Showing ideas with label checkout.
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Based on those links,, Magento 2 maybe should be using the method from Mikkel Bo Schmidt article to chose country and state instead of dropdown list like it uses now? If Magento choses to use it (To me it seems Magento 2 tries to get as far from dropdown as possible) then a way how module developers can also use it should be well documented not like drop-down list creation now. Examples: Magento 2 module Royal Mail Shipping where the list of radio buttons is quite big for customer to look through would need that. Also Estonian post offices dropdown menus added to shipping method that are in more difficulty to create in Magento 2 (Maybe that is the reason why Estonia does not have any commercial shops that uses Magento 2.x) then they were in magento 1.x pages, but they are necessary because no one would scan through such amount of radio buttons. The way described in those posts can solved both problems (city and state drop-down and shipping methods). As it is well known most of the orders that are made in ecommerce websites comes from mobile devices and as mentioned articles referred dropdown lists are not user friendly. Hopefully shipping-methods block extension would get finally documentation for long list of items. CAN ANYONE SEE A REASON WHY MAGENTO SHOULD NOT USE SOLUTION FROM THOSE ARTICLES?! ESTONIAN SHIPPING-METHOD EXAMPLE:
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We are a canadian business, and the exchange rate has been getting worse and worse. Displaying prices in CAD on our website gives an impression of expensiveness. I'd like to replicate what eBay/Paypal does: customer can choose to pay in USD or CAD. If they pay in USD, their credit card will do the conversion (unless they have a USD credit card). If they pay in CAD, they will pay the price displayed on the website. If they pay in USD, I'd like the money to be deposited in our USD account. If they pay in CAD, I'd like the money to be deposited in our CAD account. It seems like what I'm seeking is not supported by Adobe Commerce / Magento 2, and yet: I think it would be a fantastic improvement.
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Please provide a way to exclude virtual products (gift cards) from free shipping rules. Since gift cards can be emailed they should not be included in the cart subtotal and count towards free shipping. This feature should also be made available for any product. The interface could simply be on the configurable product setup as a toggle that says something like "Free Shipping Rule" yes/no(toggle). Possibly, by default...virtual products should never count towards free shipping rules.
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Not all countries require a phone number on the shipping label, so it would be great to have the option to select per store view if you want to ask the customer for a phone number in the checkout or not. Per country is maybe even better, but that might be a bit much. Statistics show that conversion drops when you ask potential customers for their phone number.
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We have a couple hundred different manufacturers we sell products from and would like to run brand-specific promotions with a coupon code to encourage customers to buy $100+ worth of products from a specific manufacturer. The closest we've been able to get with conditions in cart price rules is to get the rule to work when a customer has line in their cart totaling $100 or more from specified manufacturer, OR we can get it to work if a customer has an item made by a specific manufacturer and the cart subtotal is $100 or more. We've been going with second solution and hoping that customers are going by the wording of the promotion and are putting $100 worth of items from that manufacturer in their cart. Unfortunately, this lets customers who just put a single $5 item from this manufacturer in their cart get the $15 discount, as long as they have at least $100 total worth of products in their cart. Most customers don't realize this, and so the above solution works about 90% of the time. We'd feel much more comfortable with brand specific promotions if there was a condition set that allowed us to look for a whole cart with $X worth of products from a specified manufacturer.
