have to click open a submenu and if I don't click completely right the first time, I have to 'deselect' the item to get out of the Quick Edit and try again. It would be logical to add the same functionalities of the "Actions" submenu to the Quick Edit screen.
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Submitted on
11:59 AM
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11:59 AM
Feature request from peec, posted on GitHub Jul 19, 2016
When changing the quantity of a product from any number to 0, the state is automatically changed to Out of Stock upon saving. However, when changing an out of stock product to any number and saving, the product is still listed as Out of Stock.
Steps to reproduce
Access an active, out of stock product through Products > Catalog
Change Quantity to any number and save
Expected result
The product’s state is automatically changed to In Stock
Actual result
The product is still listed as Out of Stock despite the quantity change.
One must manually remember to also set In Stock which is a inconvenient step and not working as one would expect because the other way the state is changed.
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Submitted on
11:21 AM
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11:21 AM
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Feature request from navarr, posted on GitHub Jun 21, 2016
Feature Request:
Rather than override the success.phtml file, add the ability to create child blocks that can add buttons to the toolbar after checkout success.
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.1 (in any shape)
Decide that you want to add an additional button in the toolbar on Checkout Success
Investigate the template to see if it is looking for additional blocks
Expected result
Become overjoyed with the ability to add blocks and insert additional buttons in this very handy space (through server-side rendering) for having them
Actual result
Become saddened with the lack of such an ability, and instead add a block to appear after the success block, rendering your button awkwardly underneath the other button - or alternatively change the entire success template
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Given that the current invoice, shipment and credit memo PDFs look the same as in Magento 1 and PDF's are always a bit of a nightmare to customize for the merchants: I suggest to replace the PDFs with a html2pdf tool. Actually the preview of the invoice looks already really nice in the backend, so this could just be converted to pdf. This would maybe also help the problem Hirokazu Nishi mentioned in his tweet: "Magento2 still use LinLibertine font. It’s only for Alphabets. To change PDF font, we still have to rewrite some classes..." This idea resulted from a tweet/discussion here:
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Feature request from chasteIT, posted on GitHub Mar 26, 2015
Can we get a Magento2 demo of the frontend and admin (with sample data) that is updated?
This would enable many people who can’t install the platform to contribute feature requests and requests for improvements. There are many frontend developers and merchants who would have great suggestions for Magento2 development, and getting those requests sooner rather than later would help Magento2 developers prioritize items, combine similar projects, etc.
Also, I think the more technically capable among us would benefit from having a functioning install for comparison purposes.
Lastly, if this demo is updated regularly, it would be a great place to showcase Magento2 progress. That is, each update could list of changes like a simplified version of Magento's release notes.
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Feature request from bubach, posted on GitHub Apr 02, 2015
Need lots more features regarding languages and currencies between stores/shops. Right now you can be forced to duplicate whole translations and massive duplication for url-redirects based on language if you want to support the same language but inside different websites. Also using USD/EUR/GBP with the same english translation can be a pain if you set up the websites/shops in certain ways.
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Feature request from vizjerai, posted on GitHub Apr 15, 2015
I noticed that there is an option to select a website for the group prices and it would be nice to be able to set a price for all groups. That way we can set a price differently on one site vs another one.
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Feature request from bhagvank, posted on GitHub May 05, 2015
hi all,
This is a missing feature for creating custom classes (objects) and custom Fields. There is an extension Custom Fields but on existing objects of classes.
Dynamically from the admin panel, ability to create custom objects and custom fields.
Bhagvan Kommadi
Vice President, SyberPlace
skype: bhagvan.kommadi
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Feature request from alankent, posted on GitHub Jan 30, 2015
The complete suite of Magento developer documentation will consist of content from multiple sources. There are guides that the documentation writing team are developing (such as at, more traditional online documentation generated from PHP Doc comments, and potentially other automatically generated documentation on REST/SOAP APIs and similar.
This issue is an invitation for the community to help with the PHP Doc aspect of documentation generation. There are several aspects to this work:
Try some different tools to see which are best able to support Magento. This relates to usability of output, speed and robustness of the tool, etc.
One proposal is to not generate documentation for all classes, but instead restrict the published documentation to only those classes and methods that the Magento team recommends being used. Such classes and methods could be annotated by “@api”. As such, it is desirable for the tool to be able to use @api as a flag of what to include in the generated output. This may involve modifying an existing tool as there may be no PHP Doc generation tools today that support this functionality.
Support for official Magento branding is also important. The core team can apply this branding (most likely following the same style and themes as the current documentation site). The objective is to take into account this requirement when selecting which tool to use.
Incorporation of documentation generation into the current documentation publishing on GitHub is desirable, but not mandatory.
An interesting future question is whether content developed by tech writers and PHP generated documentation can be merged. For example, having sample code linked to from the PHP Doc, or having links from guides to PHP Doc (without hard coding URLs to a specific web site). It is desirable to generate a single set of documentation that included both PHP Doc and guides.
In general, the goal is to get something up relatively quickly and deliver a useful short term result, restricted to PHP Doc. To set expectations, it may be this tool is temporary until replaced by a more encompassing solution for all documentation.
The goal is to lower the barrier to people exploring the Magento 2 code base today. Once the PHP Doc documentation is published, a desirable side effect is to then encourage greater contribution to improve the quality of the PHP Doc comments within the code base.
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Feature request from mzeis, posted on GitHub Feb 12, 2015
Some extensions log useless stuff that pollutes the logs.
