Feature request from rklerck, posted on GitHub Sep 09, 2015
We've added 85000 products with rest, this takes 14 hours. This seems fair because of a request for each product. But when we remove the products all at once in the backend, it takes 28 hours!!
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Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Sep 10, 2015
If you go to Admin > Reports > Customers > New, and just click Refresh, it appears to show all dates from 1/1/01 to present.
It shows a row for each date, whether or not there is data for this date. Since I only have one customer record:
it is showing me 5477 unneeded rows. I believe this page would render a lot quicker and be easier to read if it just showed you the rows that have data. It may also be a good idea to default the "Refresh" button to a tighter time span, such as YTD.
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Sep 19, 2015
See https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/444e252d40b3a5d5cca3468a9819743af8ed3513/app/code/Magento/Backend/view/adminhtml/templates/widget/grid.phtml#L54-L56
Surely Magento 2 must distinguish the singular and plural cases.
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Feature request from Flyingmana, posted on GitHub Sep 20, 2015
while we already have an Interface for Blocks ( BlockInterface ), there is still a place, which enforces usage of the abstract Block class ( \Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock ).
While its not a problem to extend from there, I think it is not necessary for all Blocks
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Feature request from wojtekn, posted on GitHub Sep 21, 2015
There is a class \Magento\Catalog\Setup\CategorySetup which takes care of setup for catalog_product and catalog_category entities.
This name is confusing and better name would be CatalogSetup .
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Sep 21, 2015
The dropdown «Page Layout» on admin category page is untranslatable due to Magento 2 core bug:
My fix: https://mage2.pro/t/74
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Sep 22, 2015
You can translate order statuses manually in «Stores» → «Order Status» admin section.
But it is inconvenient because:
you must do it manullay for each new Magento installation
it works for a single language but does not work for multistore Magento installation with multiple languages.
My fix for automatical translation: https://mage2.pro/t/76
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Feature request from ffrodoe, posted on GitHub Sep 29, 2015
For example try to translate "Meta Keywords" attribute label.
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Feature request from simbus82, posted on GitHub Nov 19, 2015
Magento 2 stable.
If i'm editing a new product and go to "add video", if i have not entered a YouTube API Key, when i click this link, magento load the configuration page and i lose all data entered in the new product.
This link need to:
open in a news windows/tab
notify that i'm leaving a not saved products
save product that i'm editing and go to configuration page.
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Nov 20, 2015
As I understand, the preference should be avoided, and in 99% cases a usage of preference is an extension's developer fault (a lack of skill with plugins, observers, and other techniques) and in the remain 1% cases it is Magento 2 core fault (for example, if the problem core method is static or protected and there is no other way to change the system behaviour, see https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2265#issuecomment-154351312 and https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2202#issuecomment-151599087).
Anyway, I think, the system should warn the administrator that the installation could break other extensions.
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Nov 26, 2015
It is a long-term issue from Magento 1.x, and still is in Magento 2.
Looks an example here: https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2505#issuecomment-159754199
As you can see, the left half of screen contains the same file path in each line, and the right half chops significant parts of the messages.
I propose:
Show the full strings in a error report's stack trace
Additional improvement: skip the filesystem path to the Magento root in the stack traces because it is the same for each trace line. It would better to show it once above the stack trace.
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Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Dec 09, 2015
Current action:
I can click Submit Order without selecting a shipping method.
Desired action:
I should not be able to click Submit Order until a shipping method is selected.
Additional Notes:
If a shipping method is selected, I do receive an error after the form submission that a shipping method wasn't selected. However, this is undesired as it requires a full page refresh and resubmission.
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Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Dec 09, 2015
After sending tracking number information for a shipment to a customer, it should log that the tracking information was emailed to the customer below the Submit Comment button just like a standard shipping history record.
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Feature request from mttjohnson, posted on GitHub Dec 14, 2015
I've been digging into how logging works in Magento in order to accommodate adding logging into a module I'm working on.
It looks like there is a little bit of discussion on #2641 regarding how to improve the usability of logging in Magento.
I logged an issue #2529 that identifies a problem with Magento's use of Monolog with multiple handlers specified in di.xml. I provided a workaround to utilize multiple handlers with Monolog 1.16.0 to make it possible to specify multiple handlers in the di.xml so that Monolog recognizes them correctly. I also noted that the fix to Monolog that allows it to handle associative arrays properly would cause some duplicate logging the way that Magento has implemented the use of logging.
A few other people like #2058 have run into some of the difficulty in figuring out how to utilize logging in Magento or work around it.
I had the need for some logging in a module I'm working on, and I implemented a custom Logger that extends Monolog\Logger and then I inject an instance my logger using DI into any class that I want to utilize the custom logger, in a similar way to how Magento injects Psr\Log\LoggerInterface for any class that needs access to log information. The custom logger extends Monolog\Logger but doesn't add anything to the implementation, I basically utilize the class so I can specify it's type in di.xml with an array of handlers and processors to instantiate the object with similar to how Magento is using Monolog.
I wanted to have some control to turn off logging, or specify in the Magento Admin Configuration what level of detail to log. I added some code to the handler constructor to conditionally add a custom processor to my handler that includes the store_id in the log record if I have configuration settings set to log a lot of additional details to the log records. I implemented a custom handler that extends the Magento\Framework\Logger\Handler\System hander and I overwrote the isHandling() method to check config settings and determine if it should be logging information or not. I also overwrote the write() method to check config settings and conditionally alter the amount of additional context details to include in the log record that is written.
