In my site, when customers click on a product image, a lightbox opens with the large close-up product images. I sell clothing, and customers like to see model stats for each different model image (model height, weight and sizes of garment being worn). Text in images looks terrible in responsive websites so it would be nice to have a way to add a text description to product photos to describe what's in the photo. But there is no way to show text alongside the images natively in Magento (alt tag is too limited and not functional in all browsers). It would be great to either simply show a text description underneath each photo -OR- a more slick solution would be an on-hover block of text overlaying each photo.
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Hello, Ive started developing magento2 and the cli tool is very nice and easy to use. But I was missing some tools for code generation like modules and themes. Everytime you create a module or theme you have to create the same boilerplate registration.php, module.xml and other config files. For example to create a new module: php bin/magento module:create Vendor ModuleName This code could be generated through the CLI tool. A good example is the @angular/cli tool for Angular.
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We would like the ability to import a CSV that includes a full redirect map of old URLs to new URLs when a site is being replatformed on Magento. We have found with many clients that they have hundreds of redirects for various pages on the new site that needs to be created. It would be incredibly efficient if we could do a bulk import function with this so we avoid spending hours building server level redirects or entering them one at a time.
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I know there are endpoints for both fetching an address by id and deleting one by id. Listed below: (customerAddressRepositoryV1) as listed here 1) To get a address Endpoint: /V1/customers/addresses/{addressId} Method: GET 2) To delete a address Endpoint: /V1/addresses/{addressId} Method: DELETE The issue with either of them is that they are not accessible by customer token. They seem to only work with Admin Token Authentication. If a customer adds multiple addresses and selects a specific one to fetch entire details or delete it, it should be allowed from his customer access. Please suggest.
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(From Steps: Run "bin/mage module:disable Magento_Review" in a standard Magento installation Actual Result: The module can't be disabled because Magento_Customer depends on it. Expected Result: The module Magento_Review is disabled. Is it really necessary that the Customer module depends on the Review module? It's the only reason why I can't disable the Review module and a quick search for "Magento\Review" in the Customer module's codebase reveals that only a single file references a class in Review: \Magento\Customer\Block\Adminhtml\Edit\Tab\Reviews. I'm sure this can be refactored to remove the dependency, right?
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See more ideas labeled with: So Magento will migrate lib components to other zf2 or doctrine etc? for example still magento using Zend_Db from zf1.
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There should be a default product media attribute "Hover Image". Product image assigned to this attribute should be visible when user Mouse hover the product image on category page and original image comes back on moue out. This small feature will improve the user experience and benefit conversion rate as well.
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Feature request from davidnguyen2205, posted on GitHub Oct 27, 2016
Magento 2.1.1
Steps to reproduce
Add tax rate & rule (10%)
Change some settings in Stores > Configuration > Sales > Tax:
Add a new product (for testing):
Price: $10
Save then indexer:reindex and clear cache or even disable cache.
Expected result
The price in frontend included tax. The test product's price is $11.
The price when calling rest api ( /V1/products/SKU + /V1/carts/mine + /V1/carts/mine/items ) included tax. The test product's price is $11.
Actual result
On website, it's great.
On the response, the price is always excluded tax.
Is that missing something in my steps to set up the product's price included tax? Or is that an issue?
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It would be so useful to be able to adjust the columns data eg stock levels, quantity and price on the catalog page rather than having to open each individual product.
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In Cache Management, when refreshing caches it would be useful to be able to select only those Caches that are "Invalidated" from the Mass Action menu
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Submitted on
09:17 AM
Submitted by
09:17 AM
Feature request from Silarn, posted on GitHub Feb 02, 2017
When trying to use JavaScript to make an API call where the methods follow JavaScript standards and make an OPTIONS request to the server to determine CORS compatibility, requests will always fail.
This is because Magento has no built-in method for handling OPTIONS requests and will return a 400 error in response.
Magento 2.*
An API call using Angular JS should do the trick
Steps to reproduce
Have a running Magento install with a valid API account
Obtain an authorization key to create an API request
Make any request via AJAX in a standard browser (with valid authentication headers and request data)
Expected result
The API receives an OPTIONS request for the API endpoint and provides valid CORS headers in response
The AJAX call verifies the CORS headers and proceeds to make the API call
Actual result
The API receives an OPTIONS request for the API endpoint and fails, returning a 400 response
The AJAX call fails to validate CORS headers and stops
You can work around this by modifying the HTML server to return a valid response when any OPTIONS request is made, but this is less than ideal. Ideally each individual API endpoint can return valid CORS headers, and other pages will fail or disallow such requests.
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Currently when using configurable products the stock threshold is not working. For example: You have a configurable product based on 5 simple products. Shirt-S (stock 10), Shirt-M (stock 3), Shirt-L (stock 10), Shirt-XL (stock 10) and Shirt-XXL (stock 10). The stock threshold is set to 5. When a user clicks size M the stock status should change to: Only 3 in stock. But it does not.
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When using configurable products based on two or more attributes that make up the simple products, the layered navigation ignores the stock status. This problem allready existed in M1 and remains in M2. Sample: Configurable products has 4 simple products (no backorders allowed, do not display out of stock items): Shirt-Black-S Qty 2 Shirt-Black-M Qty 2 Shirt-Red-S Qty 2 Shirt-Red-M Qty 0 (sold out) When a users filters layered navigation on color Black and Size M they will still get the configurable product even though the Red M is sold out. Would be so nice if the layered navigation index would handle this correctly.