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Hi Team, I tried something as below. So I have enabled the reward points for the order placement process. Right now the reward points are redeemable on the full amount of the order (Grand Total) and I want to allow redeem reward points only on the Subtotal, not on Grand Total. So here my goal is to customers should pay shipping charges on order time and for that, I have modified the below file. File: vendor/magento/module-reward/Model/Total/Quote/Reward.php (File overridden in the custom plugin) public function collect(
\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote $quote,
\Magento\Quote\Api\Data\ShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment,
\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\Total $total
) {
if (!$this->_rewardData->isEnabledOnFront($quote->getStore()->getWebsiteId())) {
return $this;
if ($total->getBaseSubtotal() >= 0 && $quote->getCustomer()->getId() && $quote->getUseRewardPoints()) {
/* @var $reward \Magento\Reward\Model\Reward */
$reward = $quote->getRewardInstance();
if (!$reward || !$reward->getId()) {
$customer = $quote->getCustomer();
$reward = $this->_rewardFactory->create()->setCustomer($customer);
$pointsLeft = $reward->getPointsBalance() - $quote->getRewardPointsBalance();
$rewardCurrencyAmountLeft = $this->priceCurrency->convert(
) - $quote->getRewardCurrencyAmount();
$baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft = $reward->getCurrencyAmount() - $quote->getBaseRewardCurrencyAmount();
if ($baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft >= $total->getBaseSubtotal()) {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $reward->getPointsEquivalent($total->getBaseSubtotal());
$pointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $total->getSubtotal();
$basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $total->getBaseSubtotal();
} else {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $reward->getPointsEquivalent($baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft);
if ($pointsBalanceUsed > $pointsLeft) {
$pointsBalanceUsed = $pointsLeft;
$pointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $rewardCurrencyAmountLeft;
$basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed = $baseRewardCurrencyAmountLeft;
$subtotal = $total->getSubtotal() + $total->getShippingAmount();
$baseSubtotal = $total->getBaseSubtotal() + $total->getBaseShippingAmount();
$total->setGrandTotal($subtotal - $pointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$total->setBaseGrandTotal($baseSubtotal - $basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$quote->setRewardPointsBalance(round($quote->getRewardPointsBalance() + $pointsBalanceUsed));
$quote->setRewardCurrencyAmount($quote->getRewardCurrencyAmount() + $pointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
$quote->setBaseRewardCurrencyAmount($quote->getBaseRewardCurrencyAmount() + $basePointsCurrencyAmountUsed);
return $this;
} In above function I have replaced $total->getBaseGrandTotal() with $total->getBaseSubtotal() and $total->getGrandTotal() with $total->getSubtotal(). So the above code worked for me on the simple checkout but when I have tried the same thing on the multi-checkout process then it's giving me an error The requested Payment Method is not available. Note: File override is pending and Need to add one config option for reward points redeemable or not on shipping. Thanks
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Dear team, At the moment without a required configuration, a single use coupon can be applied many times. Simple check to see if there is missing config: There's no "" consumer listed in the app/etc/env.php file. $ grep -i usage app/etc/env.php $ To fix this issue, the steps from this doc has to be implemented: Instead of having this issue which affects many users, can this bug be fixed by adding the setup (fix) as default as a patch or added to future releases of Adobe Commerce?
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When you need to sell your products to multiple countries (especially in Europe), you want to have dedicated Storeviews which are fixing the complex parameters of Locales, Currency, Allowed Shipping Destination, TAX, etc. But Magento doesn't allow to funnel the Registered customers to some dedicated storeview, specially designed for matching their core parameters. And there is not extension existing currently in order to force a customer into its own dedicated storeview, at moment of login. The idea here is about bringing into Magento 2 roadmap, the ability to force a registered customer to a specific Storeview at the moment of Login, and allow Admin to manage this functionality. This is also to allow Admin to fix the Allowed countries at StoreView level (vs.only at Storelevel today), in order to force the customer to select the StoreView of its country of Residence/Registration. Such feature would be very useful for all merchants who has a market perimeter beyond one country (it would mean a lot of merchants). It would also be customer friendly and avoid Account creation errors made by the customer. If you need more details, please comment.
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Version: Magento 2.4.2 Payments: Opayo PI integration Issue: Orders with a failed payment create "Pending Payment" state order and subsequently empty customer cart and don't allow for a payment re-attempt. This occurs for any payment/card failure (wrong digit, failed 3d secure, wrong CVC) These are very common user errors for ecommerce. This creates negative user experience as the customer then has to re-shop for their cart content and re-checkout. This is because: 1. Magento default is for orders to be placed into order state "Pending Payment" as the checkout page is redirected for payment validation from bank/provider (3d Secure). This 'creates' the order whilst payment is sent for approved/refused. As 3d secure is worldwide mandatory in 2022 this will impact all store checkouts. 2. If this fails due to incorrect card details or fail of 3d secure, the order remains Pending Payment and the customer has their basket subsequently cleared Suggestion: Orders should not be created until payment is authorised from provider. If refused, return to checkout page. If authorised, proceed to order creation upon success. Allow for cart data to be retained and re-provided if payment is failed, not to create Pending Payment order. This causes many issues for sellers and is a huge cause of abandoned carts and negative feedback. This should be native behaviour for Magento to provide customers another attempt to pay rather than removing the cart and placing useless Payment Pending order.
