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Feature request from damien-synolia, posted on GitHub Feb 24, 2016
Hello all,
I just launched the standard PHPUnit test (without the dev:tests:run command) :
php <magentodir>/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --debug
I am in <magentodir>/dev/tests/unit directory.
There is a fatal error on Magento\DownloadableImportExport\Model\Import\Product\Type\Downloadable file. On function fillDataLink , there is a fillExistOptions call where $existingOptions is null. It should be an array. It's the same in fillDataTitleLink method.
I just add an ugly fix with a is_null check for $existingOptions and set it to an empty array and it works.
I think the best way should be to change the fetchAll method to always return an empty array, if no data is retrieved in database.
Is there something I did wrong ?
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Feature request from davidverholen, posted on GitHub Mar 20, 2016
this is more of a minor design issue. I recently needed a method to normalize a file system path.
Looking at the core, I found the method(s) for this, but implemented directly in the classes where they are used:
As I did not really need any of the classes, I implemented this method (a third time) in my own class.
A good place would be maybe the Frameworks File System Class:
What do you think about it? I could start a small pull request for that
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Feature request from wojtekn, posted on GitHub Feb 24, 2016
I created module using "vendor/foobar" name in composer.json and used Vendor_FooBar namespace. The I run static tests and I get following error:
For the module 'Vendor_FooBar', the expected package name is 'vendor/foobar'
This error message is confusing because it says it expects package name I already used. As far as I understand it should say following:
For the module 'Vendor_FooBar', the expected package name is 'vendor/module-foo-bar'
If my assumption is correct, value of $this->convertModuleToPackageName($moduleName) should be used instead of $packageName in message returned in \Magento\Test\Integrity\ComposerTest::assertConsistentModuleName method.
I can do PR if it's helpful.
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Feature request from pantaoran, posted on GitHub Mar 23, 2016
I observe that in app/code/Magento/Store/Model/ScopeInterface.php there are 5 different scope type constants which are ambiguous and probably should be unified.
interface ScopeInterface
* Scope types
const SCOPE_STORES = 'stores';
const SCOPE_WEBSITES = 'websites';
const SCOPE_STORE = 'store';
const SCOPE_GROUP = 'group';
const SCOPE_WEBSITE = 'website';
Both "store/stores" and "website/websites" exist once in singular and once in plural. It is not clear to the developer in any way which one should be used.
We ran into this problem today in our team, where I wrote code to set some config values, and another team member wrote code to read them, but I used the plural constants and he used the singular ones. We didn't notice the problem for weeks because we always tested with the default config values and didn't bother to set storeview-specific ones, and even when we did, I guess they must use a fall-back to default scope values when the store specific ones are not found.
I searched through the core code for use, and both versions seem to be used, although the singular versions are used much more often. Can we please simplify this important interface to only use one spelling per type?
Or is there a compelling reason to keep both singular and plural for these that I'm not understanding? I feel strange for bringing this up here because I can't possibly be the first person to notice this...
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Feature request from katesuykovskaya, posted on GitHub Mar 26, 2016
Steps to reproduce
M 2.0.2
go to admin panel -> Products -> Catalog -> edit product
open Images and Videos tab, click on image - dialog is shown
open source of page
Actual result
each time, when modal dialog is created, the old one isn't removed from DOM => when I choose images a lot of time, I got this
which makes using current / active dialog inconvenient using JS.
Expected Result
I should get one dialog, or at least one dialog per chosen image - it should not be duplicated.
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Feature request from wojtekn, posted on GitHub Mar 03, 2016
This isn't something big, but I think it may be worth to improve both phpunit.xml.dist files to make them working in similar way by default. For now the biggest difference is that integration tests don't include whole app/code but limit code coverage only to Magento code:
<directory suffix=".php">../../../app/code/Magento</directory>
Unit tests enable everything from app/code by default:
<directory suffix=".php">../../../app/code/*</directory>
Another improvements may include adding logging configuration example in integration tests and adjusting nodes order.
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Feature request from rkhoury82, posted on GitHub Mar 31, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.0.3
Migrate or create a Configurable Product with 300 variations, save.
Go back into that product, press the "add products manually"
Expected result
With products with smaller variation sets the functionality works
I have increased the LimitRequestLine to work around 414 (Request-URI Too Large) error (per issue #3495)
I have not been able determine the size limit yet.
Actual result
Error Message Pops: Attention Something went wrong.