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If your locale is not set to en_US, the PayPal module uses the really old button style: It would be better for an admin to be able to choose the PayPal button flavour inside the payment method, and have the following choices: Also, see Magento\Paypal\Model\Config line 983 (Magento 2.1.3)
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Currently the translations in Magento 2 will use the original string if there is no translation. For instance: en_US.csv: "My First String","My First Translation" "My Second String","My Second Translation" nl_NL.csv: "My First String","Mijn Eerste Vertaling" if you do the following when language is set to 'en_US': echo __('My First String') . '<br>' . __('My Second String'). '<br>' . __('My Third String'); The output will be: My First Translation My Second Translation My Third String (falls back on original string) if you do this when language is set to 'nl_NL':, the output will be: Mijn eerste vertaling My Second String (falls back on original string) My Third String (falls back on original string) I think it would be really useful for it to fall back on the default language first, so the output would be: Mijn eerste vertaling My Second translation (falls back on en_US translation) My Third String (falls back on original string) Why? Because this would open up the ability to use short placeholder strings in the code, instead of the long translations. For instance, you could do: "ACCOUNT_NOT_CONFIRMED","This account is not confirmed. <a href=""%1"">Click here</a> to resend confirmation email." This also gives the benefit of being able to correct the en_US language files (for instance when having spelling mistakes) without having to worry about translations or the string in the code.
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from blizzardengle, posted on GitHub Nov 22, 2016
The dashboard on Magento 2.0+ chooses to display Guest in place of the customers actual name on the Last Orders grid when the customer checkouts without being logged-in.
Using Magento 2.0+ (I am using 2.1.2)
Steps to reproduce
Using Magento 2.0+ (I am using 2.1.2) login to a store that has had customers check out as guests.
Look at the Last Orders grid on the left and it will say Guest and not the customers actual name; the original poster (OP) attached an image into their post.
This seems to be the offending file but I could be wrong: vendor/magento/module-backend/view/adminhtml/templates/dashboard/grid.phtml
Expected result
The Last Orders grid should show who actually placed the order (Billing Name) instead of guest regardless of the fact that they were logged in or not.
Actual result
Look at the OP's screenshot. Look at the Last Orders grid on the left and it will say Guest and not the customers actual name
This issue was raised before but got closed because of formatting and lack of updates, see: #6995
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Based on those links,, Magento 2 maybe should be using the method from Mikkel Bo Schmidt article to chose country and state instead of dropdown list like it uses now? If Magento choses to use it (To me it seems Magento 2 tries to get as far from dropdown as possible) then a way how module developers can also use it should be well documented not like drop-down list creation now. Examples: Magento 2 module Royal Mail Shipping where the list of radio buttons is quite big for customer to look through would need that. Also Estonian post offices dropdown menus added to shipping method that are in more difficulty to create in Magento 2 (Maybe that is the reason why Estonia does not have any commercial shops that uses Magento 2.x) then they were in magento 1.x pages, but they are necessary because no one would scan through such amount of radio buttons. The way described in those posts can solved both problems (city and state drop-down and shipping methods). As it is well known most of the orders that are made in ecommerce websites comes from mobile devices and as mentioned articles referred dropdown lists are not user friendly. Hopefully shipping-methods block extension would get finally documentation for long list of items. CAN ANYONE SEE A REASON WHY MAGENTO SHOULD NOT USE SOLUTION FROM THOSE ARTICLES?! ESTONIAN SHIPPING-METHOD EXAMPLE:
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Feature request from valibus, posted on GitHub Oct 14, 2016
Edit: i guess this is linked to #5648 . This is still waiting for update after a bug created the 14th July (3 month ago => wheen will you fix it)
Anyway, i hope this video i make will help all of you to understand our problem.
Magento 2.1 CE
having already some simple product created for example : variation 1, variation 2
Steps to reproduce
Go to back office
Create a configurable product
Go to configuration area in the product sheet and start the assistant
there is the problem : you couldn't select existing production you have to create other product before.
Expected result
Be able to select simple product using a specific attribute for variation (if was OK in magento 1.9)
Actual result
there is the problem : you couldn't select existing production you have to create other product before.
Please check in attachement the video (using internet explorer to read the swf file)
you will see the function to select existing product only appear at 1:30 only after completing the assistant and creating the virtual product we don't need.
linked to issue :
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With the prevalence of custom pricing contracts with the various carriers, it would be nice to add multiple FedEx account numbers, or UPS account numbers to your shipping method settings based on the service being used. We have international shipping under one account and domestic under another because we get different price breaks.
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Submitted on
12:25 PM
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12:25 PM
Feature request from OleksiyOleksiyovych, posted on GitHub Mar 11, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento from master branch. Version 2.0.2
Go to Store - Configuration - Sales - Payment Methods
Configure PayPal PayFlow Pro
Start create order process
Expected result
Validate credit card number before request to PayPal.
Save information cc_exp_month and cc_exp_year in 'sales_order_payment' table
Actual result
can enter any chapters into credit card field
cc_exp_month and cc_exp_year did not save in sales_order_payment
Additional information
Saving cc_exp_month and cc_exp_year is important for me, because I need this information for reauthorization process. It works well in Magento 1.x.
Maybe, this logic is missed in M2, because I can not find save process of this information like in M1.
Also I found initialization of $_canSaveCc field, but I can not find where it field using. It was use in prepareSave() method (app/code/core/Mage/Payment/Model/Method/Cc.php) in M1.
.//app/code/Magento/Braintree/Model/PaymentMethod.php:93: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Payment/Model/Method/Cc.php:27: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Paypal/Model/Direct.php:96: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Paypal/Model/Hostedpro.php:64: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Paypal/Model/Payflowpro.php:203: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
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