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Magento's current behavior when creating partial invoices, is to bill the entire shipping amount of the order on the first invoice, regardless of how many items have been invoiced. This is problematic when products ship at different times, which can happen frequently if a store drop ships often. Here is an egregious example: A customer purchases two products, a Widget that has Free Shipping, and a Gadget that costs $100 to ship. 2. The Widget ships first, so we must invoice the Widget. 3. When we go to invoice the Widget, we do not want to invoice any shipping, because it was eligible for Free Shipping. However, Magento does not allow us to specify how much of the shipping should be included on the invoice, so the invoice includes the shipping amount for the entire order. 4. When the Gadget ships, we go to invoice it. There is no shipping charged on that invoice, because it was all charged on the first invoice for the Widget. 5. Customer and Accounting frustration ensues. The ability to specify a partial shipping amount on an invoice, up to the total amount charged at the time of order, would solve this issue.
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Since the Layout Update XML field was changed to a selector in version 2.3.4, it is now required to create a layout file, named specifically for use on a particular Category, CMS, or Product record, and stored on the hosting server. This is a clunky and un-intuitive solution for a few reasons: 1. It requires granting file system access to users who previously only needed admin panel access. 2. It requires creating a file with layout instructions for each individual record. If a common layout instruction is shared between records, this means potentially hundreds of redundant files. Please consider adding the ability to share Layout Update files between multiple records. That way, only one file is needed if the same layout instructions are applied to multiple categories, and admin panel users could apply those updates to new categories without needing file system access.
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The ability to specify a Product Attribute Value position by integer was present in Magento 1.x but removed from Magento 2. Currently, if you want to re-order product attribute values, you need to drag and drop the value. If you're creating a new attribute value on an attribute that already contains dozens or hundreds of values, this means creating the new value at the very bottom of the list, and having to drag and drop it through all of the records above.
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Currently, any time you add a Customer Group to Magento, you have to manually go through any record that uses the 'Customer Groups' selector and select the newly created Customer Group. This includes Catalog Price Rules, Cart Price Rules, and many 3rd party extensions. On large stores with many Customer Groups and Price Rules, this is very time consuming. Please add an 'All Customer Groups' selector, so users do not have to manually go through records to tag new Customer Groups.
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We don't have a feature to apply coupon code when we proceed checkout with Multi Shipping Address. If customer forgot to apply coupon code on shopping cart page, he/she doesn't have provision to apply coupon code on multi shipping address checkout. So, its better to have this feature on multi shipping checkout.
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Magento 2 provides the ability to import some things, such as products, via csv, but lacks the ability to create attributes and values this way. This functionality is needed, and should be part of the core. When there are products with many variations, such as an item with many color choices, Magento should provide the ability to create the attribute and its options via csv an create the swatch file if a path to the swatch color files is included.
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Issue: No line item shipping is calculated / stored for products in an order making export to third party ERP / OMS solutions difficult. Solution: When shipping is calculated, store the amount per line item in the sales_order_item table so it can exported cleanly.
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Issue: When applying a gift certificate to an order, Magento doesn't currently see that as a payment on the order. It's applied as more of a discount as far as order totals are concerned. Since most OMS / ERP applications look at gift certificates as a payment instrument this can cause unneeded customization. See the attached screenshot for more information. Solution: Apply the gift certificate as a payment instrument and list it as a part of the Total Paid on an order. Example
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We want to use single image for multiple products to avoid image duplication in pub/media/catalog/product folder. What we understand today is when we import same image for multiple products Magento will create separate directories for each product and copy the same image to each directory. Can we improve this process to have single directory created for both the product which has same image and copy this one image only once to that directory and this used by both the products?
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The current buy one get one cart price rule does not allow for multiple skus, which seems very silly. If have you have a config sku with several simple skus that only vary by size, why would a customer want 2 of the same sizes? This was not the case on magento 1 open source.
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Hello, We are stuck in using 3rd part blog modules and or integration of additional CMS such as Wordpress to use as blogging on website. I know allot of big companies have such issues as well and they stuck in using wordpress as blog together with magento 2 which is not good to use 2 different CMS solutions. It will be best if you integrate internal blog solution that can be simple and easy to use, where we can add blog categories and content post to each category and can have option to add category into top menu to link to blog page. I hope you will look into that solution to integrate, special in enterprise edition.