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We want to be able to review which admins gave store credit at the end of the day in an easy, organized manner. Can we put in a feature request, so that under: system -> action logs -> reports [-> store credit] we would like to be able to produce a report that shows who added, subtracted, or spent store credit from the admin panel. it should be an option in these logs to see what admin takes the action of adding, removing, or changing store credit amount.
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admin panel
Hi, Recently I upgraded my site to 2.4.2, and found out for the in-store delivery option, stores have to be source with sufficient saleable quantity in order for customers to select them in the checkout shipping step. I think it would be nice to have an option to set up stores for pick up regardless of the quantity, so the user can select the location for pick up as long as there is positive aggregated stock from all the sources, and us merchant can ship the order to that location from other sources. Thank you
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Current Behaviour Enabling "Automatic Group Change" feature will change the Customer Group based on the user's selection for the current order and future orders. Problem Underneath the surface the Shared Catalog (B2B) functionality uses customer groups. When a shared catalog is configured for a company, Magento will assign a customer group (associated with that shared catalog) to the company user. Because of this, (permanently) changing the customer group using "Automatic Group Change" will in-directly affect the shared catalog which is assigned to a company user, thus breaking the Shared Catalog (B2B) when "Automatic Group Change" is enabled. Desired Behaviour "Automatic Group Change" actually emulates the customer group whilst in the order process rather than permanently changing the customer group.
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We don't have a feature to apply coupon code when we proceed checkout with Multi Shipping Address. If customer forgot to apply coupon code on shopping cart page, he/she doesn't have provision to apply coupon code on multi shipping address checkout. So, its better to have this feature on multi shipping checkout.
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As an end user i have multiple items in my cart, but i would like to proceed with a single item or selected items to checkout and place / create the order. Once order is placed, coming back to cart rest all item should be available in cart.
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Most of external integrations ( crm, shipping etc ) needs city and township information as code like region and country. If you add city and township models to core developers can use this for integration and site customers can select from select box instead of writing city and township names. This feature is also good for shipping extensions. Shipping extension developers can apply different rates or accept/deny shipping city/township based.
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Hi, I have a suggestion regarding view/edit cart page on android/mobile device. Scenario: 10 products were added to shopping cart and then cart was editied (quantity update etc). When tapping the quantity field against first product in cart then the numerical keyboard on android pops up. When the quantity is updated then user can only save the changes after he traverse to the end of the shopping list and click "update shopping cart" button. Moreover there is a "Next" button that is displayed with numerical keyboard on mobile device. This button takes you the quantity filed in next product without saving/updating the cart price. Now the user scrolls down to last product in the shopping cart and wants to update its quantity. This time numerical keyboard does NOT display "next" button but instead it displays "Go" button upon click this it automatically saves the configuration and updates the cart price WITHOUT clicking "Update shopping cart" button separately. My suggestion is it would be nice if such "Go" button is showed with every product quantity field. As mostly the custom does not go on updating the quantity of each and every product and mostly its just one or two product in the list that he needs the quantity update. in such case traversing to the end of the list just to save the configuration and update the cart price is not handy atall.
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We are using tier pricing to accurately present a price for a product. The situation is that if we have an item where we are selling e.g. 500 @ £23.68 - the individual cost per item is £0.04736 Magento only appears to calculate 2 decimal places making the item £0.048 This would make our item £24.00 In this case, as with all others, the price is wrong!
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There is no “Place Order" Button for the latest ce 2.3.1, the customer do not know to checkout , then have to give up the purchase, we have to make the simple checkout instruction there. It is URGENT to solve it.
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I have a scenario to return the bundle options product market price while refund. I have attached the sample screens as well Bundle Product Configuration: Dynamic Price - false Bundle Option 1 Name: Product 1 price type :Fixed Price Qty: 1 (Ex: 100 original price is 200) Name: Product 2 price type :Fixed Price Qty: 1 (Ex: 300 original price is 500) After I have ordered this product with the above option. In sales_order_item table product_options: {"info_buyRequest":{} contains only the 100, 300 amount. But I need the 200, 500 amount also in the original_price column of each items. currently original_price columns is 0.000. Please store the original price at the time purchasing . Magento version : Enterprice 2.2.6 Product
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developer pls add the Paypal smart button to magento 2, other application such as WooCommerce have support it. That include the credit cards logo.
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