I think forcing users to write reviews is not best practice. You should look up to Google maps for example, and allow merchants to accept review without making mandatory review. I believe this would increase number of reviews significantly and eventually boost sales.
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In Magento1 (Enterprise) you could actually open an order in the backend and go directly to a tab for RMA'd products. This functionality was removed from Magento2, requiring customer service to have to go to a completely different sections (Sales->Returns) to lookup the sales. This is a completely unnecessary step. The RMA tab should be brought back into the Order View.
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There is no option to add Negotiable Quote for a specific admin Role. This should be a default feature along with Magento EE B2B
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The library is deprecated by its author, see below comments bu author: “This repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only. Deprecated. This is a very old polyfill which served old browser decently for the last 4+ years. I am not actively maintaining this project but I would eventually accept PRs if you really need to use it. Please have a look at better alternatives such ES-Shims.” There is a known issue with infinite recursion in this library that’s been identified in a pull request opened a year ago that the author has not yet reviewed or merged. https://github.com/WebReflection/es6-collections/pull/45/files Magento should update this library as it causes issues with third part JS conflicts.
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Sometimes it's useful to get detect type of device on backend to be able use appropriate logic in code (blocks, templates) for different views (desktop, mobile). There is Mobile_Detect (https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect) a lightweight PHP class for detecting devices. Would it be possible include this library in some next releases providing relevant methods of calling it?
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I am suggesting the Magento team creates their own solution that is an alternative to MySQL & ElasticSearch. Elasticsearch is complicated to setup, and customers must pay for "Gold" or "Platinum" service levels to enable security for it.... If the Magento team creates their own implementation then it can be setup with ease like most other core modules... The search data can be loaded into memory and refreshed with cron jobs. ElasticSearch is very frustrating. Why is MySQL searching being deprecated?
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Magento 2 validation is based on jquery.validate plugin. This plugin with default option control the input validation on keyup, like this https://jqueryvalidation.org/files/demo/ Why, on magento this function is disabled on mage/validation? options: {
meta: 'validate',
onfocusout: false,
onkeyup: false,
onclick: false,
ignoreTitle: true,
errorClass: 'mage-error',
errorElement: 'div', And why, do you have write you own logic to control the password character on keyup when the plugin has this function. This behaviour with password checked on press, the confirmation checked on "submit" leaves the user confused
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Can we have a disable/delete all or select catalog/cart price rule in Magento Admin > MARKETING > Promotions - Catalog/Cart Price Rule page? With this feature it won't be hassle of marketing handlers to disable/delete each rule at a time.
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Currently if a company Admin creates a requisition list , he can not share that requisition list with the other users. Also if some sub user creates requisition list then that is not even available to Company admin even if Company has all rights. So, it seems just like requisition list, what is the importance of using requisition list in B2B. how it is important from B2B perspective. I feel requisition list should be shared among the sub users and company admin should have rights to update requisition list of sub users.
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Make products clickable in sales/order/view direct link to product Current M2.3.1 open order, cannot click products Expected open order, there is a direct link to the product edit page Both! supported, direct link under the SKU: if complex product (simple product under configurable), then 1 link to simple product under SKU, link to parent configurable under then name if only simple then both links the same Business rationale Click through objects faster in M2: 1 click object to object Saves copy sku, 4 clicks to products, enter SKU, wait for results, open item Then do the same for parent product
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We have a real big Problem with the REST API because the API doesn't provide GET for Payment- and Shipping-Methods, defined in the Parameters of the Shop. After Hours and Hours of searching we've found Infos about getting this Informations by using Carts, but that's not the Way we need to do it. As Info of Background, we are developing an additional Software for an ERP-Product to syncronize Data between an ERP and for Example a Webshop. Before the Sync happens, we call on both sides to get the needed Infos for mapping them. Without Payments and Shippings we can't get this done completly and the Customer will get wrong created Items in the ERP. That's a real big Problem for us. We've created an addtional Module for Meganto 2 which delivers the missing Infos we need, but this is not the best Way because some Servers/Webspaces doesn't support Commands executed by PHP, so we can't install the Module automatically. What we need in Short Description: GET -> Shipping-Methods (all, defined and viewable in Magento 2 Backend) GET -> Payment-Methods (all, defined and viewable in Magento 2 Backend) Please, if possible, implement this to the REST Api. It will help us a lot. Thx
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I would like to inform , That whenever uploading the product image that was adapted mechanism defaults stored the media to locally instead of s3 bucket , even when you install the s3 extensions, It should avoid and need little identify to default mechanism to adopt s3 bucket.As well as the invoice always storing in locally it should save in s3 bucket.
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There is no “Place Order" Button for the latest ce 2.3.1, the customer do not know to checkout , then have to give up the purchase, we have to make the simple checkout instruction there. It is URGENT to solve it.
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As part of the new 3-D Secure standard that is coming into force in Europe, there are a number of new parameters that should be sent to credit card acquirers. For a full list of the new fields check Credit Card 3DS2 Fields Currently missing information as far as my research showed: customer last login date customer password change date how many attempts to add a credit card to vault (e.g. tried to add 100 credentials and only the last one was valid) customer suspicious activity (there should be a way for a merchant to mark a customer as suspicious) street 3 field for billing and shipping address mobile phone and work phone (add 2 additional phone fields) expected delivery date for preordered products To ensure full compliance with the 3-D Secure standard this fields should be added.
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05:16 AM
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05:16 AM
Hello, I am running a server with plesk installed with the latest version 17.8.11 . The magento package for plesk is version 2.1.0, I would like to install the latest version 2.3.1 but the plesk support said that this version is not supported. When the aps package will be upgraded with the latest magento version? Thanks for your answer.
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Hi! We're running Magento Commerce 2.3 in Docker containers and are looking at centralising logging using Docker's logging framework. For this to work, all logging from applications inside the container needs to be sent to stdout/stderr to be collected by Docker's log service, instead of the standard files under `var/log` and `var/reports`. The Monolog logging framework used by Magento can log in the way required using it's `streamhandler` output, configured to send to `php://stderr`. As Magento does not appear to expose Monolog's configuration for the default loggers, we've tried to re-assign all handlers via DI to the streamhandler as described above, but have had very little luck. Could you please advise if there's a way to configure the default loggers, either via config or code, to send output to stdout/stderr, or accept a feature request to provide this level of configuration? Thanks, Todd.
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We'd like a way to update product categorisation via an import without deleting the product Currently the 'add/update' behavior does not unassign a category for a product. The only way to do this is by using 'replace' which effectively deletes the product - this creates a new ID and is not fit for purpose.
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Please add support to Google Product Reviews for is_spam YES or NO Defaults to NO Google and other aggregators no longer like to have none consequetive review data, meaning review uploads should look like 1,2,3,4,5 and not 1,2,4,5 (3 missing) where review 3 was a SPAM item. See is_spam fields in the specification https://developers.google.com/product-review-feeds/sample/ This way we can export all reviews 1,2,3,4,5 where 3 is marked as is_spam = true https://imgur.com/a/Gx7s1E4
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For PWA we should maintain separate Repository. It should contain apis,models,resource models etc. it should not contain front end controllers,layouts,blocks ,routes etc. in this way our focus only about apis. if any one wants to implement PWA they will download/clone this Repository.
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