In Page Builder, when selecting images, the tiled view is acceptable until you have a lot of images in a single folder. Another view option, list / details, would be optimal here. This would allow you to see the full file name, size, type, etc. and allow for sorting on any of the columns.
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For the In-Store Pickup module with MSI, it would be incredibly helpful if, for stores like the ones I manage with only one location per Magento instance, Store Pickup could default to that location and bypass the 'Select Store' step altogether. Also, if you could bypass the proximity calculation. In other words, if a customer selected the 'Pick In Store' tab at checkout on a site with only one pickup source in the back-end, the store would already appear there as the selected location. This would streamline things for the customer, too (and likely lead to less phone calls from confused customers for us).
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Currently PWA Studio supports Braintree payments out of the box in its Venia storefront implementation. It will be great if it can support all the payment methods which comes by default with luma theme. Here I am requesting to have Purchase order payment method compatible with PWA studio in native magento. Thank you!
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We need to use the Quick Order functionality for the Venia theme but this is not available for Venia theme. This functionality is only compatible with luma theme. As this is a core feature available for Adobe commerce, hence the expectation is we should be able to use if we are going with pwa (venia). Ref -
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Submitted on
01:10 PM
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01:10 PM
Feature request from cfcnn, posted on GitHub Oct 21, 2015
About produt images. When delete a product at the backend, the related product images are not deleted automatically, so that those useless images still occupy storage. Will Magento2 delete products and product images together?
If 3 images for each product, 500KB for each image, there are 1,000 deleted products, and the 3,000 images are not deleted together with products, they waste 1.4GB storage; If there are 10,000 items, that's 14GB... Magento users have to pay for that storage. And more and more time when backup or transfer website.
1,000 items × 3 images × 500 KB/image=1.4GB
10,000 items × 3 images × 500 KB/image=14GB
The default customer registeration verification of Magento is too simple, it's unable to reject robot registration, it's a problem for world magento users, a number of robot registration makes database very large. And they leave batch comments with ad links automatically by soft, or send spam ad emails to other people through " Email to Friend".
Could magento2 add a google verification ReCaptcha to identify human or robot? ( as follows)
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Feature request from paales, posted on GitHub Jun 21, 2016
Currently using 2.1-rc3.
There is no API available for product option swatches. It makes sense if we are able to use the ProductAttributeOptionManagementInterface to add new swatch texts to products.
Maybe to have better separation of concerns we could have a ProductAttributeOptionSwatchManagementInterface to add swatch information to an existing option.
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Submitted on
01:11 PM
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01:11 PM
Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Jul 29, 2015
This doesn't exist in M1 but I believe it should be in M2. There are times when shipments are created by accident, or the customer calls to cancel their order. In those circumstances the shipment should be able to be deleted or canceled.
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Submitted on
12:28 PM
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12:28 PM
Feature request from hostep, posted on GitHub Jun 26, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.1.0 using composer but use the --no-dev flag
Look at the dev/ directory in the filesystem
Expected result
The dev/ directory should be empty or non-existing
Actual result
The dev/ directory exists and contains a bunch of development stuff
In an effort to try to find the best options of deploying a Magento 2 installation to a production server, I keep discovering issues which aren't ideal.
As a best practise, we use composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader on a production server when deploying. I would expect that no development dependencies gets installed because of this, but this is not true.
This isn't only about the /dev directory, but also for example about the lib/web/css/docs/ directory.
The last one for example causes the setup:static-content:deploy command to compile a less file which has absolutely no purpose of existing on a production server while it takes multiple seconds to compile this file, per locale, per theme.
In a very quick test, I discovered that when removing the above directories before executing setup:di:compile and setup:static-content:deploy makes those two run about 58 seconds faster (on my local machine) then without removing those directories.
Here is a list of files/directories which I believe shouldn't get deployed to a production server:
(the license files, I'm not sure about)
I think most of these files are getting into place because of the mapping in the composer.json file of the magento2-base module.
It would be great if those mappings can get split of into a mapping for development purposes and one for all environments.
My suggestion would be to add a map-dev to the extra section in the composer.json similar as the normal map section and update the magento-composer-installer project to support this and only install the map-dev files when you run composer without the --no-dev flag.
This is all theoretically, I haven't tested this properly, but let me know what you think.
I know that in your deploy scripts, you can simply delete the files you don't want after composer install --no-dev has run, but I think it makes sense to automate this, because not everyone will notice these issues.
Slightly related issues:
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Submitted on
12:02 PM
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12:02 PM
Feature request from MonteShaffer, posted on GitHub Jan 18, 2016
I am swimming around the code for magento-backend (within Model and App), trying to figure out how in the world I would hook into Magento2 authentication for creating my own Duo Two Factor Support.
isLoggedIn ??
Sentry Human Element developed one for the OLD CE 1.9
And if you look at their code, they are really using a library from the DUO website itself...
Certainly other authenticators (like Google) could easily be introduced.
Of note, there needs to be some backend-manually recovery if the DUO fails.... some file in the folder structure with a force bypass.
bypass-duo = true;
So the admin tool would have a toggle (enable/disable DUO, just for backend), and if DUO is enabled in the system, but this text file is true, it would disable, allowing admins into the system.
An example of Wordpress plugin ...
