The "My Orders" view on accounts simply gives a list of orders sorted chronologically with the ability to set the number of records displayed per page. It would be ideal to give a search function for the user to be able to search/filter for orders by a number of parameters including - Order Number - Order Date (Including Date Range) - Product - Status The only articles / extensions that i have ever found have been giving the administrator the ability to search for this. However for customers who are placing larger volumes of orders via a portal this could/would be a very useful piece of functionality
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I would like to make a feature request. When in the product catalogue, it would be nice to return to previous viewpoint after save. With a 15 minute timeout, and the need to continually be saving, it would save a lot of scrolling after each save. It would also just feel better in general, considering all the A-B work with front & back end. I hope to see this implemented in the near future, thanks!
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request: Basic Support for Stock Take [Stock freeze] Rationale We all do it. Every month, every quarter or every year. Count the stock: stock take. Magento does not support the basic business process. It should. The problem When you execute a stock take, this takes time. During this time orders enter the system. THere is nothing wrong with that. But you want to freeze the stock decrement until done. This can be easily achieved by a Magento quick win. Especially after the 2.3 version because stock and stock reserve are separated. Example Here we are with our nice little Magento store. It is 7 AM. No orders for today. So we pick all our orders and the stock in Magento versus the Warehouse = equal (suppose ;). The team then starts counting the products qty's and order picking is paused. During this time orders enter the system and decrement stock. When you are done counting you import all the stock (or in batches). The order picking starts again and this is where it goes wrong. All the sold products during the stock take have never been decremented fromt he stock Qty Solution Add a pause stock button on store level (in case you do stock take for complete warehouse in 1 go). And add a pause stock update button on product level. If the pause option is activated then stock is no longer decremented. After the stock take we undo the pause and stock is decremented from the Qty. This time the Warehouse <= IN SYNC => Magento
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Request: Set Product Attribute "Apply To" not based on Product Type but ... rather visibility (or new attribute) ... or attribute set related We sell for example T-shirts and ties. For T-shirts 1 configurable product exist. With several simple products. For Ties only simple products exist (onesize) Product meta data is stored on the parent product. For T-shirts the configurable product. For ties the simple product. Now if we make an attribute required like COLOR for simple products it also applies to the child products of the t-shirt: and this is where it goes wrong Every time we edit the qty of barcode of a simple product we are enforced to select a color for the simple product. And this is very wrong: meta data is stored on the parent configurable level To me this has always been a design flaw that can be improved Request: create attributes "Apply To" based on something else than Product Type. Rather I can imagine a product is set up as a Salable Parent (meaning: presented on the frontend). So if this flag is set then attribute checks and other apply. It would also simplify many rules and coupon setup.
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Product Images that are supplied by international brands often have a expiry date. This is becoming a bigger and biiger problem because brand crawlers or law-agents crawl the web to find these images that have expired, often resulting in fines. In fashion there are several kind of images plain product, pack shot (and zooms/angles) image on dummy/ghost image on a model The images on a model often are valid for a period X. After this date the image should be removed. Request: add a date field to magento product images to set as an start_from and end_date so we can schedule product images. (ps why is there no label/tag on this boad for legal or risk)
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Hi, We have found that the only way to changes image dimensions for resize is in code and would love it if this was something configurable from the admin panel. Is this something that is already in the process of being implemented or could it be implemented soon? We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks!
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Hello everyone, Does anyone know how to change 'Add To Cart' button text and relink the button? Sometimes I need to direct customer from my store to another place in the net. I followed these 2 guides: But they're the guide for Magento 1.9. The curent version is Magento 2.2.6 and the code is different, I can change the button text, but can not relink it. I created an atrribute 'get_link' to get the external URL from user's input, but it did not work. This is my code for the file 'addtocart.phtml' within current theme: Or, does anyone know where I can find information for this problem? Hope you will take a look. Thank a lot!!
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Default functionality shows the requisition list icon only upon login. I'd like the option to show it to both logged-in and non logged-in users. If we offer it (and explain what it is), it's an incentive for users to log in.
