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I believe the customer group allows about 50 characters. But now only show 10 or 12 characters. Please assist to lengthen the combo box (At least 25 characters, from my point of view)
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We are using the magento 2.3.3 version with multiwebsite setup also we are using the MSI concept for inventory management. We came to following scenario where both websites are using same SKUs and handling for backorder is different on each website. Ex: website1 - Allow backorder website 2 - Not allow backorder Since by using MSI concept the inventory can be handled at website level, it would be good to provide an option in core magento that backorder feature also can be handled at website level instead of global level. Appreciate if you can pick this idea and provide a path or implement in future releases. Thank you.
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In the Magento CE intro it says that the ability to have multiple stores is one of the most powerful features. I spent time configuring multiple websites / stores / views, only to discover that you can't even assign certain users to certain stores within the admin! Plus the sales reports are combined for all the stores by default, and there is no way to make the admin page default to show the sales report only for the store that belongs to the logged in user. This is fundamental to having multiple stores. Right now this is more like having multiple shopping racks (shoe section, underwear section, shirt section) rather than having multiple stores (company1, company2). My feature request is to stop saying that Magento has a powerful multi-store ability so that other people don't waste as much time as I did trying to set up multiple stores to discover this huge limitation.
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All auto-generated factory classes, should implement common interface. All factories, have to have public function create(array $data = array()) method anyway. So why they do not implement some common FactoryInterface interface?
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Command injection vulnerabilities take two forms: - An attacker can change the command that the program executes: the attacker explicitly controls what the command is. - An attacker can change the environment in which the command executes: the attacker implicitly controls what the command means. In this case we are primarily concerned with the second scenario, the possibility that an attacker may be able to change the meaning of the command by changing an environment variable or by putting a malicious executable early in the search path. 1.Applications should avoid incorporating user-controllable data into operating system commands. 2.Use library calls rather than external processes to recreate the desired functionality. 3.Ensure that all external commands called from the program are statically created For more information refer : ex : $output = shell_exec($cmd); shell_exec() function used in multiple places. Example code path : vendor/laminas/laminas-console/src/Adapter/Virtual.php (Line: 171) protected function switchToUtf8() { shell_exec('mode con cp select=65001'); } and few other vendor files. CWE Code : CWE-77
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The idea is to have an option how customers are adressed. For example personal like "Hello Ben" or formal like " Dear Mr. Marks". These could be on webshop welcome message and also in transactional mails.
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For a configurable product that has tier prices can the unit price on the product page update to the correct tier price based on the quantity that the user enters. e.g. Buy 100 for £1.55 Buy 200 for £1.04 each and save 33% Buy 300 for £0.78 each and save 50% Buy 400 for £0.70 each and save 56% Buy 500 for £0.62 each and save 60% If the user enters 100, the unit price displays as £1.55 correctly. However if the user enters 200, the unit price remains £1.55 whereas it should display £1.04. It does not display the correct tier price until you add the item to the cart.
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Feature request from bondimedical3, posted on GitHub Jan 04, 2017
Google is making a big push with AMP pages in mobile search results. I am seeing more and more AMP results in SERPS and I believe if Magento would like to keep a competitive edge in the market it will need to begin to look at adding this feature to Magento 2. Google SERPs are constantly changing with new features and they have even added an AMP carousel in mobile results where if there are more than 3 AMP results on the first page a carousel appears on the top where people can scroll through. In the future this will become a necessity for all e-commerce platforms.
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Per Google's documentation: "reCAPTCHA v3 introduces a new concept: actions. When you specify an action name in each place you execute reCAPTCHA, you enable the following new features: A detailed break-down of data for your top ten actions in the admin console Adaptive risk analysis based on the context of the action, because abusive behavior can vary. Importantly, when you verify the reCAPTCHA response, you should verify that the action name is the name you expect." From: Associating an action name with each reCAPTCHA implementation location will allow us to have a more granular view of where bots are interacting with our forms/actions and react based on what we see in the reporting. Additionally, Google indicates that reCAPTCHA v3 will perform better with actions specified.
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Currently it is not possible to have an admin menu link with more than 3 arguments: menu.xml: ... <add
.../> is menu item link is truncated to: 'module/controller/action/' and ignores the 'paramFoo/valueBar' addition. I'd suggest adding another property to the <add tag, something like: actionParams="paramFoo=valueBar¶mLorem=valueIpsum" which would then be added to the $params array in the Magento\Backend\Model\Menu\Item::getUrl() method.
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Hi Team, We are showing out of stock products, and in the case of configurable products price is not displayed if all children are out of stock even if Display Out of Stock Products is set to "yes". Can we have an option to display price for these type of products? Thanks SJ
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Make possible to enable and disable Dynamic price in boundle product even after the first save.
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Hi, We have found that the only way to changes image dimensions for resize is in code and would love it if this was something configurable from the admin panel. Is this something that is already in the process of being implemented or could it be implemented soon? We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks!
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Given to the documentation it's possible to change the image properties in view.xml. But sadly the quality of the image isn't reflected. So it's only possible to change the values for the properties: width height constrain aspect_ratio frame transparency background (doesn't work btw.) The quality property is missing. Please add the possibility to change the image quality property.
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Feature request from mttjohnson, posted on GitHub Nov 06, 2015
Working from the Magento 2.0.0-RC
I ran into a scenario where an setup install script failed halfway through installing some data and I found that it inserted and modified the database to the point it hit an exception. I haven't noticed much use of database transactions inside the install scripts, but I found that it doesn't take much to add them to the start and end of the install() method.
