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Feature request from springimport, posted on GitHub Aug 08, 2016
What about add Additional info section in new issue template? Example.
Additional info
Magento version
PHP version
7 x64
Operating system
Windows 10 x64
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Feature request from meng-tian, posted on GitHub Aug 10, 2016
The current implementation of \Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductRepository::getList does not allow filter products by stores. When specify store_id filter in $searchCriteria , an exception throws Invalid attribute name: store_id .
This pull request adds support for store filtering by using the \Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Collection::addStoreFilter method.
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Feature request from meng-tian, posted on GitHub Aug 12, 2016
The REST endpoint of product list is:
It is intuitive to think the result of this endpoint should be filtered by <store_code> . For instance, specifying store code default should return products in default store; specifying store code all should return all products. However, in Magento 2.0.8, specifying different store code return the same result. This issue also apply to Magento 2.1.0 (#5723).
This pull request will take <store_code> into consideration when retrieving products. A plugin is enabled only for web services areas. The plugin is not enabled for global dependency injection configuration as it may affect users in other areas, e.g., front store.
Note: this pull request depends on #6095.
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Feature request from techteamus, posted on GitHub Aug 14, 2016
Affected version: Community 2.1.0
During test deployments of my Magento 2 setup I continually ran into problems if I used a language other than en_US.
After running the setup and a 'bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB' the front end files would display just fine but the admin interface was missing all the CSS etc.
I eventually traced the problem back to how the initial admin user is created. Regardless of what language is chosen during setup the admin user is always setup with the interface locale as en_US. To me this seems counter intuitive, the initial admin user should be configured with the same language as the store configuration.
Changing the admin user interface locale to en_GB in the database (not recommended) solves the problem instantly and the admin interface displays as expected.
If the initial admin user was correctly configured this would have saved me time and I have no doubt other people are trudging around in circles try to resolve what looks like a complex issue but is in fact a simple configuration problem.
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There doesn't appear to be a way to schedule a banner within a slider. Let's say I want to show a holiday banner as part of a slider series but have it run specific dates like a weekend. Current workaround seems to be to create a new duplicate slider just for that. The sliders have date control, but that doesn't seem optimal since I'd actually need 3 duplicate sliders to do before, during, then after. If each banner could have run dates, that seems like it'd be much easier and better. At the banner level, not the slider level.
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Feature request from paales, posted on GitHub Aug 15, 2016
Magento 2.1
Steps to reproduce
Run bin/magento setup:upgrade
Expected result
It only shows what it actually modifies
Actual result
It shows the names of all modules, making it hard to pick anything up what has changed.
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Feature request from Marko-M, posted on GitHub Aug 16, 2016
Magento 2 version 2.1.0
Use \Magento\Framework\Url::getUrl() from secure area of the store
Steps to reproduce
Make sure code is executed in secure area of the store (HTTPS)
Generate URL in code
* @var \Magento\Framework\Url
protected $url;
'_secure' => false
Resulting URL is
Expected result
Make sure code is executed in secure area of the store (HTTPS)
Generate URL in code
* @var \Magento\Framework\Url
protected $url;
'_secure' => false
Resulting URL is
Reason behind such behavior is:
where code assumes that if current request is secure, requested url should be secure as well, regardless to '_secure' parameter saying otherwise.
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Feature request from elioermini, posted on GitHub Aug 17, 2016
I think would be useful to have like in M1 the method streamOpen() .
There is no other way to initialise the field $_streamHandler of the class File.
Other methods in the class File rely on the initialisation of $_streamHandler and having it null I suppose that leaves the class just possible to use only extending it.
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Feature request from sumihiro, posted on GitHub Aug 22, 2016
I want to use Text Swatch Attribute with long text.
But Default Store View value cannot be saved correctly. It will be shrink.
I'm using Magento2.1.0, and MySQL 5.6.30.
Steps to reproduce
Create new Attribute, and select Text Swatch.
Set long text to Default Store View in Manage Swatch.
Like: "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
Save Attribute.
Expected result
Default Store View value is saved full length.
Actual result
Value is shrink.