No browser messages in console.
Error in Apache Logs:
[Thu Mar 31 18:34:14.139835 2016] [proxy_fcgi:warn] [pid 4968] [client 60.225.85.XXX:37893] AH02536: couldn't encode envvar 'QUERY_STRING' in 16384 bytes, referer: http://EXAMPLE/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/3/key/81f78988e9908f8d89115a62f01eacdd8611886ce257a56bd9ec6c22d83930e6/
[Thu Mar 31 18:34:14.139840 2016] [proxy_fcgi:warn] [pid 4968] [client 60.225.85.XXX:37893] AH02536: couldn't encode envvar 'REQUEST_URI' in 16384 bytes, referer: http://EXAMPLE/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/3/key/81f78988e9908f8d89115a62f01eacdd8611886ce257a56bd9ec6c22d83930e6/
PHP 7.0.4 run as FPM not MOD_PHP (unable to test with 7.0.2 or 7.0.3 to see if it is a PHP error)
Apache 2.4.18
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Feature request from erikhansen, posted on GitHub Mar 08, 2016
I'm using Capistrano to deploy Magento 2 to production and stage environments. As a part of the deployment process, I'm running the bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy command. However since Capistrano streams all output to screen, I see this:
So I've resorted to passing in the -q flag to silence all output: bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -q . However this doesn't allow me to see progress as each theme is compiled. I'd like to see a flag added like --no-progress that would result in output like this:
php -f bin/magento -- setup:static-content:deploy --no-progress
Requested languages: en_US
=== frontend -> Magento/blank -> en_US ===
=== frontend -> Magento/luma -> en_US ===
=== frontend -> Customvendor/customtheme -> en_US ===
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Feature request from 11mb, posted on GitHub Jun 30, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.1
Login to admin
Goto Content >> Pages
Click Edit button for homepage
Edit content
Select text and click insert link
Click browse
Expected result
A list of links to cms pages, categories and products
Actual result
The mediabrowser opens
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Feature request from omdeshpande, posted on GitHub Jul 03, 2016
AOP implemented by the Plugins in Magento2 a good framework feature.
Currently, these AOP overrides work on the basis of one class at a time. What could be a great addition to this, is to have Spring (Java) like 'Pointcut patterns'. Pointcut patterns will make it possible to inject 'before', 'after' and 'around' to multiple functions and classes through a single statement. It will make plugin definitions more powerful and efficient. Would be great for something like logging.
Sample -
If this makes sense to you guys, I'm open to contributing. Will be great to hear your thoughts!
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Feature request from bartek9007, posted on GitHub Jul 01, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento from develop branch.
Adding products programatically
Trying to edit added product and save it.
One of required attribute is null
Expected result
If I try to save product with required attribute Magento should abort it and point out which attribute is empty.
If it is not visible on menu it should automatically scroll down to its group.
Actual result
Button 'save' freezes out.
Attribute is pointed out with red triangle but if its group is out of current scope of view Magento doesn't scroll down to its group.
I have to scroll down in search of the group and attribute with error.
So it's quite uncomfortable and not intuituive if there is an error in very low sort order group becauce button 'save' just freeze and in the begining you don't know why it's not saving results.
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Feature request from rkhoury82, posted on GitHub Mar 31, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.0.3
Migrate or create a Configurable Product with 300 variations, save.
Go back into that product, press the "add products manually"
Expected result
With products with smaller variation sets the functionality works
I have increased the LimitRequestLine to work around 414 (Request-URI Too Large) error (per issue #3495)
I have not been able determine the size limit yet.
Actual result
Error Message Pops: Attention Something went wrong.
No browser messages in console.
Error in Apache Logs:
[Thu Mar 31 18:34:14.139835 2016] [proxy_fcgi:warn] [pid 4968] [client 60.225.85.XXX:37893] AH02536: couldn't encode envvar 'QUERY_STRING' in 16384 bytes, referer: http://EXAMPLE/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/3/key/81f78988e9908f8d89115a62f01eacdd8611886ce257a56bd9ec6c22d83930e6/
[Thu Mar 31 18:34:14.139840 2016] [proxy_fcgi:warn] [pid 4968] [client 60.225.85.XXX:37893] AH02536: couldn't encode envvar 'REQUEST_URI' in 16384 bytes, referer: http://EXAMPLE/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/3/key/81f78988e9908f8d89115a62f01eacdd8611886ce257a56bd9ec6c22d83930e6/
PHP 7.0.4 run as FPM not MOD_PHP (unable to test with 7.0.2 or 7.0.3 to see if it is a PHP error)
Apache 2.4.18
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Feature request from SamTay, posted on GitHub Apr 13, 2016
Product::isInStock is misleading. This does not check if product is in stock, but just checks if enabled.