This increases security tremendously.
Anyway, I believe this should be a core feature (as a system->configuration->option), so I am proposing this as a feature.
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Submitted on
12:01 PM
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12:01 PM
Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Feb 04, 2016
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Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Oct 13, 2015
Grunt has a very slow building process. Gulp should replace Grunt as the recommended method for building static assets.
This would also be a good time to decouple PHP calls from the nodejs build process. Any PHP calls from nodejs should be moved to ./bin/magento so node/js code is kept node/js only, and PHP scripts are only called from PHP. This will help streamline the deployment process.
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Feature request from Vinai, posted on GitHub Jul 30, 2016
Whenever I try to use a custom or core UI component the experience is frustrating, time consuming and painful.
It would be great to see the components either made simpler (to use and understand how they work) or to be replaced with something simpler altogether :tada:.
There is so much JS "magic" and conventions and poor documentation I find the developer experience severely lacking. Much of the XML is bonkers to read and write. So much of it seems to be "just do X and it will work" without information on WHY and HOW to debug if something does not work.
The combination of a ton of PHP, XML and JS makes for a very tricky debugging process. It is very hard to properly write tests in small steps. Much of it is "add ALL the required code or NOTHING will work".
Seemingly simply things become bloated tasks.
This applies to any version of Magento 2 from beta up to the latest version on github.
Steps to reproduce
Try to use UI components, either custom ones or core ones, without using extensive copy&paste and actively avoiding the urge to even think the question "Why?".
Expected result
The system should be simple to use AND understand.
Actual result
Hours wasted slogging through code and documentation, trying to understand WTF I got wrong and I find myself questioning some of my life choices.
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As part of the new 3-D Secure standard that is coming into force in Europe, there are a number of new parameters that should be sent to credit card acquirers. For a full list of the new fields check Credit Card 3DS2 Fields Currently missing information as far as my research showed: customer last login date customer password change date how many attempts to add a credit card to vault (e.g. tried to add 100 credentials and only the last one was valid) customer suspicious activity (there should be a way for a merchant to mark a customer as suspicious) street 3 field for billing and shipping address mobile phone and work phone (add 2 additional phone fields) expected delivery date for preordered products To ensure full compliance with the 3-D Secure standard this fields should be added.
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Feature request from sunilit42, posted on GitHub May 30, 2016
I am login as customer and i have 5 address in my account.
I am on checkout page now, i want to edit shipping address on checkout page but there is no functionality for same.
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Feature request from Asitis, posted on GitHub Jun 10, 2016
Would it be possible to make the import/export function also available for all the static pages and blocks? Nowadays webshops are barely just products, but also consist of a lot of static content, but migrating it is a real headache. It is doable by exporting/importing database tables but it's a hassle to set all the correct storeviews, ID's and pages. Plus in a combination of static blocks tied to widgets in a certain theme, this is horrific.
It would be nice to see some WordPress functionality here, if you export stuff from WordPress and import it in another you get a screen with all the variables (like author and such) and you can select to create that author, or adding that content to another existing author. The same could be in Magento;
How it could work
If you import Pages and/or Blocks, it could be mapped to all storeview by default, or (like WordPress) show the option to add the missing storeviews or add them to an exisiting.
Adding Widgets would ask for input about which theme, storeview and block it would be assigned to, or leave the block open (and import is as inactive) to add the blocks at a later stage after the import
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Hi, I am thinking in add the feature to use telephone number instead of email on Magento 2. Mobile phones are everywhere and and in some countries people are using more their numbers to associate in some services instead of an email address. My idea is offer both type of authentication on Magento 2 (email or sms) and also send the transactional emails using SMS messages to these customers. The admin user can customize the sms templates like it happens on transactional emails. To send the messages we can offer a ready integration with a 3rd party service like Twilio or MessageMedia. I was working on that in a custom extension, it's working good but my idea is incorporate that on Magento core. Thanks.
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In Magento the country of Netherlands Antilles is available, when this doesn't exist anymore It should be split up into Aruba (which is already there), Curacao (which is not there), Sint Maarten - note this is different to Saint Martin (which is not there). There are also 3 Municipalities (Bonaire, Sint Eustasius and Saba) which form the Caribbean Netherlands - ISO code BQ. This would also need to be added.
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There is no REST API exposed for adding a Catalog Price Rule. I verified this with the EE support team. There are APIs available for adding special pricing and Cart Price rules, so why not for the Catalog one? Thanks
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The "My Orders" view on accounts simply gives a list of orders sorted chronologically with the ability to set the number of records displayed per page. It would be ideal to give a search function for the user to be able to search/filter for orders by a number of parameters including - Order Number - Order Date (Including Date Range) - Product - Status The only articles / extensions that i have ever found have been giving the administrator the ability to search for this. However for customers who are placing larger volumes of orders via a portal this could/would be a very useful piece of functionality
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Currently, the default contact form only allows customers to send an email to a single recipient. For stores that have multiple departments(ie. service, sales, customer support) that have different emails, this default contact form is simply not sufficient. Magento 2 allows admin to enter different email addresses into the backend for different departments so why not support the same thing on the frontend. It would be a great feature for customers to be able to choose which department or person to send a message to. Does anyone else think this would be a good feature? Let me know if I can clarify this in any way.
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