Showing ideas with label Shipping.
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Hi, Is there any plan to include Store pickup feature in Magento Community Edition? If yes, then in which version is it planned to release and also what is the date of release. I am waiting for this feature since long....
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In Magento the country of Netherlands Antilles is available, when this doesn't exist anymore It should be split up into Aruba (which is already there), Curacao (which is not there), Sint Maarten - note this is different to Saint Martin (which is not there). There are also 3 Municipalities (Bonaire, Sint Eustasius and Saba) which form the Caribbean Netherlands - ISO code BQ. This would also need to be added.
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Currently the addresses are connected to Users. Using B2B features, can happen that all users belonging to the same company would use the same addresses. Currently we have to duplicate all addresses for all users of the same company. We would like to connect addresses also to the company entity so that are available for all users of that company.
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Say, we have setup a factory role, how to hidden customers emails for this factor administration role, and disallow factory to see all customers emails, please?
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admin panel
For the In-Store Pickup module with MSI, it would be incredibly helpful if, for stores like the ones I manage with only one location per Magento instance, Store Pickup could default to that location and bypass the 'Select Store' step altogether. Also, if you could bypass the proximity calculation. In other words, if a customer selected the 'Pick In Store' tab at checkout on a site with only one pickup source in the back-end, the store would already appear there as the selected location. This would streamline things for the customer, too (and likely lead to less phone calls from confused customers for us).
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Firebase Push Notification module: This module is very frequently used with mobile applications. We can provide features listed below: Admin area to configure firebase authentication key. Rest API to save device token when someone gets logged-in with mobile application. Send push notification to mobile devices on various events like new order, order status change, abandoned cart etc. Send bulk notifications for newsletters and marketing campaigns. Save the list of notifications sent to customers and allow resend the notifications. I have already prepared a sample module and planing to publish it on Magento Marketplace.
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Based on those links,, Magento 2 maybe should be using the method from Mikkel Bo Schmidt article to chose country and state instead of dropdown list like it uses now? If Magento choses to use it (To me it seems Magento 2 tries to get as far from dropdown as possible) then a way how module developers can also use it should be well documented not like drop-down list creation now. Examples: Magento 2 module Royal Mail Shipping where the list of radio buttons is quite big for customer to look through would need that. Also Estonian post offices dropdown menus added to shipping method that are in more difficulty to create in Magento 2 (Maybe that is the reason why Estonia does not have any commercial shops that uses Magento 2.x) then they were in magento 1.x pages, but they are necessary because no one would scan through such amount of radio buttons. The way described in those posts can solved both problems (city and state drop-down and shipping methods). As it is well known most of the orders that are made in ecommerce websites comes from mobile devices and as mentioned articles referred dropdown lists are not user friendly. Hopefully shipping-methods block extension would get finally documentation for long list of items. CAN ANYONE SEE A REASON WHY MAGENTO SHOULD NOT USE SOLUTION FROM THOSE ARTICLES?! ESTONIAN SHIPPING-METHOD EXAMPLE:
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With the prevalence of custom pricing contracts with the various carriers, it would be nice to add multiple FedEx account numbers, or UPS account numbers to your shipping method settings based on the service being used. We have international shipping under one account and domestic under another because we get different price breaks.
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Submitted on
06:13 AM
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06:13 AM
Our products are very heavy 65 lbs in a 24 x 49 in box, normally we would request a call tag option via FedEx for them to go out and pickup the product (they bring the label) instead of us creating an RMA label for the customer and having them deal with it. Fedex would then pickup the package on the date we request. I would love to see this option incorporated as it is best practice for us and the large packages we ship.
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We use the salesShipOrder method to post shipping information to Magento2 from our fulfillment software. We're able to successfully create the shipment (along with carrier information, tracking numbers, customer notification), however there is not a way to indicate a shipment date (createdAt) for the package. When the post is made, it uses the current date/time as the shipment date, not the actual date/time that the package was shipped. We began using the salesShipOrder method over the salesShipmentRepository method to combat the Magento2 bug where order status is not properly updated. However this new method does not include the essential element for shipment date.