Like: "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234"
May be, it is caused by limitation of max varchar length (255) of MySQL.
mysql> desc eav_attribute_option_value;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| value_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| option_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | MUL | 0 | |
| store_id | smallint(5) unsigned | NO | MUL | 0 | |
| value | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
How to save value correctly?
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Feature request from aholovan, posted on GitHub Aug 23, 2016
Looks like 'elementNameType' validator is very strict. I've got an exception in dev mode:
0 (Magento\Framework\Config\Dom\ValidationException): Element 'block', attribute 'name': [facet 'pattern'] The value '4d072daa2b95b9d3fd3995d2faaf2993' is not accepted by the pattern '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d-_.]*'.
Line: 645
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Feature request from SmthDiff, posted on GitHub Dec 20, 2013
I don't know if someone else has already opened an issue about this or if it's already a work in progress, but I would really like to see OpenID implemented in Magento2 for the backend users. I'm not entirely sure if it would also be a good idea for frontend users but for the backend it would help a lot. For example for big agencies making a Magento Webpage for a Client. It is easier for employees to use their existing OpenIDs on every project. No need to have a centralized password database. Everyone knows their logins and it simply works. I would really like that.
Apart from that I really like how Magento2 is coming along and hope it's released soonish :)
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Feature request from dmaciej, posted on GitHub Aug 20, 2015
I have an idea to introduce some kind of a quick jump form in the backend. There is a lot of pages and settings sections in the admin panel, and we should consider implementing some method to make it easier to review. It would be very useful for casual administrators and developers as well.
We have product search in backend already, so it could be some base for this feature. However, addional search box on the oposite side should also be taken into consideration.
There is a similar module for Magento 1.x here
but it provides configuration search only (like phpStorm settings search).
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
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Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Sep 20, 2015
This is a long term bug from Magento 1.x, and still is in Magento 2: attribute labels on admin category pages are untranslatable.
I fixed it for myself with a plugin:
But surely it must be in the core.
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Feature request from adragus-inviqa, posted on GitHub Oct 01, 2015
I tried to create Customer attribute which renders as readonly in the backend, but couldn't find an easy way to do it.
"Easy" for me means a new flag when creating an attribute (like label , frontend_class etc.) - say adminhtml_readonly - which changes the way its default renderer displays the input - exactly the way it renders when the attribute is locked() .
Although the classes that render various HTML elements do support readonly functionality, I'm not sure if those can be easily coupled with an EAV attr flag.
I guess this can only be done for a couple of inputs, like text , textarea , but it'll be nice to be able to mark the attribute as readonly even for (multi)selects, file , images or others.
What do you think?
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Feature request from stasleo, posted on GitHub Oct 01, 2015
We want to use Bookmarks in new M2 Grids, but we have faced some issues.
First - there is no confirmation when I accedentally click on 'delete' icon.
Also we can't just save current bookmark after some changes (I need to create new one).
We also want to display list of bookmarks always somehow (buttons bar for instance), so that we could access it in just one click. There is also an idea to display bookmark name somewhere else, so that it would be clear what bookmark is actually beign used, for example to h1 page title.
There is also an idea to share bookmarks for other admin users.
As for the grid. Column width is not a part of bookmark, unfortunately. If I made changes, it remember it in browser for all bookmarks within the grid. I think it would be better not to share width for another bookmarks within one grid.
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Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Oct 09, 2015
I find it odd that the main sidebar item is named Products, with Catalog as a sub item. Shouldn't it be the other way around, with Catalog as the main sidebar item, and Products as a sub item?
Categories and Products are both sub items of Catalog, no?
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Is there a way to change the customer name order (as in Lastname Firstname) globally in forms and display as well? It's ok, that the user registration form can be changed easily, but I could not yet find out how to do it on the checkout page, for example.If you don't get the reason: I'm in Hungary, where we use this "reversed name order", like the Japanese.
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Feature request from craigcarnell, posted on GitHub Oct 15, 2015
It would be useful to add an option to pay for a product by instalments.
For example, you could pay for a product at £200 over 4 months at £50 a month. A cron script would have to run to take those payments.
As we are a EE customer I wouldn't be against this being a EE feature.
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