Please make ionCube or SourceGuardian available on Magento Cloud for PHP 7.4. We were trying to resolve this issue with partner commerce support in a ticket 354101, but Naga Harika Yarlagadda said ionCube is not supported for PHP 7.4 on Magento Cloud and recommended to create this feature request. Jus FYI, ionCube officially supports PHP 7.4, so it seems like it is Magento Cloud not supporting it.
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If you use \Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\Write::create() and the to-be-created directory is a symlink, the creation fails with an exception. In my opinion \Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Driver\File should implement a function isLink() with function usage of is_link() and the create() function should check for if ($this->driver->isDirectory($absolutePath) || $this->driver->isLink($absolutePath)) In our use case, a media subdirectory should be created, but already exists as a symlink to an external drive. In this case the function should not break. -- Use case: In our case pub/media/catalog/product is a symlink to an external drive. If you execute bin/magento setup:upgrade, the upgrade fails with the message that it cannot create the directory. The check if the directory needs to be created should check if it's a symlink and if yes, do not try to create it as it exists. (Support request 349912)
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Currently "Advanced Reports" got the limitation of one single base currency. If your store have multiple currencies (very common in Europe), then it won't work at all. I think there are many many stores that can't use the Advanced Reports today due to this limitation. And it is really sad because it is a great tool and improves the overall impression of Magento. So, I have built a small extension that takes care of this problem, (open source, feel free to use this code, I donate it to the community). It allows the store owner to configure exchange rates to the base currency and then recalculates the data into a single currency before the CSV files are exported. The extension does not handle historical exchange rates (even if it would be quite easy to add such support). However most businesses in Europe only update the exchange rates monthly in their books so this limitation is for most store owners acceptable.
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The configuration "Mask for Meta Description" is currently a Global config but should a Store View config. If you have a multilingual website, you want to have a different default metatext per store/language. Config is found under Catalog --> Catalog --> Product Fields Auto Generation. Same applies to "Mask for meta title" and "Mask for meta keywords".
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On our shop we sell clothing. When products are sold out we want to show them as "back soon" on the POP. People can use the "product alert" to subscribe for a back in stock notification. Idea: For our product (clothing) we use the attribute "Size" e.g.: XS, S, M, L. We want customers to be able to filter on these sizes when browsing our catalogue. However, when filtering on a Size, Magento shows all products for which this attribute is applicable. Regardless whether on stock or not. Therefore it can be the case that when using this filter as a customer, you click on the results and on the PDP of this product you see this size is actually not on stock. As a merchant I would like Magento to provide filter results considering the actual stock level and only show results of products who have positive stock for this attribute. I know that a solution can be to hide products from the POP when they are out of stock, but then we cannot use the "re-stock alert" function. Thanks!
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Google recommends to use "" in your code in circumstances when "" is not accessible. Can I use reCAPTCHA globally? Yes, please use "" in your code in circumstances when "" is not accessible. Other platforms and their modules provide a toggle or configuration option to replace the recaptcha URL to in countries where google may not be accessible (such as China)
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I'm running Magento 2.3.5. Some of my products have Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart set to greater than one. For example, product A has Minimum Qty Allowed in Cart: 7. Currently, the QTY of A is 10. Now a customer bought 7 of A and now QTY becomes 3. At this moment the status of this item is still In Stock, however, customers can't add it to the cart and the error will pop up saying the qty is greater than the stock. A lot of my customers got confused. This is very annoying and this affects the user experience. So I wanted to make the product 'out of stock' programmatically when qty is less than the 'Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart'. I tried to set the out of stock threshold to 6 to achieve this, but then it only allows people to buy 4 even though I have 10. If I want to write a plugin or override some classes, where should I start with? Thank you!
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When we were on Magento 1, we used a Crius Dropshipping module (no longer around) which created a purchase order with the customer info for each vendor who had a product in the order. The POs were generated at the same time as the order confirmation and they were sent to a designated email address for each vendor (I had them sent to me and I forwarded them to the vendor). The module utilized transactional email templates that I set up for each vendor. It was pretty basic, but the email PO is all I really needed since I don't manage inventory. It seems like this would be a fairly easy feature to add from a development standpoint since it mimics much of the order confirmation functionality.