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When working with B2B, it is not uncommon for the customer to place large quantities in the basket. In addition to this, it has been noted that certain parts of the site, most notably the checkout, tend to slow down in relation to the amount of items that are added to the basket. The more items added, the slower certain areas become. We suggest refining the code in order to facilitate a large basket quantity, upwards of 200 perhaps, without losing to much time waiting for reloads. Specifically, the more items in the cart, the slower the following seems to process: /Webapi/Rest/Magento\Checkout\Api\TotalsInformationManagementInterface/calculate /checkout/sidebar/updateItemQty /checkout/cart/updatePost /checkout/cart/add /checkout/cart/delete /checkout/sidebar/removeItem
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Please make ionCube or SourceGuardian available on Magento Cloud for PHP 7.4. We were trying to resolve this issue with partner commerce support in a ticket 354101, but Naga Harika Yarlagadda said ionCube is not supported for PHP 7.4 on Magento Cloud and recommended to create this feature request. Jus FYI, ionCube officially supports PHP 7.4, so it seems like it is Magento Cloud not supporting it.
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Hi, As a suggestion I think it is better to add next generation image support for Magento 2 Thanks, Raminda
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If you use \Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\Write::create() and the to-be-created directory is a symlink, the creation fails with an exception. In my opinion \Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Driver\File should implement a function isLink() with function usage of is_link() and the create() function should check for if ($this->driver->isDirectory($absolutePath) || $this->driver->isLink($absolutePath)) In our use case, a media subdirectory should be created, but already exists as a symlink to an external drive. In this case the function should not break. -- Use case: In our case pub/media/catalog/product is a symlink to an external drive. If you execute bin/magento setup:upgrade, the upgrade fails with the message that it cannot create the directory. The check if the directory needs to be created should check if it's a symlink and if yes, do not try to create it as it exists. (Support request 349912)
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Currently "Advanced Reports" got the limitation of one single base currency. If your store have multiple currencies (very common in Europe), then it won't work at all. I think there are many many stores that can't use the Advanced Reports today due to this limitation. And it is really sad because it is a great tool and improves the overall impression of Magento. So, I have built a small extension that takes care of this problem, (open source, feel free to use this code, I donate it to the community). It allows the store owner to configure exchange rates to the base currency and then recalculates the data into a single currency before the CSV files are exported. The extension does not handle historical exchange rates (even if it would be quite easy to add such support). However most businesses in Europe only update the exchange rates monthly in their books so this limitation is for most store owners acceptable.
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The configuration "Mask for Meta Description" is currently a Global config but should a Store View config. If you have a multilingual website, you want to have a different default metatext per store/language. Config is found under Catalog --> Catalog --> Product Fields Auto Generation. Same applies to "Mask for meta title" and "Mask for meta keywords".
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On our shop we sell clothing. When products are sold out we want to show them as "back soon" on the POP. People can use the "product alert" to subscribe for a back in stock notification. Idea: For our product (clothing) we use the attribute "Size" e.g.: XS, S, M, L. We want customers to be able to filter on these sizes when browsing our catalogue. However, when filtering on a Size, Magento shows all products for which this attribute is applicable. Regardless whether on stock or not. Therefore it can be the case that when using this filter as a customer, you click on the results and on the PDP of this product you see this size is actually not on stock. As a merchant I would like Magento to provide filter results considering the actual stock level and only show results of products who have positive stock for this attribute. I know that a solution can be to hide products from the POP when they are out of stock, but then we cannot use the "re-stock alert" function. Thanks!
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Google recommends to use "" in your code in circumstances when "" is not accessible. Can I use reCAPTCHA globally? Yes, please use "" in your code in circumstances when "" is not accessible. Other platforms and their modules provide a toggle or configuration option to replace the recaptcha URL to in countries where google may not be accessible (such as China)
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I'm running Magento 2.3.5. Some of my products have Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart set to greater than one. For example, product A has Minimum Qty Allowed in Cart: 7. Currently, the QTY of A is 10. Now a customer bought 7 of A and now QTY becomes 3. At this moment the status of this item is still In Stock, however, customers can't add it to the cart and the error will pop up saying the qty is greater than the stock. A lot of my customers got confused. This is very annoying and this affects the user experience. So I wanted to make the product 'out of stock' programmatically when qty is less than the 'Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart'. I tried to set the out of stock threshold to 6 to achieve this, but then it only allows people to buy 4 even though I have 10. If I want to write a plugin or override some classes, where should I start with? Thank you!
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