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I am using the UPS shipping module to get shipping prices from UPS with my negotiated rates. When you request the shipping, the values returned include the field GrandTotal. Unfortunately this figure does not include any applicable taxes that are added by UPS. This is quite important if your company is not registered for TAX and cannot claim the tax back and want to pass on this TAX cost to your customer. It would be great if the module had an option to include applicable taxes in the value shown to customer. In the rating request packet, if the field <TaxInformationIndicator/> within the <RatingServiceSelectionRequest><Shipping> tags is set (not set in the module), then the response includes additional information, including what taxes apply to the shipment (this happens even for negotiated rates, even though the API docs implies it doesnt) The response that you get back includes the "GrandTotal" field (ex tax) (Where Magento currently gets the total from) but also includes an additional field "TotalChargesWithTaxes" (If you are shipping to somewhere where TAX is added) If you are shipping to a country where no TAX is applied then the GrandTotal field contains the total shipping amount. If you are shipping to a country where TAX is applied, then GrandTotal still contains the exTAX price, but the TotalChargesWithTaxes field is included with the TAX added on. You would need a bit of logic so if TotalChargesWithTaxes is not set, then get total from GrandTotal, otherwise useTotalChargesWithTaxes.
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Magento 2 2-step checkout is very limiting for stores who want/need to add content. For example, we have many shipping methods and upgrade options to choose from that require explanation. The Magento 2 platform simplifies the checkout so much that my Address/Shipping Methods page will be very long and complicated. It would be much more accommodating for both store owners and end-users if Addresses, Shipping Methods and Payment info were separated into 3 different pages (and with the ability to add content header and footers) to allow for directions, time tables and shipping advice. Customers need information to decide whether or not they will place their order - for example and most importantly - to know when they will get their order.
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Right now Shipping Address and Shipping Methods are in the same JavaScript uiComponent. This is fine for the most part, unless you want to add additional sections between them. This would be as easy as adding a new region foreach between the shipping address and shipping method sections of checkout\shipping.html
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We have 2 separate stores for US and AU, the AU store / products have is a general sales tax applied to products that is shown before purchase. We are looking for an individual store option to display this additional tax amount in the search field price so as not to confuse users of the actual price which is correctly shown on the product page.
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In Magento 2 checkout page when customer chooses country the page makes an ajax call and refreshes shipping-methods section. Unfortunately I have not found any tutorials how to duplicate what is happening. I suggest Magento 2 should make a tutorial how it is done so developers can duplicate that process. - add custom filters to shipping-methods or payment. I have asked about that in but like normally the checkout page seems to be the most mysterious part of the Magento 2 (no replies).
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My questions are how to add dropdown to the shipping method section and if specific method has been selected (the one that developers have been thought about) make address field required to be filled? I have added image about what i am asking to the post. History: In magento 1.X the developers just edited the phtml file that displayed the shipping method (can be found, when searched) but in magento 2.x uses html files where php can't be used. Example: some countries uses post-offices where customers can get their orders. So the shop owners need possibility to add dropdown of post offices to the website. Also when they can select to pick up in post office or shop then why they need to add their address making the address field dependable with selected shipping method. I have tired to solve it myself but I do not like none of the solutions that i have came up with: adding the selection field with jQuery (somehow adding it to the order) below shipping method its content depends on shipping method that is selected (main disadvantages are that it might decrease the speed and user has to scroll down to add post office) or writing completely new shipping module that contains this possibility (Magento updates might have added dependency or changed the overwritten files that might brake the website or make module unresponsive - writing new module means writing over many default files rising risks and making the default shipping method useless (main functionality in this kind cms)). I have tried to ask help Magento Community Forums (programming section) and Magento Stack Exchange - no response! Both of these websites contains a lot of questions about checkout page that are without no replies including many almost duplicate questions about the problem i am facing . Are they without answer because developers lack such knowledge or something else that is unclear. The main issue is, that I find those functionalities described elementary in such cms and can not understand why they are not added. Why developers have not thought about that user group - Magento is used all over the globe and so should be the features that can be added without changing too much the original code? The modules (extendability) not included to Magento should be dealing with only special requirements like slider or adding blocks (that has been well documented) or third party connection (Facebook, POS... ) ... But not functionalities like those where there is atleast entire country in need such features! Difficulty adding such features (that most developers can not manage (posts i have found in web while researching [example1])) is not allowing the shop owners to began using Magento 2.