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Hi! Would be very useful to have a report showing all the unshipped quantites of SKUs still on ordered status. And also to have the order number on which these unshipped SKUs appear. Thank you!
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Migrated from M1.9 to M2, but just too much server power required and server config knowledge and interaction. Had to switch to OpenCart, a huge mistake, but very little choice in the market place when using multilingual sites with excellent SEO capabilities. I would love to see a Magento 2 LITE version available. I hope to back and using Magento one day :(
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Heres an idea. Make it user friendly, you know like WIX ! At the moment you need the IQ and programming ability of Sheldon Cooper just to upload images ! I have to have this ECommerce platform, its the only one that will integrate with my EPOS system. With my basic skills I cannot do it ! Frustrated isn't the word !
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There doesn't appear to be a way to schedule a banner within a slider. Let's say I want to show a holiday banner as part of a slider series but have it run specific dates like a weekend. Current workaround seems to be to create a new duplicate slider just for that. The sliders have date control, but that doesn't seem optimal since I'd actually need 3 duplicate sliders to do before, during, then after. If each banner could have run dates, that seems like it'd be much easier and better. At the banner level, not the slider level.
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Is there a way to change the customer name order (as in Lastname Firstname) globally in forms and display as well? It's ok, that the user registration form can be changed easily, but I could not yet find out how to do it on the checkout page, for example.If you don't get the reason: I'm in Hungary, where we use this "reversed name order", like the Japanese.
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A new role resource should be added: Sales > Operations > Orders > Actions > Edit Addresses Currently, the "Edit" role resource also controls the editing of addresses, however, we need to give access to edit addresses without editing orders.
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Not entirely sure why this had not been posted before. We finally launched Magento upgrade to 2.3.3 from 2.1.8 last week, which was successful, but we quickly discovered that there was a feature we never encountered during testing which we don’t have an easy way to get rid of - “B2B Emails”. These seem to fire randomly every time either company or company user is updated in synchronization, or really even updated for any reason in user interface. There doesn’t appear to be any way to turn it off either. For every marketing feature of Magento that involves an email going out, especially to a customer, there HAS to be a way to turn it off without overriding product code. In fact, there should be a unified admin module that tracks all outbound communication types currently active in one place, and allows them to be activated/deactivated individually. Not being able to turn off annoying emails that seem to fire randomly and frequently immediately forces customers to flag us as spammers, which degrades our ability to communicate with customers on valid and production necessary items - password resets, order confirmations, true marketing specials etc.
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In a category, the is anchor setting both adds the products from sub-categories and displays the layered navigation filters. Is it possible to decouple these two functions from one option.
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Redirected URLs are not preserving query strings in Magento Commerce 2.3.4. This is a problem for older inbound links such as paid links that may be identified with query parameters (ex: ?utm_source=google), which would get lost in a redirect. If redirected URLs are supported, it only makes sense to preserve certain query parameters as well. This is already supported in Magento Commerce Cloud within the Fastly Configuration, so it should also be supported in Magento Commerce.
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We would like for Magento 2 to be able to support extra large catalogues (5 million SKUs +) Currently, indexing takes far too long and the site is very slow. Perhaps this is already possible and just requires some documentation to be set up to explain how to optimise the application and infrastructure to support extra large catalogues.
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As an end user i have multiple items in my cart, but i would like to proceed with a single item or selected items to checkout and place / create the order. Once order is placed, coming back to cart rest all item should be available in cart.
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Most of external integrations ( crm, shipping etc ) needs city and township information as code like region and country. If you add city and township models to core developers can use this for integration and site customers can select from select box instead of writing city and township names. This feature is also good for shipping extensions. Shipping extension developers can apply different rates or accept/deny shipping city/township based.
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