The problem could be avoided if Magento as well as the extension vendors would pay more attention to the log levels already provided and use them accordingly (e.g. differentiate between debug output and real information / notices / warnings / errors).
As it may not be possible to force using the correct log levels it would be nice to have an option in the System Configuration to disable logging. One of many possible ways to solve this in the UI would be to have a multi-select listing all modules in the installation.
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Feature request from airbone42, posted on GitHub Feb 16, 2015
I just stumbled over the createObject function which has a massive switch to decide how an object should be created, depending on the amount of arguments.
switch (count($args)) {
case 1:
return new $type($args[0]);
case 2:
return new $type($args[0], $args[1]);
case 3:
return new $type($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
case 4:
return new $type($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]);
case 5:
return new $type($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4]);
case 6:
return new $type($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5]);
case 7:
return new $type($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6]);
case 8:
return new $type($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6], $args[7]);
case 9:
return new $type(
$args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6], $args[7], $args[8]
case 10:
return new $type(
$args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6], $args[7], $args[8], $args[9]
case 11:
return new $type(
case 12:
return new $type(
case 13:
return new $type(
case 14:
return new $type(
case 15:
return new $type(
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($type);
return $reflection->newInstanceArgs($args);
So PHP 5.6 added a new operator, also named the splat operator in other languages to unpack arguments, so whenever you decide to change the min. version to 5.6 this massive switch could be replaced by this simple line:
return new $type(...$args);
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Feature request from matinict, posted on GitHub Aug 26, 2015
magento 2 customer address Bangladesh State/Province/District not showing as like as United States.
I add Manually on database as :
For District:
INSERT INTO directory_country_region ( country_id , code , default_name ) VALUES
('BD', 'BD-BAG', 'Bagerhat'),
('BD', 'BD-BAN', 'Bandarban'),
('BD', 'BD-BAR', 'Barguna'),
('BD', 'BD-BRI', 'Barisal'),
('BD', 'BD-BHO', 'Bhola'),
('BD', 'BD-BOG', 'Bogra'),
('BD', 'BD-BRA', 'Brahmanbaria'),
('BD', 'BD-CHA', 'Chandpur'),
('BD', 'BD-CHI', 'Chittagong'),
('BD', 'BD-CHU', 'Chuadanga'),
('BD', 'BD-COM', 'Comilla'),
('BD', 'BD-COX', 'Coxs Bazar'),
('BD', 'BD-DHA', 'Dhaka'),
('BD', 'BD-DIN', 'Dinajpur'),
('BD', 'BD-FAR', 'Faridpur'),
('BD', 'BD-FEN', 'Feni'),
('BD', 'BD-GAI', 'Gaibandha'),
('BD', 'BD-GAZ', 'Gazipur'),
('BD', 'BD-GOP', 'Gopalganj'),
('BD', 'BD-HAB', 'Habiganj'),
('BD', 'BD-JAM', 'Jamalpur'),
('BD', 'BD-JES', 'Jessore'),
('BD', 'BD-JHA', 'Jhalokati'),
('BD', 'BD-JHE', 'Jhenaidah'),
('BD', 'BD-JOY', 'Joypurhat'),
('BD', 'BD-KHA', 'Khagrachhari'),
('BD', 'BD-KHU', 'Khulna'),
('BD', 'BD-KIS', 'Kishoreganj'),
('BD', 'BD-KUR', 'Kurigram'),
('BD', 'BD-KUS', 'Kushtia'),
('BD', 'BD-LAK', 'Lakshmipur'),
('BD', 'BD-LAL', 'Lalmonirhat '),
('BD', 'BD-MAD', 'Madaripur'),
('BD', 'BD-MAG', 'Magura'),
('BD', 'BD-MAN', 'Manikganj'),
('BD', 'BD-MEH', 'Meherpur'),
('BD', 'BD-MOU', 'Moulvibazar'),
('BD', 'BD-MUN', 'Munshiganj'),
('BD', 'BD-MYM', 'Mymensingh'),
('BD', 'BD-NAO', 'Naogaon'),
('BD', 'BD-NAR', 'Narail'),
('BD', 'BD-NRG', 'Narayanganj'),
('BD', 'BD-NRS', 'Narsingdi'),
('BD', 'BD-NAT', 'Natore'),
('BD', 'BD-NAW', 'Nawabganj'),
('BD', 'BD-NET', 'Netrakona'),
('BD', 'BD-NIL', 'Nilphamari '),
('BD', 'BD-NOA', 'Noakhali'),
('BD', 'BD-PAB', 'Pabna'),
('BD', 'BD-PAN', 'Panchagarh'),
('BD', 'BD-PAT', 'Patuakhali'),
('BD', 'BD-PIR', 'Pirojpur'),
('BD', 'BD-RAJ', 'Rajbari'),
('BD', 'BD-RJB', 'Rajshahi'),
('BD', 'BD-RAN', 'Rangamati'),
('BD', 'BD-RNP', 'Rangpur'),
('BD', 'BD-SAT', 'Satkhira'),
('BD', 'BD-SHA', 'Shariatpur'),
('BD', 'BD-SHE', 'Sherpur'),
('BD', 'BD-SIR', 'Sirajganj'),
('BD', 'BD-SUN', 'Sunamganj'),
('BD', 'BD-SYL', 'Sylhet'),
('BD', 'BD-TAN', 'Tangail'),
('BD', 'BD-THA', 'Thakurgaon');
INSERT INTO directory_country_region_name ( locale , region_id , name )
SELECT 'en_US', tmp.region_id, tmp.default_name FROM directory_country_region
AS tmp WHERE tmp.country_id='BD';
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