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Not all countries require a phone number on the shipping label, so it would be great to have the option to select per store view if you want to ask the customer for a phone number in the checkout or not. Per country is maybe even better, but that might be a bit much. Statistics show that conversion drops when you ask potential customers for their phone number.
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Request: When defining Tax Classes, allow Tax Calculation Based On to be configured on a per scope basis. Use Case: Referred to as Nexus, a store with resellers or Shipping Origins located in different states, and shipping to states separate from where the reseller is located, will need to charge state tax for a subset of states that varies between each Shipping Origin. References for Nexus: Why: Some states charge a destination-based Sales Tax, meaning different resellers , will each need to charge state tax for a varying subset of states. As Tax Classes are Global, this requires custom or 3rd party integration.
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The issue that in Mini-cart item display single (Unit) item price , as native Magento behaviour . Want to display item price row total (Unit Price x Qty ) in mini-cart when change the qty of the product it gets added into cart . Please check below screen-short.
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Hi Team, I tried something as below. So I have enabled the reward points for the order placement process. Right now the reward points are redeemable on the full amount of the order (Grand Total) and I want to allow redeem reward points only on the Subtotal, not on Grand Total. So here my goal is to customers should pay shipping charges on order time and for that, I have modified the below file. File: vendor/magento/module-reward/Model/Total/Quote/Reward.php (File overridden in the custom plugin) public function collect(
\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote $quote,
\Magento\Quote\Api\Data\ShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment,
\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\Total $total
) {
if (!$this->_rewardData->isEnabledOnFront($quote->getStore()->getWebsiteId())) {
return $this;
if ($total->getBaseSubtotal() >= 0 && $quote->getCustomer()->getId() && $quote->getUseRewardPoints()) {
/* @var $reward \Magento\Reward\Model\Reward */
$reward = $quote->getRewardInstance();
if (!$reward || !$reward->getId()) {
$customer = $quote->getCustomer();
$reward = $this->_rewardFactory->create()->setCustomer($customer);
$pointsLeft = $reward->getPointsBalance() - $quote->getRewardPointsBalance();
$rewardCurrencyAmountLeft = $this->priceCurrency->convert(
) - $quote->getRewardCurrencyAmount();
$baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft = $reward->getCurrencyAmount() - $quote->getBaseRewardCurrencyAmount();
if ($baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft >= $total->getBaseSubtotal()) {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $reward->getPointsEquivalent($total->getBaseSubtotal());
$pointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $total->getSubtotal();
$basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $total->getBaseSubtotal();
} else {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $reward->getPointsEquivalent($baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft);
if ($pointsBalanceUsed > $pointsLeft) {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $pointsLeft;
$pointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $rewardCurrencyAmountLeft;
$basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft;
$subtotal = $total->getSubtotal() + $total->getShippingAmount();
$baseSubtotal = $total->getBaseSubtotal() + $total->getBaseShippingAmount();
$total->setGrandTotal($subtotal - $pointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$total->setBaseGrandTotal($baseSubtotal - $basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$quote->setRewardPointsBalance(round($quote->getRewardPointsBalance() + $pointsBalanceUsed));
$quote->setRewardCurrencyAmount($quote->getRewardCurrencyAmount() + $pointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$quote->setBaseRewardCurrencyAmount($quote->getBaseRewardCurrencyAmount() + $basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
return $this;
} In above function I have replaced $total->getBaseGrandTotal() with $total->getBaseSubtotal() and $total->getGrandTotal() with $total->getSubtotal(). So the above code worked for me on the simple checkout but when I have tried the same thing on the multi-checkout process then it's giving me an error The requested Payment Method is not available. Note: File override is pending and Need to add one config option for reward points redeemable or not on shipping. Thanks
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