Product::getQty does not look for qty key in the correct place. Perhaps in some parts of the app, qty is set on the Product::_data array directly, but my screenshot shows that this is not the case in the product/price/amount/default.phtml template. Because this is the implementation of the SaleableInterface, this is a problem for abstraction.
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Feature request from devishreebalasubramanian, posted on GitHub Jun 01, 2016
Now i have created custom theme in magento2.Every time i wrote css it doesn't reflect immediately.I have changed mode to "developer".And also disable cache in backend.I have given the following commands to reflect my custom css.
*rm -f var/ -R**
rm -f pub/static -R
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
chmod 0777 var -R
chmod 0777 pub/static -R
It takes too much time to do my design work.So please anyone help on this.
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Feature request from flancer64, posted on GitHub Jun 07, 2016
I discovered DB structure and found that there is extra field named "website_id" in "cataloginventory_stock_item".
Each stock item is related to "cataloginventory_stock" (foreign key: stock_id). Stock record in "cataloginventory_stock" has field "website_id" is related to "store_website". So, each record in "cataloginventory_stock_item" is related to record in "cataloginventory_stock" and is related to record in "store_website".
Field "website_id" in "cataloginventory_stock_item" (without references/foreign key to "store_website") can contain any value - not only different from the "website_id" in related "cataloginventory_stock" record, but really any smallint(5) UNSIGNED value.
I suppose, field "cataloginventory_stock_item.website_id" is extra field and should be removed.
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Feature request from epadmin, posted on GitHub Jul 09, 2016
Steps to reproduce
While working on adding categories in the admin panel, Magento times out without notification or giving ability to extend. When saving new categories after adding all the information, the login page comes up and none of the information is saved.
Expected result
Expect a notification prior to timing out while updating/adding information. If you are logged in and try to save, there should be a way to restore the information you entered if you have to log in again, whether it is a setting allowing the information to be cached so you can go back after logging in or temporarily saving it while you re-authenticate and then committing the change. At the very least there should be a reminder that says you are about to be logged out.
Actual result
Try to save information after entering the required info to setup a new category is resulting in the information being lost because it goes to a login page instead of saving the data. Presumably this is a timeout issue
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Feature request from RG-1, posted on GitHub Jul 10, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Magento 2.1.0
Make a backup of db: bin/magento setup:backup --db
Import a lot of data or generate it: bin/magento setup:performance:generate-fixtures <your Magento install dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/profiles/ce/large.xml
Restore the backup: bin/magento setup:rollback --db-file <your backup name>_db.sql
Expected result
Backup restoring should be pretty quick.
The process should use full CPU speed.
Actual result
Backup restoring takes a lot of time.
The process uses just 10% of CPU.
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Feature request from thdoan, posted on GitHub Jul 15, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento from develop branch.
Go to /caesar-warm-up-pant.html
Expected result
The current article (gray in this case) should be pre-selected on initial page load.
Actual result
None of the color swatches is selected by default.
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Feature request from qmarlats, posted on GitHub Jul 17, 2016
For some elements in admin, it's (really) difficult to find what we search for. For example, in list of countries like "Top Destinations" (see picture), we have to look for one country at a time and select what we want slowly and without any error (otherwise we have to begin again). Even more horrible is time zones: the first time I searched for Paris I've spent about 3 minutes.
So I think it would be a great usability improvement to use something like that!
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Feature request from maderlock, posted on GitHub Jul 21, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install 2.1.0
Set discount to be applied to inclusive total and customer tax to be calculated after discount
Set invoice, order display settings to display all as exclusive of VAT
Place an order with a discount
View invoice
Expected result
Subtotal + shipping - discount = grand total (excl tax)
Actual result
Subtotal + shipping - discount = slightly less than excl grand total as discount includes amount applied to inclusive subtotal
I would suggest there is a similar option to display discount incl/excl of VAT. The latter would add back the discount_tax_compensation amount so that the totals add up.
See example for why this currently is rather unintuitive:
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