I also had certain log messages that I was wanting to log to both a database table and to a log file. I wrote a separate custom handler for writing log records to a database table using a simple custom Model in my module. This way I can have structured information logged to a table when an event occurs and have other pieces of code interact with that event information rather than the information getting burried into a log file.
The way I implemented the use of my custom logger, I pass additional details across via the context array and my handlers will either include or exclude certain context keys into the log records depending on the level of detail the configuration settings specify.
'response from external web api call',
[ /* context */
'request' => var_export($request, true),
'response' => var_export($response, true),
'processing_time' = var_export($processingTime, true),
'decision was programmatically determined',
[ /* context */
'input' => var_export($input, true),
'event_circumstances' => var_export($whatHappened, true),
'action_taken' = var_export($howItWasResolved, true),
'manual_adjustment_needed' = var_export($detailsOfManualAdjustmentToBeMadeLater, true),
I figure that during development and testing of my module, the logging details will be useful, but during production we would want to keep logging to a minimum of necessary details. The additional context data gives me relevant information to try and diagnose a situation when the module is deployed somewhere, and there is the ability to control if it is logging, where, and how much detail it logs based on configuration settings in the admin. In the event that some issue is occurring with the module in production, additional details could be logged temporarily to collect more details to better diagnose and analyze an issue to isolate it.
Having two custom handlers for my custom logger allows me to have one log entry anywhere my code needs to log something, and I can control how I want the handlers to process the log records via configuration settings in the admin. If for some reason I wanted to add a third handler for something like Loggly to aggregate log details somewhere else it would be pretty simple to add to my custom logger.
Being able to use Monolog and implement additional logic in the handlers allows me to control the logging more specifically and seems to work well, but I'm basically doing almost all of this outside of anything built into Magento for logging.
I don't see anything in Magento that allows me to control logging much, if it writes logs, where it writes, or how much it logs. It looks like out of the box it is set to always log everything to files whenever the logger is called to write a record.
It seems like there should be some kind of allowance for managing different loggers in Magento, and each logger have it's own set of handlers and processors. I wouldn't want my custom handlers trying to process or filter out logging events throughout the rest of Magento, or even some other custom 3rd party module. Monolog has the ability to identify different loggers by the logger's name which is also referred to as a channel. Symfony appears to use channels to organize multiple loggers and provide a relationship to the part of the application being logged. The separate loggers can share the same handler that writes to a file, but each logger has the option to specify their own file path. Some loggers may write to the same file, but other could write to a separate file. Organizing and managing multiple loggers would allow a lot more flexibility in Magento so that as a module developer I could add my own logger to some manager and specify a few things in my custom logger to have it control if, when, and what it should be logging, and where.
Instead of having separate handlers for writing System, Debug, Exception logs, you could have separate loggers each with their own channel/name for System, Debug, and Exception logs. Each logger could manage what handlers it uses to write the log files, and pass into each handler details like where it is supposed to write. If you wanted to aggregate logs centrally, you can just add an additional handler to each logger that will write/forward log records to the aggregator. Treating a handler more like a generic type of how things are getting written would probably be more flexible than having separate handlers for each file getting logged. Monolog is expecting to iterate through all handlers in the logger's list until a handler specifies that it shouldn't bubble the record onto the next handler in the list.
I'm still struggling with wrapping my head around how to deal with adhering to the simplicity and common implementation of PSR-3 and having a bit more control organizing logs together in related groups (channel) so that each group can have additional control or processing based on the group. If Magento was managing multiple loggers for us, how would we specify which logger gets instantiated and passed into a class as an implementation of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface or should something else be passed in that gives us the ability to specify which logger/channel we want, and that object delivers us the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation that we log against? Is it important that we inject Psr\Log\LoggerInterface into our class for PSR-3, or is it merely important that any log activity be against an implementation of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface allowing for the use of multiple implementations of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface to manage the organization and grouping of various log activity?
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Dec 25, 2015
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Feature request from vesan-83, posted on GitHub Jan 13, 2016
Actually this problem is actual for Magento 1 but I see it's still not fixed for Magento 2.
Refresh index is based on queue which is filled by triggers which adds entities to the queue even if entity values were not updated.
Lot of projects have custom modules like product import and other modules which do something with product attributes, for example, disable products without images so that SQL query match many rows but change only few of them so that triggers can generate queue faster than refresh index manage it.
It can be fixed easily by adding to the triggers "IF !(NEW.value <=> OLD.value)" condition.
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Feature request from mc388, posted on GitHub Mar 14, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento v2.0.2
Create a new API method
Change method phpdoc from @return \Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface Order interface to @return OrderInterface Order interface and add a use statement for Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface
Call the new API method
Expected result
API should return an OrderInterface object
Actual result
Class OrderInterface does not exists
I think the issue is in Magento\Framework\Reflection\TypeProcessor->getGetterReturnType . You just read the @return flag but ignore the use statement.
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Feature request from zhiyicai, posted on GitHub Jul 21, 2016
The JPG compression on Magento 2.1 is very strong, so that the quality of product images get really bad in Catalog and Product view. How can I change the Image compression for JPG's in Magento 2.1 ?
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