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With wish-list sharing in mind, I'd like to see requisition lists shared in a similar way.
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Under Catalog > Categories > Display Settings > Display Mode there are three options - products, block, product & block. I propose a fourth option for custom link, so users can link to a CMS Page or external link in the main navigation. There seems to be no easy way to do such a task currently. Creating a block and then setting the category to block only, is not a proper solution and seem more like a hack. There are to issues with this method: 1. You cannot use it to link to external pages 2. Since there does not seem to be a CMS Page Suffix like categories and product pages have, any future change to the menu from a category block to CMS Page would cause a url change and affect SEO. I see no reason why Magento should not support custom links in the navigation. My proposal above is one possible solution to the issue.
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Issue Currently there is no simple way to check what quote item was just added to the cart. This causes issues for module developers who need to work out what item was added to the cart for a custom module. Possible Solution Right now we have: $this->checkoutSession->getLastAddedProductId(); To get the last added product however there is no way to fetch the item id. A possible solution is to give us a saved session for getLastAddedItemId for example: $this->checkoutSession->getLastAddedItemId();
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As per current mechanism , If new version release then we must need to put live store into maintenance mode or need to do it into staging and need to upgrade version first and then test whole site and if any issue occurred with current code then need to fix it and after all of stuff doing we able to move latest code into live site. It all taking minimum 1 hrs if user's have very high speed server to complete this process. If magento have auto update version feature like auto update browser version then it will more safely way to choose magento than other framework.
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As per current mechanism , If new version release then we must need to put live store into maintenance mode or need to do it into staging and need to upgrade version first and then test whole site and if any issue occurred with current code then need to fix it and after all of stuff doing we able to move latest code into live site. It all taking minimum 1 hrs if user's have very high speed server to complete this process. If magento have auto update version feature like auto update browser version then it will more safely way to choose magento than other framework.
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In admin, add a link to configurable product edit page from associated simple product edit page. This would be great for store owners and for developers too. As a store owner / admin you can search for product name or sku in some cases. As a developer I have to look in the database for the configurable. This is time consuming and repetitive. Thank you
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Firebase Push Notification module: This module is very frequently used with mobile applications. We can provide features listed below: Admin area to configure firebase authentication key. Rest API to save device token when someone gets logged-in with mobile application. Send push notification to mobile devices on various events like new order, order status change, abandoned cart etc. Send bulk notifications for newsletters and marketing campaigns. Save the list of notifications sent to customers and allow resend the notifications. I have already prepared a sample module and planing to publish it on Magento Marketplace.
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To increase the qty of magento merchants, it is strongly recommended to establish the affiliate network from Magento. That would increase the e commerce site's sales. There is already this network from the shopify which attract many merchants.
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It's currently a huge pain to manage a large number of cart rules/coupons by having to click into each individual cart rule, and either delete it or to make it active or inactive. To make matters worse, you can't open the view/edit page in a new tab. Because the grid row uses onclick JS events, that part of web accessibility is gone. You can't command-click, or right-click, open in new tab. This would be fixed with a dedicated "edit" button column. I suggest to either add this part of web accessibility back in (by having an action anchor tag, or by having a dedicated column), or instead to add a selection + mass actions for the active/inactive flag, and cart rule deletion.
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For each customizable option of a product, you should be able to set a default value. For example, for checkbox, set the default to checked.
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Hi, In Magento 2.2.5 you can easily make Company a required field for customers in both checkout and creating an account - Settings>Configuration>Customers>Customer Configuration>Name and Address Options (see attached). Magento 2.2.5 But in Magento 2.1.14, there is no option for this (see attached). Can this feature be added to 2.1.x? Magento 2.1.14
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Hi, What I'm missing is an option in my account, my purchases to remove an extension from my list. Sometimes you add a extension and decide it's not working or not what you wanted. Now all the extensions stay in your marketplace, my purchases and through that end up in my magento backend webwizard. Would be nice to have this option.
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