Hello, I would love to integrate OSPOS with Magento 2 as all the other POS systems are extremely expensive! Is there a way to do this, or will I have to manually export the data every time? Thanks, Prem
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We can't get quote data with the session in cron job. Please allow or give alternate solution.
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Allow a customer-level setting that enables/hides payment methods. For example, I have a small number of customers who cannot be removed from their price group, but who I want to force into Proforma Invoicing rather than Creditcard. By linking the payment method to the price group, I have to double up the number of price groups, one for normal people and one for those with bad credit etc.
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I have a scenario to return the bundle options product market price while refund. I have attached the sample screens as well Bundle Product Configuration: Dynamic Price - false Bundle Option 1 Name: Product 1 price type :Fixed Price Qty: 1 (Ex: 100 original price is 200) Name: Product 2 price type :Fixed Price Qty: 1 (Ex: 300 original price is 500) After I have ordered this product with the above option. In sales_order_item table product_options: {"info_buyRequest":{} contains only the 100, 300 amount. But I need the 200, 500 amount also in the original_price column of each items. currently original_price columns is 0.000. Please store the original price at the time purchasing . Magento version : Enterprice 2.2.6 Product
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We need the ability to move reviews en mass easily. We had a problem with our M1 store view when it migrated that caused it to be corrupted. We created a new store view and the issue went away. Now we have 8000+ reviews that we have to move in the database. It'd be great if we could just select all the review and tell it what store to move them to, or to copy them to a new store or store view.
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Hi, For all developers In magento when setting a new store up, there is too many configuration that we do according to each developer requirement. For example, i always enable imagick compressen, set flat category to yes, set asynchronous to sales, set product to decrease from stock in pending state, set to show how many items left when reaches 5, set admin lifetime session ......etc There is too many configuration that you cant count we always tune our magento system accordingly. So why every time i need to setup a fresh copy i need to reconfigure the system again and again this takes time and time is money :). My Feature request is that to make an option where we can export magento configuration categories from Sales, General, Catalog, system .... and all there sub categories, and export them to a single file. While in import, i select the file i exported earlier and import the whole configuration or selective configuration, for example i only want to import the Sales category configuration. But you must take into consideration that a configuration file must be compatible with all versions of magento old and future. This is basicly my idea, Also if this idea can be applied to export third party extensions configuration. Because Advanced extensions requires many configuration especially seo tool kits. Using the import with a single click i can configure the whole extension. Also the extension developers can create a configuration settings files to give for extension buyers to configure there extension easily.
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Situation We have a Magento installation that conatins multiple websites, each with its own URL. For example shop1.domain.com for website 1 and shop2.other.com for website 2. Magento supports all it needs to do so, exept one little thing, a tiny but not unimportent part is missing for this solution to work out of the box. You have to start the correct website in the bootstrapping, mapping to your shop. In Fakt since the first version of magento i had to code this litle last step in the index.php and create multiple copies of the index.php and create multiple settings file for my apache server. Solution Please create a component that scans all the websites url's and build a cached repo where $_SERVER[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_CODE] and $_SERVER[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_TYPE] gets automatically set upon the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $url_configured_in_setting Help? I allready have my own implementation of it, its just a patchwork direct in the index.php file, not a own class, i think you will do it it better, therefore i can send you my code, if its any help to you, just ask ;)
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As a new user of M2.2, I am surprised that there is no direct link from the Dashboard, or from within the /Catalog/ and /Content/ menus, to open the Media Storage interface. Other solutions (e.g. Joomla) have a "Media Manager" link displayed on the Dashboard which allows an Admin User to manage and curate the media uploaded and used within the project - either Product Images, Videos etc. or for Page Content. It seems slightly daft that the only way I can upload an image from within the Dashboard, is to open a web page or product page for editing, then click the 'Insert Image' icon in the Editor's toolbar to launch the 'Insert Image' interface, in order to browse for and insert media files. Surely it would be a simple task to create a discrete link to the Media Storage interface, either directly from the left-hand menu or from within the slide-out menus for both of the following interfaces: Catalog Content
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https://prnt.sc/mp1nt5 pls add the Paypal smart button to magento 2, other application such as WooCommerce have support it. That include the credit cards logo.
