Showing ideas with label Shipping.
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Preamble: Magento reporting module shows only orders which are not in the state Pending (New) Reason for change request: In majority of enterprise level ecoms, the period from changing the status from New to Processing is usually not instant. For example, in our system the order come to our ERP and Inventory management system, it gets consolidated, shipped to our pick by light system, processed, then packed, and finally sent out to our courier services. That moment sometimes happen after a 2 days (weekends/holidays etc), meaning that while order is created, and is finalized, will never be shown as Processing upto that moment rendering our internal reporting quite useless (it will show 0 sales basically) Proposal for a change/feature Allow the Magento reporting module (Reports->Sales->Orders) to include those orders as well (Pending/New) in the reports if the Status drop down is set to Any (which is a logical choice since Any usually means Any status anyway) or include Pending status in selection as well.
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Hi, Recently I upgraded my site to 2.4.2, and found out for the in-store delivery option, stores have to be source with sufficient saleable quantity in order for customers to select them in the checkout shipping step. I think it would be nice to have an option to set up stores for pick up regardless of the quantity, so the user can select the location for pick up as long as there is positive aggregated stock from all the sources, and us merchant can ship the order to that location from other sources. Thank you
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Magento's current behavior when creating partial invoices, is to bill the entire shipping amount of the order on the first invoice, regardless of how many items have been invoiced. This is problematic when products ship at different times, which can happen frequently if a store drop ships often. Here is an egregious example: A customer purchases two products, a Widget that has Free Shipping, and a Gadget that costs $100 to ship. 2. The Widget ships first, so we must invoice the Widget. 3. When we go to invoice the Widget, we do not want to invoice any shipping, because it was eligible for Free Shipping. However, Magento does not allow us to specify how much of the shipping should be included on the invoice, so the invoice includes the shipping amount for the entire order. 4. When the Gadget ships, we go to invoice it. There is no shipping charged on that invoice, because it was all charged on the first invoice for the Widget. 5. Customer and Accounting frustration ensues. The ability to specify a partial shipping amount on an invoice, up to the total amount charged at the time of order, would solve this issue.
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admin panel
We don't have a feature to apply coupon code when we proceed checkout with Multi Shipping Address. If customer forgot to apply coupon code on shopping cart page, he/she doesn't have provision to apply coupon code on multi shipping address checkout. So, its better to have this feature on multi shipping checkout.
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Issue: No line item shipping is calculated / stored for products in an order making export to third party ERP / OMS solutions difficult. Solution: When shipping is calculated, store the amount per line item in the sales_order_item table so it can exported cleanly.
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Hi! Would be very useful to have a report showing all the unshipped quantites of SKUs still on ordered status. And also to have the order number on which these unshipped SKUs appear. Thank you!
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Most of external integrations ( crm, shipping etc ) needs city and township information as code like region and country. If you add city and township models to core developers can use this for integration and site customers can select from select box instead of writing city and township names. This feature is also good for shipping extensions. Shipping extension developers can apply different rates or accept/deny shipping city/township based.
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We have a real big Problem with the REST API because the API doesn't provide GET for Payment- and Shipping-Methods, defined in the Parameters of the Shop. After Hours and Hours of searching we've found Infos about getting this Informations by using Carts, but that's not the Way we need to do it. As Info of Background, we are developing an additional Software for an ERP-Product to syncronize Data between an ERP and for Example a Webshop. Before the Sync happens, we call on both sides to get the needed Infos for mapping them. Without Payments and Shippings we can't get this done completly and the Customer will get wrong created Items in the ERP. That's a real big Problem for us. We've created an addtional Module for Meganto 2 which delivers the missing Infos we need, but this is not the best Way because some Servers/Webspaces doesn't support Commands executed by PHP, so we can't install the Module automatically. What we need in Short Description: GET -> Shipping-Methods (all, defined and viewable in Magento 2 Backend) GET -> Payment-Methods (all, defined and viewable in Magento 2 Backend) Please, if possible, implement this to the REST Api. It will help us a lot. Thx
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I would like to inform , That whenever uploading the product image that was adapted mechanism defaults stored the media to locally instead of s3 bucket , even when you install the s3 extensions, It should avoid and need little identify to default mechanism to adopt s3 bucket.As well as the invoice always storing in locally it should save in s3 bucket.
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I know Temando is now added to core in M2. While using Magento Shipping, there is no way to configure child products in different shipment or different packages. Sales staff has to ship entire bundle product in 1 shipment. That means if a bundle item consist of 10 (10kg/item) child products, then sales staff must create a shipment that is 10 × 10kg = 100kg of weight. Most of the time a carrier might not accept big boxes and we might need to split the carrier. Sometime we might not have all the child products in warehouse for some reason and customer is happy to receive whatever we have, in that case we would want to send partial shipment of that bundle item. Why is this not added in Magento Shipping. There is "Ship Separately" and "Ship Together" setting in Bundle item itself and that is completely useless in Magento Shipping, where this is utilized in Flat Shpping or Free Shipping. I see that child items are skipped in code: public function getOrderData(): string
$order = $this->getOrder();
$orderItems = [];
foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $orderItem) {
if (!$orderItem->getIsVirtual() && !$orderItem->getParentItem()) {
// skip virtual and child items This feature is must needed for many business I believe. Magento shipping is backward than what we had in M1 with Temando.
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