I found an example of using database transactions in \Magento\Checkout\Setup\InstallData and I went ahead and tested wrapping the contents of my install script. It seems like wrapping database install scripts inside a database transaction should be a recommended practice so that we can avoid half installed modules that can be very difficult to troubleshoot afterwards.
public function install(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
$connection = $setup->getConnection();
try {
// Do a bunch of stuff here that may change things in the database and
// you want to retain the option to rollback the changes if an error occurs
// If no errors occur commit all the database changes
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If an error occured rollback the database changes as if they never happened
throw $e;
I have run into several situations trying to clean up magento sites that had things half installed and contained additional or missing changes to the database. Having gone through the mess of cleaning up partial upgrades leads me to believe there is room for improvement around the setup scripts.
When would it be an ok idea to partially install data in the database?
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Feature request from hostep, posted on GitHub Aug 24, 2016
Magento CE 2.1.0
A whole afternoon of debugging joy (oh no, I already did this for you, don't worry)
Steps to reproduce
Take a look at how the billing address fields are composed:
Compare this to the shipping address fields:
Expected result
I expected to be able to change the sort order of the billing address fields in the checkout using xml or some other "convenient" way, but found this is almost impossible without manually altering the sort_order field in the customer_eav_attribute table.
Actual result
Not able to sort the billing address fields in a convenient and easy way.
To be able to sort the shipping address fields in the checkout, we can create a file checkout_index_index.xml with something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="checkout" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceBlock name="checkout.root">
<argument name="jsLayout" xsi:type="array">
<item name="components" xsi:type="array">
<item name="checkout" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="steps" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="shipping-step" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="shippingAddress" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="shipping-address-fieldset" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="region_id" xsi:type="array">
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">87</item>
<item name="postcode" xsi:type="array">
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">80</item>
<item name="company" xsi:type="array">
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">45</item>
<item name="vat_id" xsi:type="array">
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">46</item>
<item name="country_id" xsi:type="array">
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">85</item>
<item name="telephone" xsi:type="array">
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">90</item>
I was hoping there was a similar way for the billing address fields, but came to the conclusion after viewing this is not possible due to those hardcoded values.
Or am I missing something obvious here?
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Submitted on
01:02 PM
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01:02 PM
Feature request from tzyganu, posted on GitHub Nov 21, 2014
This is inspired by a question for Magento 1.
I tested on Magento 2-alpha 104 and it behaves the same as in Magento 1.
When mass updating products using the Update attributes from the product admin grid, the updated_at attribute does not change.
It is only changed when explicitly calling $product->save() .
This may be a philosophical question "Should updated_at be changed when bulk updating products?".
I would say "Yes". It should be changed independent of the source of the modification.
This is applicable for all EAV entities.
If you have a different view on the issue, please share.
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Submitted on
12:33 PM
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12:33 PM
Feature request from robert198222, posted on GitHub Jul 27, 2015
As standard in 1.x it's only possible to add Discounts as Actions in Shopping Cart Price Rule. It would be a natural future to have both Discounts and Fees as rules. Fees could be useful if your Condition is a Payment Method and you want to add a fixed fee or/and percent of product price fee for the chosen Payment Method, for example Paypal. Same if you want to add extra fee for Conditions with very heavy products, special destinations, if subtotal is too low etc.
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Submitted on
12:04 PM
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12:04 PM
Feature request from mikebranderhorst, posted on GitHub Feb 13, 2013
Apple, Dell, Microsoft all do the same as Magento (or the other way around ;-). But did you ever experience how hard it is to order a product living in a country if you do not speak nor read the foreign language? Apple for example, if you live in the Netherlands but cannot read Dutch how do you order? It must go through which is Dutch. If you want to select English it is not possible to deliver to an address in The Netherlands. Now my feature request is to add an extra scope, named Language scope. If you add for example a product, translate it in multiple languages regardless of Store View scope. The Store View scope has a language and just picks the right translated product but a customer can stay on the Netherlands store but order everything in English or German or whatever.
Read my comments in this blog post.
We have a:
Store A (.nl) Netherlands (Dutch is main language, German and English)
Store B (.de) Germany (German is main language, Dutch and English)
Store C (.eu) Europe (English is main language, Dutch and German)
Future: .be, .it, .se etc.
All shops share the same products, different prices, different static content and ! 3 languages. Currently it is difficult to get a internationalisation scope in a localized store.
A German store != the store of Germany. The store in the Netherlands could also be translated in German but is not the same as the German text on the store of Germany.
How I see this in practice:
When you add a product you have a Global scope product with multiple translations, not only text but also metadata, url, title pictures etc. Then when you add a product to a store view it gets automatically the language of that store view.
Static content:
This could be Global text in multiple languages or Website scope text in multiple languages. For example a Contact of Return policy page could be translated in say three languages but is for Store A, B and C not the same. But other pages could be the same in all Store A, B, C.
Store A - Netherlands - Dutch (main)
Store A - Netherlands - German
Store A - Netherlands - English
Store B - Germany - German (main)
Store B - Germany - Dutch
Store B - Germany - English
Store C - Europe - English (main)
Store C - Europe - Dutch
Store C - Europe - German
Now, when I add a product, I should choose to make it global or assign it only to a country (website scope). I translate the product in multiple languages with English as fallback. When a customer visits the Store A but does not speaks Dutch and selects English he/she is still on Store A. Why not Store C? Store C has different content (maybe also theme) and different regulations (tax, law, delivery regulations, etc.)
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