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The following blog mentions magento launching Amazon channel sales functionality. Can you confirm if this is still planned and will it be released to the community edition - if yes do you know the intended launch date? https://magento.com/news-room/press-releases/magento-gives-merchants-access-to-amazon-marketplace thank you
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After playing around with the different versions of Magento 2, I found 2.2.5 to be the most stable for the QQ.COM email spam attacker. In version 2.2.5 The spammer only shows up as a online visitor and does not create a new customer account automatically. In versions 2.2.6, 2.2.7, and 2.3.0 the email spammer automatically creates a customer account, bypassing the account login setup, creating the hundreds of customers per hour in the data base. I have tried using IP blockers, but the spam still gets through. In version 2.2.5 the data base visitor log shows over 750 visitors in about a 2-day period, but nothing shows visibly on the admin side, except who is on line at that time. With the online visitor it does not show any information on the ID, First Name, Last Name or Email columns, only shows Last Activity and Type. Usually 5 – 10 online at a time when I look. I think the next version of 2.3.X should have the same method of showing all incoming mail as a visitor and not as a customer that automatically creates the hundreds of customers per hour. Have an admin option to manually or automatically purge the visitor database at any time, otherwise the data base would continue to grow unchecked. (Could be purged every hour, once a day, once a week, once a month type options)
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I found that the product attribute option is missing something, we are not able to edit the label of them because we don't have any api to update them, we can only add new one to the list or remove one. That is not a good thing since if we are using the options on certain product we cannot just delete it and create a new one, go on each product and change it. It would be nice that we can change the label of some option even if it's one at a time. Thank you.
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I want the Magento 2 \Magento\Framework\HTTP\Client\Curl class to handle all http methods. I have added as a feature request in magento/community-feature repo on github. How can I add the feature myself ? https://github.com/magento/community-features/issues/101
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I know, when Bundle item is created with "Dynamic Price", then I can refund a child item. But when Bundle item is created with Fixed Price then it doesn't allow. It looks, when order is created with Bundle item (Fixed Price), all child item's price is marked 0, which might be the case that it doesn't allow to refund a child item from it. I would love to have this feature. To be able to refund only a child item from Bundle item (Fixed Price).
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I know Temando is now added to core in M2. While using Magento Shipping, there is no way to configure child products in different shipment or different packages. Sales staff has to ship entire bundle product in 1 shipment. That means if a bundle item consist of 10 (10kg/item) child products, then sales staff must create a shipment that is 10 × 10kg = 100kg of weight. Most of the time a carrier might not accept big boxes and we might need to split the carrier. Sometime we might not have all the child products in warehouse for some reason and customer is happy to receive whatever we have, in that case we would want to send partial shipment of that bundle item. Why is this not added in Magento Shipping. There is "Ship Separately" and "Ship Together" setting in Bundle item itself and that is completely useless in Magento Shipping, where this is utilized in Flat Shpping or Free Shipping. I see that child items are skipped in code: public function getOrderData(): string
$order = $this->getOrder();
$orderItems = [];
foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $orderItem) {
if (!$orderItem->getIsVirtual() && !$orderItem->getParentItem()) {
// skip virtual and child items This feature is must needed for many business I believe. Magento shipping is backward than what we had in M1 with Temando.
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Is there a way to change the customer name order (as in Lastname Firstname) globally in forms and display as well? It's ok, that the user registration form can be changed easily, but I could not yet find out how to do it on the checkout page, for example. If you don't get the reason: I'm in Hungary, where we use this "reversed name order", like the Japanese.
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At this moment you can add widgets to a lot of specific pages, except for B2B pages (for example Company Registration Form)
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We sell grills and smokers. When someone places an order they will often add covers and other products. Occasionally we run into an issue where the order go on credit check, one of the items goes out of stock and the order fails to go into Magento. Which means we have to create an order for these lost souls manually. The happens more than I'd like in the holiday season where things go in and out of stock constantly. Here's the thing. If I am out of covers for your smoker it doesn't really matter at the time of order. Often there is a delay of a couple weeks while we cut, weld and paint your smoker. I may have the covers stock deplete and restore 2-3 times. It'd be great if having that grill in your cart caused everything else to ignore their inventory level. Yes we know a product can individually have it's inventory ignored, but I want a product to make other products inventory ignored. Right now it's just before Thanksgiving. If I order a really big grill with a custom paint job it may not ship until January. My inventory level of anything else in the cart is completely irrelevant.
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Hi there, We recently came across with an issue where Magento intentionally disabled discount for Gift Card Type Products. It was there in Magento 1 and I totally understand that discount on gift card products may be leads to any fraud since Gift Card is similar to Cash value. But I noticed that in the code it is checking if it's Gift Card Type product then no cart rule apply. This check needs to be done at Admin Configuration, so if merchant want to enable/disable then should able to change that easily without any code change. User Case: We have Physical/Virtual Gift Cards Setup. We created a Cart rule where we can give 10% discount for above products. While looking into code at following file we noticed that it is invalidating gift card type products that's why we are not able to give any discount. File: vendor/magento/module-gift-card/Model/Validator/Discount.php Code: public function isValid($item) { if (Giftcard::TYPE_GIFTCARD == $item->getProductType()) { return false; } return true; } As mentioned above, it would be great if you include this feature in Admin Config. Thanks, Devendra Gajera Corra Inc
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Make possible to enable and disable Dynamic price in boundle product even after the first save.
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