Showing ideas with label admin panel.
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Redirected URLs are not preserving query strings in Magento Commerce 2.3.4. This is a problem for older inbound links such as paid links that may be identified with query parameters (ex: ?utm_source=google), which would get lost in a redirect. If redirected URLs are supported, it only makes sense to preserve certain query parameters as well. This is already supported in Magento Commerce Cloud within the Fastly Configuration, so it should also be supported in Magento Commerce.
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Requesting Feature for Product Inquiry Button with Popup form. Description: On Product page, generally besides Add to cart button, an Inquiry button. On clicking the Inquiry button, a popup form opens. On submitting the form, information sent to Dashboard as well as Email include the form fields plus the Product details(embedded 1st image, title, link) of the product from which the form was submitted. Product Inquiry button is seen in almost all E-commerce sites. So, it would be great if it is a part of Magento 2.
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Idea is to allow scope of position value set in "Products in Category" section to Store View. Catalog > Category > Products in Category. Currently, when I select a specific 'Store View' and then set a particular position ordering & save, It gets saved for all Store views. It would be great, to have different order of "Products in Category" for different 'Store View'.
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In comparison to the rich data I can see in Customer->customer administration in Magento 1.8 the new M2.3 offers only very few fields to view in Customer-> all customer. So I find no way to see all customer data including his orders, adresses, wishlists, .... Also handbook does not help. Where is all that functionality gone to? Is there and extension that covers that? Here a comparison from 1.8 screenshot
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admin panel
When choosing what products to upsell from Magento admin it would be great if there was a filter option to show what quantity is available of each product, this would ensure that the user selects a product which has an available qty. Thanks!
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admin panel
In Magento1 (Enterprise) you could actually open an order in the backend and go directly to a tab for RMA'd products. This functionality was removed from Magento2, requiring customer service to have to go to a completely different sections (Sales->Returns) to lookup the sales. This is a completely unnecessary step. The RMA tab should be brought back into the Order View.
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admin panel
There is no option to add Negotiable Quote for a specific admin Role. This should be a default feature along with Magento EE B2B
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admin panel
Make products clickable in sales/order/view direct link to product Current M2.3.1 open order, cannot click products Expected open order, there is a direct link to the product edit page Both! supported, direct link under the SKU: if complex product (simple product under configurable), then 1 link to simple product under SKU, link to parent configurable under then name if only simple then both links the same Business rationale Click through objects faster in M2: 1 click object to object Saves copy sku, 4 clicks to products, enter SKU, wait for results, open item Then do the same for parent product
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admin panel
I would like to inform , That whenever uploading the product image that was adapted mechanism defaults stored the media to locally instead of s3 bucket , even when you install the s3 extensions, It should avoid and need little identify to default mechanism to adopt s3 bucket.As well as the invoice always storing in locally it should save in s3 bucket.
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admin panel
Edit a product, and when you go to select categories you will notice they may not be in the same order as the category structure. This can cause confusion for clients with a large amount of categories.
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admin panel
We need the ability to move reviews en mass easily. We had a problem with our M1 store view when it migrated that caused it to be corrupted. We created a new store view and the issue went away. Now we have 8000+ reviews that we have to move in the database. It'd be great if we could just select all the review and tell it what store to move them to, or to copy them to a new store or store view.
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admin panel
Request: Set Product Attribute "Apply To" not based on Product Type but ... rather visibility (or new attribute) ... or attribute set related We sell for example T-shirts and ties. For T-shirts 1 configurable product exist. With several simple products. For Ties only simple products exist (onesize) Product meta data is stored on the parent product. For T-shirts the configurable product. For ties the simple product. Now if we make an attribute required like COLOR for simple products it also applies to the child products of the t-shirt: and this is where it goes wrong Every time we edit the qty of barcode of a simple product we are enforced to select a color for the simple product. And this is very wrong: meta data is stored on the parent configurable level To me this has always been a design flaw that can be improved Request: create attributes "Apply To" based on something else than Product Type. Rather I can imagine a product is set up as a Salable Parent (meaning: presented on the frontend). So if this flag is set then attribute checks and other apply. It would also simplify many rules and coupon setup.
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admin panel
Product Images that are supplied by international brands often have a expiry date. This is becoming a bigger and biiger problem because brand crawlers or law-agents crawl the web to find these images that have expired, often resulting in fines. In fashion there are several kind of images plain product, pack shot (and zooms/angles) image on dummy/ghost image on a model The images on a model often are valid for a period X. After this date the image should be removed. Request: add a date field to magento product images to set as an start_from and end_date so we can schedule product images. (ps why is there no label/tag on this boad for legal or risk)
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admin panel
Default functionality shows the requisition list icon only upon login. I'd like the option to show it to both logged-in and non logged-in users. If we offer it (and explain what it is), it's an incentive for users to log in.
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admin panel
It's currently a huge pain to manage a large number of cart rules/coupons by having to click into each individual cart rule, and either delete it or to make it active or inactive. To make matters worse, you can't open the view/edit page in a new tab. Because the grid row uses onclick JS events, that part of web accessibility is gone. You can't command-click, or right-click, open in new tab. This would be fixed with a dedicated "edit" button column. I suggest to either add this part of web accessibility back in (by having an action anchor tag, or by having a dedicated column), or instead to add a selection + mass actions for the active/inactive flag, and cart rule deletion.
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admin panel
Please display the product's image at the order information, so that we know the specific product when arrange the shipment.
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admin panel
Hi When we export the products, it lists all the products. There are more than 20 k products on our store. How to export the products as the specific category?
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admin panel
Where can we get a complete list of Magento 2.1 Community reported bugs? Having just installed M2 Community, every time we run into an issue we are told by our developers "that is a Magento bug". We would like to know what is a legitimate bug, if Magento is working on it, when it might be fixed or if we need to fix it ourselves. We love the product but are often frustrated when we cannot get straight answers. Please advise.
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Magento 2.2.1 with 3 store view / languages In product ID 192, the product has a color option with 20 color value, and I have translated it for 3 different store view / languages In default store view: In French store view: In product ID 191, the product has the same custom options like in product 192. I click on import options in Customizable Options in default store view, and import it from product ID 192, then save. And then, I changed to French store view, the value should be in French as I translated in product ID 192, but all be covered by default value. And I tried to import it in French store view, but the value also be covered by default value. So, for multi language site, import custom option should import with different store view, that will be much easier to add products.
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